Author Topic: Suspicious Merkaz massacre?  (Read 2109 times)

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Offline Mifletzet

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Suspicious Merkaz massacre?
« on: April 02, 2008, 08:07:46 AM »
Barry Chamish sees a conspiracy under every rock.

But his research often digs up interesting anomalies.

What's the opinion on his latest piece?

My previous piece on the very tragic yet suspicious massacre at Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva, concluding with how the Israeli shadow government framed Baruch Goldstein for the Hebron massacre in a similar way 14 years before, brought my secret weapon out of hiding. Of course, I write of my brilliant readers. Let us begin with Rachelle who is immensely confused about the circumstances of the murderer's killing.
        We begin with the interview of David Shapira:

Shapira currently serves as assistant chief of staff for operations in the 890 Paratrooper Battalion. Shapira recounted the dreadful moments at the yeshiva. Shapira told the mayor that he was sitting at home when he heard gunshots. He immediately grabbed his gun and headed towards the seminary.
A police officer stopped him from entering the place, so Shapira entered the building through a side door and advanced towards the library, from where he heard the gunshots.
Shapira moved into the room, shot the terrorist in the back, and kicked his weapon aside. He then scanned the basement to see whether another terrorist was hiding there.
In the meantime, Yitzhak Dadon also arrived at the library, and seeing that the terrorist was wounded but not dead, shot him twice in the head and killed him. Shapira continued canvassing the place and attending to the injured.

          Now compare Shapira's version with that of Yitzhak Dadon in

The part-time yeshiva student who first shot the terrorist, 40-year-old Yitzchak Dadon, said he was in the Yeshiva's study hall when he heard the shots.  "Everyone left through a side door," he said, "and I left through a window, and lied down on a roof overlooking the library... When he came out, I shot him in the head twice.  I saw him start to stagger, and then David Shapira [a yeshiva graduate and paratroopers officer] arrived on the scene, shot him with his M-16 rifle, and then we emptied our magazines into him."

          Now, even assuming that one of the journalists was guilty of a misquote, neither Dadon nor Shapira has said this is the case. If not the case, then according to Shapira, HE shot the murderer in the back, Dadon then arrived in the library and shot him twice more in the head.
          Meanwhile, Dadon claims he was on a roof overlooking the library where HE shot the murderer twice in the head and then Shapira arrived to apply the coup de grace.
          Because Dadon told the media that Shimon Peres was guilty of the murder by supplying the weapon, which led to a near riot when Peres spoke in France, Shapira's version is getting all the play in the mainstream media, while Dadon's story is receiving full exposure in the religious media.
          Rachelle is leaning towards Shapira's version. She is most uncomfortable with, "which window,,how to get to the roof,,,line of sight." I, on the other hand, smell a rotten fish with Shapira saying he entered through a side door because the police blocked his entrance. How then was he wearing a police cap?:


A second question threatening to undermine the police narrative originally
proposed is the question of the "identification" cap that IDF Paratrooper
Capt. David Shapira borrowed from a policeman at the scene before entering
the building to pursue the terrorist. Although it was initially assumed that
Shapira took the cap from the policeman standing at the entrance, the cap
was later identified as a detective's cap, not the type of headgear the
patrolman would have been wearing.   

            There is something very wrong with the Shapira-Dadon testimonies. They are such polar opposites that even the Yeshiva believes it has been infiltrated by the secret services: 

Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva: 'Shabak Agent Among Us'

13 Adar Bet/20 March

( Notices that have been put up in Jerusalem's Merkaz HaRav yeshiva warn students of the presence of a Shabak (General Security Service) agent. The agent is pretending to be a friend of one of the victims of the massacre two weeks ago and is trying to get information from the students, the notices said.
"Keep your eyes and ears open and avoid unnecessary conversations," they added.
The notices explained that a parent of one of the students spoke to the man and understood that he was trying to encourage the boys to give him information that could interest the security forces.
                Then, there is the public police report that in Jerusalem's tight security situation, the murderer carried a gun and 600 bullets into the Yeshiva with no outside help. Not only is the question of who gave the murderer his weapon unanswered, equally unanswered is how he got to the Yeshiva with 20 full bullet clips and a rifle. Do we believe he took a bus to the massacre, or maybe he walked eight miles from his home, or did someone drive him there? In any of the cases, the murderer, could not have worked alone. Two readers reached the same conclusion:

The terrorist carried 500-600 bullets, in a box, into the yeshivah??  How much does that weigh?  How big a box? No one suspected his package? 
Didn't he have to reload several times?  Thank G-d, "only" 8 were murdered by 500 bullets (what a marksman).

