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American Catholics show their colors

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I guess they didn't ask me.  Of course, I am very far from a model Catholic, but I did grow up going to church(sometimes) and CCD Sunday School.  So many people are misinformed about the Israeli situation, and the Middle East in general, I am not surprised.  It is not Catholics only.  Also, is divestment the same thing as ending foreign aid?  I think that American dollars buying Israeli products is a good thing.  Our government giving Israel money seems to be the problem.

As one that was a catholic, who left the 'church' when I first started to reason at an early age I can tell you this. The catholic church is a pro leftest organization that wants to destroy white America, turn Israel into a turd world multi-cult slum, and collect as much money as it can, as to hush up people that have been sexually exploited by its priests. The 'church' goes out to indoctrinate very low IQ people so their numbers and treasury will grow.As far as being anti-semetic, I feel that this may be a result of their pro leftest leanings. The church is opposed to any person, people or country that promotes freedom and who will defend its territories from aggression. Taking this political agenda, it would be obvious that the church would hate Israel, America and even Australia. As far as the individuals members of the church, I have met very few white catholics that are anti-semites, but the vast majority of catholics from south of the border are card carrying Jew haters as well as their black brothers. I asked a lot of Mexicans why they were so hateful of the Jews they told me this story. They told me that the bandit, murderer, and thief, Poncho Villa, was sired by a wealthy Jewish landlord who mated with Villa's mother as well as all the other women on his plantation. They informed me that this was common practice in turn of the century mexico. According to these mexicans, Jews owned all the land, etc., etc, you know the rest. I read a lot about mexico and there seems to be a less than slight Jewish population in mexico. If any you guys ever heard of this, please inform us. I believe it is one more lie, made up of people who are jealous and see by the success of others their own character faults.

Christian Zionist:
I am a Protestant Christian who attends a Bible believing church. It is an independant non-denominational church which staunchly supports Israel.  Only a few blacks in the church are anti-Israel as most of the blacks are interested what they can get out of the church.  In our church we have the American flag and the Israeli flag on either side of the santuary.  Among Protestants Anglicans, Episcopals, Preysbyterians, Lutherans and Methodist are anti-semitic.  But a lot of individual Christians from these liberal denominations do support Israel. These denominations are declining in their moral strength and their members are leaving these churches rapidly.  Churches who supports are experiencing tremendous growth, increase in morality, low divorce rate and stauch committment to the laws of God.

As I am not a Catholic I cannot speak for them.  However I have noticed individual Catholics expressing their support for Israel.

A day will come when Zionist Christianity would become the mainstream and some of these liberal denominations will even cease to exist.

Johnson Brown:

--- Quote from: Bonim Binyanim on December 31, 2006, 12:59:21 AM ---They have my blessing if they want to divest from Israel. Israel doesn't need foreign aid or any other encouragement to commit suicide.

--- End quote ---
You are right Israel doesn't need encouragement to commit suicide they are doing a good job by themselves.

Johnson Brown:
I hate to tell everyone but it's not the Catholics that hate Israel and Jews it's the whole liberal society that we are living in.
The liberals see the Muslims as the poor souls that Israel is beating up and the Muslims are all innocent.
It's like the liberals here, the whites are all bad and the blacks are the poor souls that are getting beat up by big bad whitey.
This is the liberal mentality so just don't blame one religion or group.


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