Author Topic: Blacks are not the real problem-We have our own "Enemy Within"  (Read 8177 times)

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Blacks are not the real problem-We have our own "Enemy Within"
« on: September 01, 2006, 02:10:42 AM »
 ???  I just do not get it !  :'(These are people without any sense of self-respect to want to write this crap !
We have a whole generation of young whites that are tragicly brainwashed ! This is the real problem as I see it ! I assume this is what they use as text books in college sociology classes to indoctrinate our young people. I took "Socialistology" in the '70's when I went to  college but it was never as bad as it is now !


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Re: Blacks are not the real problem-We have our own "Enemy Within"
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2006, 04:01:44 AM »
I see your point.

But consider closely.  Let no one deny that being a 'white' person these days must be pretty tough, especially a 'white' male.  Basically everything is demanded of you, especially by white women, and nothing is given you in return.  People just take from you, and despise you for being such a passive slave.

White men are forced to do the grunt work of operation of the globalist machine; they are the middle-men and managers, they are the skilled technicians who have to bite their lip as attractive blonde women prance around in front of them in the laps of gigantic negroes.  And there is not one damn thing that 'white' men can do about this routine humiliation they receive at the hands of the white woman.

So it's tough being a white man.  Sometimes you feel like there's no hope left, and that everyone hates you, and that there's no point in being alive.  But some white men realize that if you cannot beat it, you should join it: so they convert to the feminist (white female supremacist) cause, and start talking about how gosh-darn wonderful those negroids are.  And the white women lap it up.

See, it suits white women to have white men in such a state as this.  More white male homosexuals and effete negro-lovers equates to more influence for the white female.  And in turn the white female is using her position of social and sexual hegemony to uplift the negro and use him as muscle against the white man.

Some Nazi idiots have blamed Jewish people for the ills of Aryan society but the responsibility lies squarely on the shoulders of the white women who have for many decades now been actively subverting and preparing to carry out a holocaust against the white man.

White men must publish more MISOGYNISTIC books and less books simpering about how wonderful negroes are!  White women need to be brought to heel!

Offline cjd

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Re: Blacks are not the real problem-We have our own "Enemy Within"
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2006, 06:29:25 AM »
I see your point.

But consider closely.  Let no one deny that being a 'white' person these days must be pretty tough, especially a 'white' male.  Basically everything is demanded of you, especially by white women, and nothing is given you in return.  People just take from you, and despise you for being such a passive slave.

White men are forced to do the grunt work of operation of the globalist machine; they are the middle-men and managers, they are the skilled technicians who have to bite their lip as attractive blonde women prance around in front of them in the laps of gigantic negroes.  And there is not one damn thing that 'white' men can do about this routine humiliation they receive at the hands of the white woman.

So it's tough being a white man.  Sometimes you feel like there's no hope left, and that everyone hates you, and that there's no point in being alive.  But some white men realize that if you cannot beat it, you should join it: so they convert to the feminist (white female supremacist) cause, and start talking about how gosh-darn wonderful those negroids are.  And the white women lap it up.

See, it suits white women to have white men in such a state as this.  More white male homosexuals and effete negro-lovers equates to more influence for the white female.  And in turn the white female is using her position of social and sexual hegemony to uplift the negro and use him as muscle against the white man.

Some Nazi idiots have blamed Jewish people for the ills of Aryan society but the responsibility lies squarely on the shoulders of the white women who have for many decades now been actively subverting and preparing to carry out a holocaust against the white man.

White men must publish more MISOGYNISTIC books and less books simpering about how wonderful negroes are!  White women need to be brought to heel!

Is their something in the water supply where you live because you have the ravings of a lunatic. Are you so  feeble minded that the sight of a white woman and black man together will cause you to lose all hope. If  a white woman goes with a black its her loss this white man is off to greener pastures. Woman who go with black men are not subverting anyone but themselves and society.

On a more positive note Bongoid shows the root of the problem However its starts the first day a child walks into school.

 Posted by: B0NG0ID
Insert Quote
 Huh  I just do not get it !  :'(These are people without any sense of self-respect to want to write this crap !
We have a whole generation of young whites that are tragicly brainwashed ! This is the real problem as I see it ! I assume this is what they use as text books in college sociology classes to indoctrinate our young people. I took "Socialistology" in the '70's when I went to  college but it was never as bad as it is now !

« Last Edit: September 08, 2006, 06:31:02 AM by cjd »
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Re: Blacks are not the real problem-We have our own "Enemy Within"
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2006, 11:15:29 AM »
I see your point.

But consider closely.  Let no one deny that being a 'white' person these days must be pretty tough, especially a 'white' male.  Basically everything is demanded of you, especially by white women, and nothing is given you in return.  People just take from you, and despise you for being such a passive slave.