I asked that same question.  600 bullets?  And nobody noticed?  And how many times did he have to reload for that?  People initially suspected there was a second shooter, but then the story was forgotten about.  It's impossible to believe that he went on shooting 600 bullets for twenty minutes in a building on a busy street without police intervention.  At the very least the police delayed doing anything about it deliberately in order to create a civil chaos scheme later.  And at worst Peres and friends planned it--not surprising given the zealotry with which the government has been trying to give away Jerusalem since he became President.

                Please, eventually scroll to the end for my new DVD, Taking Israel Back. But for now we have a long piece of true investigation of the Hebron massacre of 1994 by my astute reader, Yehuda.

I read your findings about Purim 1994. Interesting.
I would like to remind you about my findings in the Ma'ara.
1/  The bullet holes still visible in those days enabled me to
trace Dr. Goldstein's last moments from the minute he entered
through the northern side entrance till his death not far from
the main entrance to Ulam Yitschak.
2/ Question 1 is of course why would the man choose to open a
closed (or perhaps locked side entrance whereas the main
entrance was open. Because of the lone soldier standing there?
Of course not, because why would a sleepy soldier ask
questions to a reserve duty officer ! Because this unexpected
entrance would enable to kill more and easier ? nonsense.
question 2 is who shot when and where.  Most of the bullets
but not all exited from Goldstein's rifle. Who was the other
shooter ? Where did he come from and where did he go to?
Question 3 is how come scores of bullets hit the ceiling,
walls and floor.
Question 4 is at what time did it all happen, Dr.Watson ?

Let's start with question 4.  Judge Shamgar got two groups of
three soldiers. One group said 5.15 and the other 5.45.
Sherlock Holmes would have know who lied and who spoke the
truth by checking the morning prayers in the Mosque on a day
to day basis. Because we know at what point during the prayer
it all started, all we have to know is at what time morning
prayer starts on 25 th of February (time is fixed by daybreak
and sunrise). We will find that the inaccuracy is up to
several minutes, not half an hour.One group of soldier can be
dismissed as liars. And Judge Shamgar did a very poor job.

Standard procedure in Zahal is that a person is only allowed
to use his weapon in case of immediate personal danger. And
even then first he should shoot in the air at an angle of 60
degrees,  then if the danger remains, the attacked person
should shoot at the lower limbs in order to neutralize the
Only if nothing else helps, the attacked person must shoot in
order to kill.
Dr. Goldstein knew those orders and executed them by the book.
After entering the Northern Aisle he detected serious
hostility and shot in the ceiling. At least One bullet missed
the ceiling and hit one of the main pillars holding the Main
Aisle on the opposite side at about 10 meters elevation.
Dr. Goldstein tried to reach the main entrance (in the Main
Aisle), but could not because of the people in his way.
These were men trying to get on their feet (from kneeling) and
flee the place, and others who attacked Dr. Goldstein. So
Goldstein started shooting towards the floor and the lower
limbs of his attackers. The stone flooring in the area where
the Northern Aisle is connected to the Main Aisle showed signs
of damage in the form of slivers of stone that disappeared.
Finally in his desperation to get out of Ulam Yitschak (alive)
Dr. Goldstein shot at his attackers, but those outnumbered
him, clubbed him down and murdered him.

Now we know why bullets hit the very high ceilings and the
flooring. We also understand the explanations of the Alia
Hospital in Hebron in an interview with an Arab Jerusalem
paper. the hospital doctor spoke only about injuries in the
lower limbs caused by shrapnel or bullets. He did not say that
among the dead were several elderly man who had been trampled
on by the fleeing.  They could not get on their old feet fast
Other elderly man had been killed by bullets fired by Dr.
Goldstein aiming at the floor (and not at old man unable to
rise).Note only old men died !

