Author Topic: Wake up white South Africans! Your country sucks!  (Read 1728 times)

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Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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Wake up white South Africans! Your country sucks!
« on: April 02, 2008, 06:31:47 PM »
An interesting Blog Article I Found

Wake up white South Africans! Your country sucks!

Before beginning, I want to clarify that I have greatly enjoyed visiting South Africa and meeting some of its magnificent white people. Some of my best friends in the world are South African, so much so that I regularly follow the news about South Africa, as if I had family in the country.

I will always feel a profound connection to the country notwithstanding the decaying and rotting cesspool it has become. South Africans are extremely hospitable people. If I had a dime for every time a South African bought me dinner, a drink, or even made toast for me like a boeremeise friend of mine, I would be a very wealthy man.

However, I am going to deviate from my overly stiff and formal American puritanical writing style and say it like it is. South Africa really sucks!

Those South Africans that have become accustomed to living in a cauldron of crime, dealing with rolling blackouts, dysfunctional schools, confiscatory taxes, and so forth fail to recognize the utter sewer their once magnificent country has become.

Only when one leaves South Africa and spends some time in a white run, functional, and clean first world country does one realize South Africa’s appalling state of affairs.

Unlike the average tourist, I have spent time living with a white South African family kind enough to treat me like a member of the family, so my view of the country does not come from books or a guided tour, but rather from tangible real life experience. My host family showed me medical aid receipts showing that they had to pay a higher rate simply for having a higher income because they are industrious and hard working enough to work late into the night to provide a decent livelihood for their children.

I went grocery shopping with them and saw the rapidly rising prices before my own eyes. Before they left the house to run errands and left me with their kids, they had to show me where the panic button and guns were should something arise. I served in the US Army and I never received a guided tour of security procedures like those that I saw on my visits to South Africa.

When you leave your compound, I mean house, you must then look out for hijackers disguised as hawkers. When it is not the hijackers, then it is the drunk drivers.

I remember one time in early 2004 driving south on the N-1 in Bloemfontein, we encountered a car going the opposite way on the roadway. Either he was drunk or he thought he was in America. Where are the police you ask? Well, when they are not committing crimes, they are busy policing traffic.
That is right, when driving northbound on the N1 from Bloemfontein to Johannesburg we saw 12 speed traps! I guess they missed the drunk driver driving on the wrong side of the road.

Then there is the kids’ washing that needs to be ready by the next morning, but must wait because the washer stopped in mid cycle thanks to a rolling blackout. One must then sit and wait until the power comes back on. Even worse, try to get some work done on the computer only to have the power unexpectedly go out and have to sit around waiting so you can get your work done.

Finally, there are the broken traffic lights and everything in general disrepair. If you do see a road crew working, they are usually buggering up traffic more than actually fixing the road.

White South Africans handle these and other daily tribulations with a combination of stoicism and cynicism. Nonetheless, I marvel at the general negativity. When I meet ordinary South Africans, I try to point out the nice things about their country, yet they invariably direct the conversation towards the fact that South Africa Sucks!

I have had many people in South Africa ask me about moving to the United States. I have been to many countries abroad including Third World countries and no one talks about wanting to leave their native country as much as white South Africans. Either in real life or through this blog, I have had people with doctorates, patents, large businesses inquire about leaving.

Even a seventeen-year-old friend of mine told me that she wants to leave South Africa when she completes high school. I have even had white security guards or drunken people bars ask me about moving to America, which is a few decades behind South Africa, but will one day be just as bad.

I sometimes feel like an archeologist trying to imagine what South Africa was once like. I see the broken roads and imagine what they were like when someone had the sense to build and properly maintain. I wonder what it was like when the schools actually taught kids reading and math instead of the “history” about the liberation struggle.

Hell, I can see the decline with each passing visit. My Boeremeise friend went to a primary school that was almost entirely white in 2001. When I drove past it this past November, I could have mistaken it for a school in Soweto or Alexandra, with only a handful of remaining white faces.

Thankfully, her parents put her in another school. I wonder how long that school remains decent before the baboon rapists take over as they roam the hallways and courtyards looking for white girls to rape. Oh, and kids in South Africa cannot walk to a school that is two blocks away without being accosted by taxi drivers or black construction workers.

Imagine wondering whether your little white girl will make it home because some pimp kidnapped her and put her into sex slavery so that AIDS infested baboons can enjoy themselves with a piece of white flesh.

Wake up white South Africans! Your country sucks and by remaining there, you continue to endanger your lives and those of the people you love.

I say it as someone who has real flesh and blood friends, has dined with South Africans, been at braais, etc. You do not realize how abnormal it is because you are like a frog in boiling water where the ANC cooks gradually up the temperature.

Oh, and while I am at it, get rid of that stupid maid and gardener. Learn to do your own chores. Your beloved maid and gardener, whom you love so dearly and say are so much more pleasant than other blacks are the very people that burgle your house when you are on holiday.

