Author Topic: neo-Marxist Church, Science and Witch Hunts  (Read 1369 times)

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neo-Marxist Church, Science and Witch Hunts
« on: April 17, 2008, 07:20:08 PM »
neo-Marxist Church, Science and Witch Hunts
NOTE: the original article's name is "Liberal Orthodox Church, Science and Witch Hunts"
It is about what we call in Flanders " De Linkse Kerk ";
The neo-Marxists.
I changed into the neo-Marxist Church out of respect for our Serbian members.

Guy White - 4/17/2008

One of the white readers of my blog commented that he would get fired if anyone found out that he reads my thoughts. Not only is he not allowed to agree with me, he's not even allowed to read this. One's mind must be so completely closed that he's not allowed to find out what the "enemy" is thinking, unless he's a "trained professional" acting as part of anti-racist witch hunt organization like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and other High Priests of the Liberal Orthodox Church of Political Correctness and Minority Empowerment ("LOC").

During the Roman times, people were crucified. During the Inquisition, they were burned. In Stalinist Russia, they were worked to death in Siberian gulags (concentration camps).

Luckily such options are not available to the Revolutionary Guard of the neo-Marxist Church, but they will employ any option available to them to destroy the infidels - career destruction, public humiliation, criminal prosecution, physical assaults.

People are constantly intimidated not to go against the commandments of the LOC.

Just as during other times of great religious/political fervor, those trying to climb up the status ladder try to "out-moral" one another. During Victorian times, many upper class individuals considered it improper to use the word "leg" and preferred "limb" as a less sexually-charged word. Today, people regularly use various language tricks to avoid calling a spade a spade. Scientists therefore cannot speak of race. They must talk about "people who originally derived from particular continents".

In their religious/political fervor, people must go to ridiculous extremes. If you say that you don't see race, it makes you a better person than someone who does not discriminate but can differentiate a Zulu from a Swede.

Just as in other times of great religious/political fervor, there are witch hunts. In Stalinist Russia, a "counter-revolutionary" or a "kulak" (private farmer/enemy of the state) was hiding under every bed and behind every corner. Citizens of Stalin's Russia had to be forever vigilant for "anti-Soviet" activities and statements. Today, we are told to be forever vigilant for racist activity.

A while ago I watched a show where undercover journalists made racist statements. Those people who went about their business and did not confront the "racists" were attacked and embarrassed on national TV. Thus, merely going about your business and refusing to serve as "volunteer PC police" is enough to suffer embarrassment on a national scale. These people cannot be elected to public office, they cannot achieve a high position in a corporation, they cannot serve as clergy. They are damaged goods. Just for going about their business, they will forever be tainted the same as someone who starred in pornography would.

You must also be forever self-vigilant, always admitting your shortcomings. During the Inquisition, one had to apologize for having sexual desires. In the Soviet Union, one had to apologize for still having a desire to promote one's self-interest. In the United States, we have to be forever vigilant to keep our racial thoughts clean and occasionally admit in public confessional that those you can never totally get rid the racist devil that possesses your body and your brain.

In Stalinist Russia, there was no defense to the charge of counter-revolutionary activity. During the Inquisition and in subsequent times of religious domination, there was no defense to the charge of being a witch. Today there's no defense to the charge of racism. Your life will be destroyed if someone merely throws the accusation at you, no matter how unfounded.

You can spend your whole life promoting the interests of African-Americans (e.g., Geraldine Ferraro and Mark Green), but one misstep, one statement, one act that does not please the High Priests of the Liberal Orthodox Church of Political Correctness and Minority Empowerment, and you will be thrown overboard even by your closest friends. They may feel bad for you, but they will not want to have their lives destroyed by defending the infidel's right to free speech, especially knowing that nothing can be done to help you.

Scientists (and maybe cops and prosecutors) face this dilemma more than anyone. It is easy to be a journalist or a sociology professor - just argue what's politically correct and to hell with factual accuracy. There's no way to tell with 100% certainty if it's good or bad to impose affirmative action and diversity training on schools and corporations, so one can support the LOC commandments simply because it helps one's career.

For a scientist, this is much harder.

How do you claim that there is no race when you can clearly see that the DNA, hormonal level, brain size, propensity for disease, skin color and shape of body parts of people who originated from different continents is in fact different?

How do you deny that behavior is linked to genetics when you can tell exactly which gene is responsible for a predisposition to some specific trait? How do you deny that there are behavioral differences among races that are rooted in genetics when you know for a fact that some genes are more prevalent in some racial and ethnic groups than others?

How do you claim that environment is the only important factor and genetics is irrelevant when raising a child when you know for a fact that identical twins, even those that were split at birth and raised by radically different family, tend to have very similar IQ, interests, athletic abilities, hobbies and crime rates? How do you explain why adopted children are far closer to their biological parents than to the people who raised them?

Most scientists simply avoid controversial research. Others will stumble upon a conclusion that goes against the teachings of the Liberal Orthodox Church, and will fluff up the science with assertions (naked statements backed by nothing) about the steps that can be undertaken to counter nature. Still others will conduct research in reverse - they will start with a conclusion that fits the PC dogma and then find a few illusory reasons to explain their conclusion.

Defending PC dogma is easy. Just say something. Anything. After all, anyone who critiques your work as not sufficiently academic/scientific will be branded a racist and destroyed. Defending non-PC conclusions requires proof beyond unreasonable doubt and is therefore impossible. Nobody will ever agree with your conclusions because they do not want their lives destroyed by the PC police that is forever vigilant for racists hiding under the bed.

The only exception to this rule are the tenured professors who cannot be faired except for very rare offenses and black scientists. A black scientist has a lot more room to state the truth because being branded an "Uncle Tom" is nowhere near as bad as being branded a "racist". But a "whitey" trying to keep his job at least until he gets tenure (if that's even available to him) will have to keep his mouth shut and arrive at the conclusions approved by the High Priests of the neo-Marxist Church.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.