And who shot actually ? Gun bullets (Shamgar report) were
found in the Ma'ara besides the bullets fired by Dr. Goldstein
Did "settler nr. 2" described by the Arabs shoot these
bullets?  Why and where ? And why did the sentry at the main
entrance shoot (and kill) the fleeing Imam outside the Ulam

Last question:  did Dr. Goldstein carry any luggage ? If so
what was in there ?
There are several contradictions in the official story telling
if, why and where Dr. Goldstein was enlisted that night. No
doubt rumours were going around about an imminent attack on
the praying Jews and Arabs) in the Ma'ara. Some say the source
of these rumours was the Shabaq interested in stirring up
troubles , that would enable the forced evacuation of the Jews
from Chevron. The Arabs prepared themsleves and placed a
cupboard full of metal rods inside the Ma'ara.The Imam was
supposed to bang the microphone in case of immediate danger.

Dr. Goldstein was called up that night to be on stand by.
A Jeep took him to the Ma'ara.  He and another soldier (?)
entered from the side (Northern Aisle). Did the doctor carry
his medical equipment ? Did they enter just in order to have a
look what was going on or because someone reported that they
needed a doctor in Ulam Yitschak ? I believe the doctor was
called as a professional. That was his creed, to give medical
assistance no matter Jew or Arab. He had no reason to enter
the Ulam Yitschak but as a doctor.
If the call was false and originated in the Shabaq trying to
compromise the Jews in general and this doctor in particular,
the Shabaq murdered both Dr. Goldstein and 29 innocent elderly
I hope and pray the Shabaq was not involved.

The Imam saw the two armed men, banged his microphone and a
group of "guards" took the metal rods and attacked the intruders.
"settler nr 1 in army uniform fired a few shots and fled
through the northern entrance bolting the door behind him.
Dr. Goldstein heard the bolting and tried to shoot his way to
reach the main entrance, shooting according to the rules (air,
floor,in order to kill). He did not make it. The sentry at the
main entrance did not come to his aide,and shot the fleeing
Imam instead. The other soldiers were nowhere.Three of them
can not tell even at what time it all happened. They were absent.

The bullet holes have been plastered, the floor does not show
the damage anymore, One day the truth will come out.  Yehuda

          The truth is coming out, it's just not being believed.

          Keep reading to the end when finally you'll see how to get Taking Back Israel. For now, this past week, I tackled the real story of Jonathan Pollard on the following radio shows:

The Story of Jonathan Pollard with Host
Dr. Stanley Monteith and Guest Investigative Reporter,
Journalist and Author, Mr. Barry Chamish
Scroll Down to - 03-19-08 & click on Hour: "b" second
half of the program at 9:00: Barry Chamish:
"The story of Johnathan Pollard"
Note: The "Standard Player" is Windows Media

URLs Last 2 shows Barry Chamish was guest ...

Nadia Shamsedin:

                We do have influence, just no power. Look at my Rabin research professionally handled in Hebrew:

                      It only took 14 years, but my investigation of the Hebron massacre is becoming nearly mainstream thinking. In another 14, it'll become history. I didn't write the following. Whoever did, knows my contentions:

