Author Topic: Why America Sucks: Letting In Somali Scum While Keeping Out White South Africans  (Read 1651 times)

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Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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I did not write this article, it was written by NorthlandTrekker, but it is interesting!

Why America Sucks: Letting In Somali Scum While Keeping Out White South Africans

I have devoted enough time explaining why South Africa sucks. Now it is time to examine my own country closely and tell you why America sucks!

The tragic paradox of American immigration is that it is extremely difficult and expensive for highly qualified people like white South Africans to immigrate to the United States legally despite the racial and cultural similarities between our respective peoples.

Both our peoples descend largely from northern and western Europe. Further, my people in the New World fought Indians, traversed an entire continent in covered wagons on their way west, and built farms and towns out of the wilderness much like the white South Africans fought the Bantu peoples, journeyed into the African interior in wagons, and built farms and towns on the veld. Additionally, we both speak the same language, notwithstanding the many white South Africans whose mother tongue is Afrikaans, albeit with distinct spelling for words like color/colour.

Both our peoples like to go out and barbecue on a summer day, although South Africans call it a braai instead. Moreover, we are largely Christian, but we both believe a man’s faith is an intensely personal matter, thus we extend freedom of worship to all individuals.
Yet despite these and other similarities that make white Americans and white South Africans brothers, the controlled American government makes it as difficult as possible for white South Africans to immigrate to America. The American government allowed racial aliens from Vietnam to come to the US ostensibly because American policy in Vietnam endangered them after the Vietnam War. However, despite America’s instrumental role in facilitating the ANC takeover, the American government has not been as gracious in opening our doors to white South Africans that suffer robbery, rape, and murder, in part, because of American policy towards the white regime in South Africa.

When white South Africans petition for asylum or seek to immigrate legally, the Immigration and Naturalization Service filled with large numbers of black affirmative action employees thwarts their attempt at every corner.

I recall hearing an anecdote about a black woman at the American embassy in Pretoria that would harangue white South Africans that entered the embassy inquiring about immigrating to the United States. To the best of my knowledge, the American government has done nothing to discipline or remove this official undoubtedly because it chooses to continue its anti-white affirmative action policies.

Instead of warmly welcoming white South Africans, the American government has closed its door to our white brothers in Africa.

Somalis learning how to use computers to read WSAS all paid for by the white American taxpayer.

As it denies entry to white South Africans, the United States government permits hordes of savage barbarians from Somalia to immigrate as refugees to some of the remaining homogenously white areas of the United States.

Unlike the predominantly Christian white South African population, the Somalis are Muslims. Not only are they Muslim, they practice the most barbaric, backward and intolerant form of Islam. Somali women walk around with burkhas dressed from head to toe. Even worse, the Somali Muslims seek to impose their own perverted morality on America.

For instance, a group of Somali cab drivers at the Minneapolis/St Paul airport wanted a special exemption permitting them to turn away passengers carrying alcohol. The airport initially granted their request. However, after a public backlash, the airport set up special placards to display on the cabs so passengers carrying alcohol could avoid those cabs.

This did not satisfy the Somalis who felt the measure “discriminated” against them. Eventually, someone at the airport enacted a compromise measure stipulating that the cab drivers did not have to transport passengers with alcohol, but if they turned away a passenger, they must go to the back of the taxi queue.

Imagine how utterly ridiculous this is. If I owned a cab and turned away a passenger because he is black, or smelly, or simply because he is a fat, bald man and I would rather give a ride to the attractive blonde-haired woman next to him, the airport would try to revoke my taxi license. Yet these savages from Somalia are free to turn away someone who may happen to carry a bottle of wine as a gift for a friend.

Not only do the Somalis want to impose their views on alcohol, they must also raise a fuss over pork. For instance, a Somali cashier refused to ring up pork at a Target because it was against her religion to touch pork. I am not sure how Target handled this matter, but suffice it to say it is utterly ridiculous.

Even a vegetarian like me finds the behavior utterly repulsive. If one does not want to touch pork, then one should not work at a grocery store that sells pork. To the stupid Somalis, this is too difficult to grasp.

Even worse, the Somalis commit a disproportionate number of violent crimes. As the saying goes, you can take a kaffir out of the jungle, but you cannot take the jungle out of the kaffir.

The public housing complexes inhabited by Somalis are no go zones for whites. They are disgustingly filthy places, as the Somalis prefer to live in squalor.

