Author Topic: Bolshevik Kike Judge Rules Cremation Is Legal In Israel  (Read 2860 times)

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Bolshevik Kike Judge Rules Cremation Is Legal In Israel
« on: January 04, 2007, 02:49:10 PM »
Jerusalem Judge Rules Cremation is Legal
16:16 Jan 04, '07 / 14 Tevet 5767

( A Jerusalem judge has decided that cremation is legal. The ruling by District Court Judge Moshe Sobol was handed down in a case involving a petition by the widow and two surviving sons of an 80-year-old Holocaust survivor.

A distant relative filed a petition on moral and religious grounds, requesting the judge issue a restraining order against the familyֲ’s decision to cremate the Holocaust survivor.

Judge Sobol explained in his decision that according to Attorney General Menachem Mazuz, no law presently exists that forbids cremation. Mazuz did, however, also recommend that the issue be brought up for debate in the Knesset.

The first crematorium in Israel opened 18 months ago in Hadera. According to a spokesman for the facility quoted by the New York Sun, dozens of people have used the crematorium since it opened.