White men are forced to do the grunt work of operation of the globalist machine; they are the middle-men and managers, they are the skilled technicians who have to bite their lip as attractive blonde women prance around in front of them in the laps of gigantic negroes.  And there is not one damn thing that 'white' men can do about this routine humiliation they receive at the hands of the white woman.

So it's tough being a white man.  Sometimes you feel like there's no hope left, and that everyone hates you, and that there's no point in being alive.  But some white men realize that if you cannot beat it, you should join it: so they convert to the feminist (white female supremacist) cause, and start talking about how gosh-darn wonderful those negroids are.  And the white women lap it up.

See, it suits white women to have white men in such a state as this.  More white male homosexuals and effete negro-lovers equates to more influence for the white female.  And in turn the white female is using her position of social and sexual hegemony to uplift the negro and use him as muscle against the white man.

Some Nazi idiots have blamed Jewish people for the ills of Aryan society but the responsibility lies squarely on the shoulders of the white women who have for many decades now been actively subverting and preparing to carry out a holocaust against the white man.

White men must publish more MISOGYNISTIC books and less books simpering about how wonderful negroes are!  White women need to be brought to heel!

Is their something in the water supply where you live because you have the ravings of a lunatic. Are you so  feeble minded that the sight of a white woman and black man together will cause you to lose all hope. If  a white woman goes with a black its her loss this white man is off to greener pastures. Woman who go with black men are not subverting anyone but themselves and society.

On a more positive note Bongoid shows the root of the problem However its starts the first day a child walks into school.

 Posted by: B0NG0ID
Insert Quote
 Huh  I just do not get it !  :'(These are people without any sense of self-respect to want to write this crap !
We have a whole generation of young whites that are tragicly brainwashed ! This is the real problem as I see it ! I assume this is what they use as text books in college sociology classes to indoctrinate our young people. I took "Socialistology" in the '70's when I went to  college but it was never as bad as it is now !

Non-black women date black men usually to get back at their parents, or someone else in particular.

The malignant issue of 'feminism' is underrated on this forum, and I'm not talking about bull-dykes in battle fatigues.  Our society has become overrun with feminized ideas...seatbelts, helmets, gun laws, tolerance, civil rights, political correctness, diplomacy, etc.  Women tend to be compassionate, which is of course wonderful.  A problem arises however when compassion becomes perverted. 

Any man who is married or has a girlfriend knows the TREMENDOUS power that women hold...not only in terms of their physical beauty, but also because of their cunning and intelligence.  I believe wholeheartedly that women make decisions in times of peace as do men in times of war.  After WWII, we in the West enjoyed unprecedented peace and prosperity...and with it came Marxist Lucifer Coon, Malcom eXcrement, civil rights, abortion (first world-suicide), etc. 

Until our lives are TRULY threatened here in the West, feminized ideals will continue to reign.  The correction is coming soon however.

I do not hate women, quite the contrary.  I just prefer not to be assaulted and sexually harassed by scantily-clad, gorgeous females all day long when I am out in public.  They use their beauty as a weapon.

As far as I know, men cannot bare children.  Isn't there something that women cannot do?

Offline Shlomo

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Re: Blacks are not the real problem-We have our own "Enemy Within"
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2006, 03:02:48 PM »
I do not hate women, quite the contrary.  I just prefer not to be assaulted and sexually harassed by scantily-clad, gorgeous females all day long when I am out in public.  They use their beauty as a weapon.

Yup... it's called sexual harassment but somewhere the liberals think that men can't be harassed sexually. Some of the stuff they wear is seriosuly wrong. Children shouldn't be subjected to it!
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Re: Blacks are not the real problem-We have our own "Enemy Within"
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2006, 05:54:39 PM »
My sister insists on wearing skirts that I think are thick belts at best, my dad agrees with me and has asked her not to wear them, but she takes no notice of that fact, and my dad doesn't like telling her to do things now rather than asking, as she's 19. She says that these "short skirts" are more comfortable in the summer, and they are cheaper. In my opinion they are almost as indecent as the pictures on page three of the british "newspaper" called the sun.


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Re: Blacks are not the real problem-We have our own "Enemy Within"
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2006, 01:24:34 PM »
I just prefer not to be assaulted and sexually harassed by scantily-clad, gorgeous females all day long when I am out in public.

Agreed.  But women don't do things for no good reason.  They are sexualizing themselves and going with blacks because the 'white' race is on its last legs.

White guys are today where Jews were in 586 BCE.  The future of the white race will be the same as what happened to the Jews, i.e., humiliation, degradation, rape of women by foreign invaders, etc.


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Re: Blacks are not the real problem-We have our own "Enemy Within"
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2006, 10:42:50 AM »