Dr. Baruch Goldstein was murdered 14 years ago

[Mearat a-Mahpela (The Cave of the Patriarchs) is the burial place of Abraham, Yitzhak, and Jacob. The place was purchased by Abraham and conquered by Jacob. The cave is the second-holiest Jewish site. The insane rulers of Israel gave Arabs most of Mearat a-Mahpela even though Arabs massacred Jewish community in the very same city of Hebron.]
Yigal Amir, although he did not actually kill Rabin, is a hero because he raised his gun against a high-ranking traitor, the murderer of Altalena. I would love to know that Dr. Baruch Goldstein walked into the holy Jewish site desecrated by Arabs and exacted revenge on them and preempted the planned pogrom. Unfortunately, I am not sure about that. Dr. Goldstein was a good Jew and a wonderful person, but he was not perhaps a national hero. He was a victim.
The official story is simple: On Purim 1994, the mad Kahanist took his rifle, went into the mosque, and shot the worshipers. Never mind that the place should not be a mosque in the first place. Never mind the Arabs were shot from the different rifle than Dr. Goldstein’s. And certainly never mind that he allegedly shot 154 Arabs with 140 bullets.
The absurdity of the government’s scenario was immediately apparent: a tender person, caring doctor shot Muslims in cold blood. The government ventured a libel that Dr. Goldstein, an army doctor, was so mad that he even refused to obey orders of his commanders and declared his only authorities to be RAMBAM and Kahane, and also refused to treat Gentiles. Those lies were perpetuated though Dr. Goldstein’s commanders disproved them immediately, and he in fact was distinguished for excellence in medical service and have treated many non-Jews.
The Arab crowd lynched Dr. Goldstein after disarming him. Israeli attorney general refused to prosecute the murderers most of whom were well known and boasting of the murder. In another case, when a Jew shot an Arab terrorist after disarming him, the Jew was sentenced to long prison term even though he acted in temporary insanity. As everyone says, Arabs are not treated on par with Jews in the state of Israel. They are treated preferentially.
Immediately after murdering Dr. Goldstein, the Arab mob attempted a large-scale pogrom in Hebron, with nine Jews and a number of Arabs killed in the subsequent clashes. The Hamas-led pogrom was premeditated, prepared long before the incident, as the official warnings indicate. A day before, Palestinian mob ("worshipers") rioted in the Cave, and shortly before the incident they chanted "Slaughter the Jews," as Shamgar report concedes. Acting on Major Stellman's order, the IDF surprisingly released the arrested Palestinian inciter. Despite the exceedingly high tensions and clear pogrom mood, the IDF and Border Police didn't bring reinforcements but left only a handful of guards at the Cave. Massacre of Jews was in the air, and the Israeli government welcomed it, as the massacre would have ended the troublesome Jewish presence in Hebron, as the 1929 massacre did.
The official story accuses Dr. Baruch Goldstein of opening fire at Arabs. Any sensible person - and that doesn't include leftists of Shamgar Commission - would ask how could the doctor achieve at least 154 Arab casualties, including 29 dead, with 140 bullets? He is claimed to walk in the Cave with 4 cartridges, 35 rounds each for Galil rifle. Shooting in the dense crowd of Palestinians, it was just impossible to reach 154 of them. It was impossible to spend one round only for each casualty. It is very hard to kill with a single shot in such hurried circumstances. Even allowing for all those incongruence, there is physically no way to score 154 Arab casualties with 140 bullets.
Arabs murdered Dr. Baruch Goldstein when he tried to reload his rifle, so at least one of the four cartridges was still unused, bringing the number of bullets down to 105. It is completely implausible that almost each bullet wounded several Arabs, passing through their bodies.
Shooting 4 cartridges in rapid-fire mode would not have produced that many casualties, and might jam the rifle. Shooting 105 or 140 bullets in semi-automatic mode would have taken a considerable time, giving the guard just meters away enough time to react and the Arabs – to flee.
Even the best shooter cannot realistically score 154 casualties acting alone, with a single rifle, hurrying, in dense crowd. And Dr. Goldstein was not a great shooter. Neither before, nor after him, in thousands of terrorist acts throughout the world, was such a score achieved. No shooter came even close. Only in the totalitarian Israeli state which controls the media, brainwashed people can believe such nonsense. To compare, the Arab who inflicted 19 casualties in Merkaz HaRav yeshiva in March 2008 spent about 600 bullets.
Another scenario is more likely, and supported by the large body of evidence: Dr. Goldstein appeared on the scene when Palestinians had already started the riot they had prepared for months. The doctor was the first Jewish victim of the Arab mob. Israeli soldiers on duty shot at the Arab crowd, achieving the impressive 154 casualties. But at that time of rampaging peace process, the Peres-Beilin-Rabin clique could ill afford a picture of Arabs massacring Jews in Hebron, so they invented the story of Dr. Goldstein's "massacre."
So the subsequent Arab riot became "justified" instead of being a normal Arab pogrom. As an added benefit, Peres-Beilin-Rabin framed the Kach Party, the only force which could stop the suicidal peace process. Israeli establishment used the fact that Dr. Goldstein was a member of Kach to ban the party (it's good that they did not ban the medical profession, since he was also a doctor).
At the Shamgar Commission hearings, two Israeli soldiers on duty that morning (Kobi and Niv) testified that Dr. Goldstein entered the Cave wearing his standard M-16 rifle, not the Galil used in the shootings. Independently of each other, they also said they saw another man entering the Cave with the Galil rifle. Shamgar rejected their testimonies.
A search for the mystery man with Galil rifle walking in the Cave beyond the army posts in the dawn could lead to one place only: Shabak, Israeli security service. Just like they framed Yigal Amir and murdered Rabin, they also sent their man to shoot in the Arab crowd. The objective was tremendous: to end both the Jewish presence in Hebron (a major issue for Jewish zealots) and the only real political opposition, Kach (Netanyahu, that farce of an opposition, transferred Hebron to Arab jurisdiction).
It remains obscure how Dr. Goldstein entered the Isaac Hall, full of Muslims, without anyone noticing him in such a highly unusual movement. No less likely, he was murdered elsewhere in the Cave and his body later dragged into the Isaac Hall. Several Palestinians testified they saw Dr. Goldstein shooting, but even Shamgar report notes numerous severe contradictions in Arab testimonies. Shamgar conjectured that Dr. Goldstein entered through Yosefia route, but his fingerprints are absent on the door.
Conveniently for Shamgar, the CCTV on the site was declared not operating at the time.
Israeli rulers had a tremendous interest in murdering Dr. Goldstein. After the assassination of R. Meir Kahane, Dr. Goldstein became the link between several feuding Kahanist factions. After Dr. Goldstein's murder, R. Binyamin Kahane became the leader of Kach, and was also assassinated. R. Binyamin Kahane was also ostensibly killed by Arabs, but the fact that the assassins "accidentally" pumped 62 bullets in the front seats of his car while not touching the kids on the rear seat reveals Israeli snipers. Years later, the IDF arrested the alleged assassin, but since he had several murders on his hands, it was no problem convincing him to also accept responsibility for R. Binyamin's.
Years later, the leader and an activist of Jewish Defense League in America, Irv Rubin and Earl Kruger were murdered ("committed suicide") in two separate incidents in high-security US prisons. JDL was the last remnant of Kahane's movement. Israeli establishment did away with Kach.
On a separate note, killing of Arabs in the Cave of the Patriarchs is no different from the ancient events we celebrate on the Purim.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Suspicious Merkaz massacre?
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2008, 04:33:32 PM »
Yeah Chamish doesn't get everything right.  He is clueless on 9/11 and Pollard.  That said, the Mercaz Harav story ... something doesn't add up.  I'll give him that.  Same is true of Goldstein's case, but others have already pointed that out and Chamish doesn't bring anything new to the table on Goldstein I don't think. 