My apologies to white South Africans that might take offense to such pointed remarks from a foreigner (Yeah, America Sucks too). You can rip me in the comments, but I say the truth. After all, I can go outside for a jog tomorrow morning, not worry about having someone try to shoot me for my car, and I know that my lights will come on when I turn them on. I bet you cannot say the same.

by NorthlandTrekker

Some comments

Anonymous said...

    As this is a general post on the state of SA, I thought I might post this news:




Justin said...

    You are a moron - why do you feel like you have to go onto these sites and tell people to leave etc - are you not perhaps jealous of the spirit, wide open spaces and non 'fakeness' of South Africa.

    I have friends who live in SA in complexes ( as you have in America ) with no panic buttons, guns etc.. and they love their lives in SA. It is affordable and a growing economy. Given the fact that it is not as first world as America, Britain, Australia, you need to compare apples with apples.

    The US may have a massive population but it still has the greatest number of murders per year in the world.


Justin; "Given the fact that it is not as first world as America, Britain, Australia, you need to compare apples with apples."

You miss the point here Justin. South Africa was very much as first world as the US, UK and Australia. So was Rhodesia the day it became Zimbabwe.

Old South Africa's 1st world accomplishments in many fields were legendary. It was a South African doctor who performed the first heart transplant. South Africa was the only country on the continent capable of designing and manufacturing aircraft. Their mining engineers developed state-of-the art techniques used the world over to this day. From agriculture to medicine, to light and heavy industry, South Africa not only kept up but in many instances showed countries like America and the UK how it was done. Therefore, the apples and apples comparison is not only fair, it's accurate...or at least it was.

    Here is what the ANC inherited in 1994, and have ruined, for the better part, since they took power.

    1. a thriving tourist industry
    2. a world class agricultural base
    3. a very efficient road & rail system
    4. a world class chemical research industry
    5. a 1st world military
    6. 1st world professional human resources in every modern trade imaginable
    7. an armaments and defense industry with export clients
    8. a 1st world commercial aircraft maintenance facility with scores of foreign clients
    9. 1st world universities, hospitals and financial institutions
    10. 1st world investment opportunities for the entire world

    I am sure, Justin, that professional South Africans reading this blog could easily add to that list.

    The ANC were handed the keys to a golden country in 1994. All they had to do was keep their promises for a fair society, provide safety for the citizens, and let the professionals take care of the private sector themselves. But seeing how the ANC is a criminal, racist, Marxist entity, with no clue on how to manage anything more complicated than a machine gun and a hand grenade, they have succeeded in turning the South African apple into a rotten, festering orange.

    Justin; "The US may have a massive population but it still has the greatest number of murders per year in the world."

    More ANC damage control propaganda my young friend. National crime statistics are based, as common practice, on per capita figures. In America the per capita figures are compiled by state, territories and districts. The United States also has 300 million people and unchecked illegal immigration. So who is making dodgy comparisons now Justin?

    Anyhow; the area with the highest per capita murder rate in the US is the District of Columbia, otherwise known as Washington DC., with an average rate of 35.7 per 100,000. This is very high, but DC is nearly 80% black. The lowest rate in comparison is North Dakota, with 1.1 murders per 100,000 per year. North Dakota is mainly white...who wudda guessed...

    Furthermore, according to the US Department of Justice official website, violent crime in the US has declined since 1994. A good thing. However, exactly the opposite has occurred in South Africa since the ANC took power that same year. Last I heard, the ANC doesn't even bother to keep crime stats anymore...wonder why.

    By the way Justin, there was a spike in US murder statistics in 2001 because although it was a terrorist act, it didn't change the fact that 3000 innocent people were murdered on 9/11. In the New South Africa, 3000+ innocent people have also been murdered, individually or in small groups, on their farms, by a government who brought itself to power mainly through terrorism.

    Captured serial killers often talk about how murder is addicting...but I digress.

    I would suggest to you, Justin, that you are deluded to believe that anyone lives comfortably and carefree in South Africa anymore without high walls, armed guard service and electric fences.

Snowy Smith said...

    These BLACK RACIST COWARD MURDERS in South Africa must be stopped.
    Everyone please e-mail all the crime, rape, murder, farm genocide stories to every newspaper and TV station WORLD WIDE we must put a stop to this.
    What about the soccer clubs and travel agents world wide.
    The World is starting to open its eyes.
    The WHITES are being Terrorized by a bunch of Black savages.
    I hope you BLACK RACIST COWARD MURDERS die a slow painful death.
    Its time to stand up and be counted.
    Enough is Enough.

    Please send your comments to:

    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Its time to Stand up and Be Counted.

    Snowy Smith
    Senior Complaints Investigator
    Fair Civil Law
    P.O. Box 3022, Durban,
    South Africa, 4000.

Anonymous said...

    A lot of S Africans are living in clover behind the walls of their rottweiler secured homes and feeling smug.Most with passports of other countries.

