It was good but there were few odd parts:
1. The baseball part was exaggerated and not really that important in the grand scheme of things.
2. The e-coli story got confusing. It really was two separate stories. her appendix blew up and she was misdiagnosed, she ate some dirty food and got sick from E-coli this lead to a worse appendix problem?
3. So many products not being made in America is a huge deal. Then she brings up computers and ironically enough to answer her question- Microsoft products are made in America.
4. The Mayor of Detroit is a gangster but he is only Mayor because his mother was a popular (and horrible) politician.
~Thank you VERY MUCH, Baltimore for your opinion and words. It is NOT easy to do a show, or a story of events that take place, without a script. I didn't bring up microsoft. Baseball was a love I USE to have, (At 16 yrs of age, I was clocked with a 84 MPH HARDBALL, and was 'accepted' on the boys baseball team in H.S., so this is a close-to-home subject for- me plus the fact, that I am a FEMALE.) Perhaps it was not that important- but it is in the grand scheme of things, Baseball is an AMERICAN game, that the big leaguers should have NEVER brought the Dominican Republican into- its ALL about the BUCK. The e-coli story is confusing to myself to this very day, (this happened to me about 8 mos. ago now.) what I was saying, and still stick to- was the fact that I was sick because of illegal 'workers' that do not wash hands, that is what makes for dirty filthy disgusting 'food'. I am NO great orator, like Chaim ben Pesach, he is 10,000 times the person that I will ever be, or should hope to be.
~I am a TERRIBLE 'actress' *AWFUL*- I have not EVER gotten a part in a dramatic production, (only musical & comedy delivery) I am not capable of 'pretending' fake dramatic acts.. I do not have a flair for the dramatics as well, I have a righteous indignation- this OFTEN gets mistook for 'dramatics'- in life, I am a very quiet person, and VERY shy, you may feel free to ask David about this, he is witness to my embarassing-looking beet RED face- OFTEN. ~Please forgive if this is taken as 'defensive', because it is not, I believe that it is important for people to know who I am as a person. I am American Schnectady, Portuguese Jewish extention, and because of my deep roots in being a Scot, I have embraced Christianity, church and bible, although I much rather prefer Judaism the Synogogue and Torah (the books of the Prophets, especially) Israel is just as important to me as is America, other than all of that background, I am just a little Long Island Gal from Hampton Bays (Good Ground) I grew up AMERICAN, and the America I grew up in, is non-existant, which is VERY painful to me, to say the very least.. David ben Moshe is my total inspiration, outside of Chaim ben Pesach.
~~I thank you VERY MUCH for listening carefully enough to point out things that were said out of anger, which many times can stand in the place of reason, which is why I FIRMLY believe that a female must NEVER take the highest office in the land. ~Baltimore- I APPRECIATE YOU more than you know..SHALOM/PEACE. ~Paulette Anne