The police behaved very suspiciously, and one point that was reported in Haaretz that Chamish left out, was that the "search for additional terrorist" delayed the evacuation of the wounded to hospital care from the Yeshiva.   Now who gave the police the idea that there was an additional terrorist to search for?  It adds to the treachery of the police who arrived on the scene.  I never noticed before that the stories of the two who shot the terrorist don't really match up so well.

Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Suspicious Merkaz massacre?
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2008, 05:14:23 PM »
Barry Chamish is completely insane.

And if there is anyone who serves the interests of the self-hating traitors of the Erev Rav, it is Chamish himself. His crazy conspiracy theories give a bad name to all legitimate critics of the Erev Rav Bolshevik establishment.



And to show how evil Chamish is, and how he inspires pure evil among his kookoo followers, you Mifletzet had the gall to accuse the noble Jewish heroine Nadia Matar of being a government agent. HOW DARE YOU! THIS IS NOT JUST LASHON HARA (MALICIOUS GOSSIP), IT IS HOTZAAT DIBA (MALICIOUS SLANDER) AND ALILOT DAM (A BLOOD LIBEL) AGAINST ONE OF THE MOST COURAGEOUS AND RIGHTEOUS JEWS OF OUR GENERATION!

Chazal (the Talmudic sages) taught us that there is no place baolam haba (in the world to come) for those who slander tzadikim.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Suspicious Merkaz massacre?
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2008, 05:40:51 PM »
Chaim Ben Pesach:  " show how evil Chamish is..."

I'm the type of person who reads anything and everything.  This is not to say that I believe true all that I read.  However, other than JTF, I feel completely "cut off" from goings on in Israel.  I read all of the available on-line news sources from Israel, yet never feel I am getting the real story from any of them.  Even worse, I find that almost each and every one of them has innumerable appeals for donations to "end hunger in Israel", "buy pizzas for IDF soldiers", "help all the starving poor Jews scratching for chickenfeed in Jerusalem, etc." infinitum and ad nauseum.
For me, this morass of on-line media confusion and animated appeals for charity is not only terrible for Israel's public relations, but frightening as well.  Between Chamish & Olmert, "The NY Times" vs "Ha'aretz", where is the actual truth about events and politics in Eretz Yisrael?  Is there a limit to the reaches of Shabak, or is literally every sector of society (including the nationalist camp) unknowlingly acting as propagandists for the evil Bolsheviks?
Kindest regards from MassuhDGoodName