    The people I feel sorry for who those are old ,no reasonable pension or health care.The children who are being indoctrinated with communist ideals.No future for them as the AA and BEE in this third world country which is on the fast path of being africanised and the locals are oblivious to it, from what I gatherd on a recent visit to family and friends.

    One thing that came up often was where do we go?
    Not everyone can get to where they would like to go but, there are other places - look on the website like - "Living in Argentina".
    A sofisticated country with problems like all the other BUT no K4's and limited crime.

    I have said before do your homework and where there is a will there is a way.(learn another language in the mean time and be ready if the Zulus and Xhosas begin a Kenyan type fiasco.

    Most worry about what their lives will be like in another country.
    I suggest you pull up your boot laces learn to do the work around the house with out servants.
    This will hold your family in good stead for the future in other countries.

    You may not be rich fat cat in another country but at least you will be able to retire with medical facilities that work.
    Schools that give your children the opportunity to further their education and prove them seleves as good reliable citizens.

    You may say - who the hell is he. Well I am an expat living in USA for 20 years. Lived in Buenos Aires
    for 2 years.
    I could, at that time see the writing on the wall and the predicted rainbow nation is in a downward spiral.

Great post Trekker.

I suggest that any White with even the faintest chance of emigrating should put the wheels in motion to make it happen. Do it Today.

Sure, you may take a huge hit by upping stakes but your kids will thank you for giving them a true and fair shot on life.

In my youth, we were friends with a German Jewish family. The father was a decorated WW1 veteran and a patriotic German. But he got his family out in 1936 and escaped the Holocaust. The rest of their relatives perished. When asked why they did not get out, he replied: "They loved their pianos too much."

White SA's don't love your pianos [the big house, pool, servants, casino society job etc.] too much.

Let G_d arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. (Psalm 68:1)

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Wake up white South Africans! Your country sucks!
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2008, 01:28:40 AM »
What about fighting?anything?A flat tire on a gov vehicle, graffetti?anything?wayne jude!Idont run anymore no matter the cost!

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Wake up white South Africans! Your country sucks!
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2008, 01:33:01 AM »
But this friend of right is tired and does not have much fight left!Please do something you all!wayne jude!

Offline crazyhorse

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Re: Wake up white South Africans! Your country sucks!
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2008, 12:32:14 PM »
[quote Justin said...

    You are a moron - why do you feel like you have to go onto these sites and tell people to leave etc - are you not perhaps jealous of the spirit, wide open spaces and non 'fakeness' of South Africa.

    I have friends who live in SA in complexes ( as you have in America ) with no panic buttons, guns etc.. and they love their lives in SA. It is affordable and a growing economy. Given the fact that it is not as first world as America, Britain, Australia, you need to compare apples with apples.
The US may have a massive population but it still has the greatest number of murders per year in the world.[/quote] are actually the moron here! In todays South Africa there is absolutely nothing to be proud or jealous of, South Africa under kaffir rule is a filthy stinking s h i t hole....period! Why would anyone from America or any other first world country be jealous of the spirit of South Africans? White South Africans living in that cesspool have very little spirit left, they are dumbed down third class citizens sitting around waiting to be slaughtered by those black baboons. You talk of wide open spaces like South Africa is the only place on Earth that has space. You need to get a passport and travel a bit.....but then again you are excused because your "spirited" currency is not worth the c r a p paper it is printed on and in reality you couldn't afford to leave the country in all probability. South Africa and South Africans who believe like you, are living the great lie and you are as fake as the savage kaffir who waits to slaughter you in the name of African democracy.

No matter where you live in abnormal South Africa, you are not safe, you live like animals behind fences and gates.....mostly electrified, especially in town house complexes. Most white South Africans don't have guns because the ANC terrorists have made certain that whites have handed them in or have been refused gun licences. This is to set them up for the turkey shoot to come soon. South Africa is as affordable to live in as as it is for you to purchase a plane ticket away from! As for murder statistics.....well, do you know what "per capita" means? South Africa has one of the highest murder rates in the world per capita than any other country on the planet, even some of those countries at war. You need to get some real education and steer away from the crud your communist terrorist government force feeds you every day.
And lastly Justin....South Africa was a first world country with an infrastructure that makes todays Britain look like a third world country, it was comparable to America, Australia and Canada, but that evil globalist controlled puppet De Klerk, stabbed his countrymen in the heart and turned our first world country over to a horde of savages who in turn have turned it into the s h i t hole it is button up and live in your hell hole with your pals without guns and protection, and await you day at the hand of those evil savage kaffirs.

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Wake up white South Africans! Your country sucks!
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2008, 05:05:09 AM »
Ouch!!!!!!!!!!But true! O0

Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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Re: Wake up white South Africans! Your country sucks!
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2008, 08:34:34 AM »
[quote Justin said... are actually the moron here! In todays South Africa there is absolutely nothing to be proud or jealous of, South Africa under kaffir rule is a filthy stinking s h i t hole....period!

This is so true and so well stated!
Let G_d arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. (Psalm 68:1)