Author Topic: Second Temple Period Quarry Discovered  (Read 1998 times)

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Second Temple Period Quarry Discovered
« on: May 28, 2008, 11:23:33 PM »
Second Temple Period Quarry Discovered
By Shauna Naghi

( Dr. Gerald Finkelstein, who is leading a new archaeological dig in Jerusalem, claims to have discovered the very quarry which supplied stones used thousands of years ago to build Jerusalem's Western Wall, also known as the Kotel.

Pottery from the Herodian period through the destruction of the Second Temple was found at the excavation site. These finds, paired with the type of stone, further suggested the quarry's connection to the construction of the supporting walls surrounding the Temple Mount, including the Kotel.

Stones of the Temple, Arutz 7 Video:

In the above video, Dr. Finkelstein expresses his excitement at this dig, his first time working on an archaeological site in Israel.