I once did go into “Little Mogadishu,” though I was sure to go armed simply to observe what these people are like. Minneapolis is one of the cleanest cities in the world, yet the magazine that compiled the study probably only visited the central business district and did not bother stopping by “Little Mogadishu.”

The only good thing is that the Somalis cannot handle the cold, so they spend their entire lives indoors when the outside temperatures plummet to -30C. However, like the cockroaches that they are, they always emerge out of the crevices once spring arrives.

The clean sections of Minneapolis. Unlike South Africa, you do not need bars and electric fencing. You can also go jogging around Minneapolis’ world-class park system.


The Somalis also have a horrible stench that accompanies them. I suppose the occasional bath or shower is too much for them.

They also bring all sorts of diseases that we had formerly eradicated in America or the HIV virus caused by their own promiscuous behavior. Of course, the white taxpayer must bear the cost for this. In Minnesota, the Somalis make up about 1% of the population, yet they account for 16% of the HIV cases.

Finally, the refugee agencies hand out the Somalis little cards that they can take with them when collecting welfare and other benefits. The cards read as follows:

"My name is _________and I have limited English skills and require qualified language assistance in________. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires that your office provide a qualified interpreter for me to have equal access to your services. It is a violation of the law for you to require me to bring my own interpreter in order to receive services. If you have any questions about how to comply with these legal requirements, call the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division at 1-888-848-5306."

The Somalis are also eligible for benefits to which ordinary Americans are not entitled.

Americans may receive to up to five years of welfare benefits after which they are no longer eligible for benefits. However, the “refugees” receive benefits through alternative cash assistance programs for their entire lives!

The Somalis receive free health care, something that many Americans do not have. I know many affluent Americans that avoid going to hospital unless absolutely necessary for fear of the out of pocket insurance costs, yet these savages receive free health care that we must all pay for!

 The American government steals from the taxpayer to subsidize Somalis, but fails to maintain the I-35W Bridge, which resulted in its sudden collapse. Note Little Mogadishu in the background.

At any rate, this amounts to an orchestrated genocidal campaign against native white Americans by a controlled government that has systematically undermined the interests of white Americans in every conceivable fashion and seeks to displace us from our country.

We do not hear anything about this from the controlled media, as they are part of the ruling regime and have no interest in enlightening white Americans about what is happening to their country.

While Americans struggle without health care, have a hard time finding work, face higher costs for fuel and gas, the Somalis receive outrageous benefits courtesy of the white taxpayer.

It is for this reason that I want nothing to do with America.

Those regions of America that remain homogenously white need to secede from the monstrous government in Washington.

I take comfort knowing that America is a paper tiger that faces an imminent financial collapse. However, it is saddening to watch one’s land invaded by the most contemptible and disgusting human beings.

It is for this reason that I do everything within my power to work towards an independent nation for us in Alaska, so that the federal government in Washington stops stealing our oil wealth to fund its imperial wars and social benefits for Somali scum.

In sum, America really sucks. I still urge white South Africans to consider this country as a destination, but rest assured that this is not a permanent safe haven, but only a temporary sanctuary if we do not stop the American government’s policies.

by NorthlandTrekker

'US returned us to hijack hell'

"We want the Americans to know to what kind of a country they sent us back to."

Wentzel Herbst said: "I've had to go through another hijacking and, this time, my children were with me." Herbst had been in the car with his brother-in-law, Jimmy Watson, when Watson was killed during a hijacking just more than a week ago.

Wentzel, his wife, Carol, and their children, Deiran, six, and Tegan, three - who were born in the United States - were visiting the Watsons in Delmas. Three years ago, the family was refused asylum in the US, after being there for six years and had to return to South Africa.

They had applied for asylum in the US because of the crime situation in South Africa. Just before they left for the US, Wentzel had been shot in the back during a hijacking. Wentzel and the children went to buy food for the family who had gathered in Delmas after they had heard that Watson's daughter, Sharon Knoetze, had died in a car accident seven hours earlier.

Carol said: "My children are traumatised. They got such a fright when they saw the violence of the hijacking and when their father yanked them out of the car so quickly. Wentzel said: "When we said we feared for our safety in South Africa, the Americans thought we were joking and said that South Africa was a perfectly safe country to go back to."

Carol said: "If it were just me and my husband, it wouldn't be that bad, but the children don't know how to process it." When they came to South Africa, they were totally American. "We had to teach my son (who was four at the time) not to talk to strangers because they could steal Mommy's handbag. "Since we've been back, many of our things have been stolen." She said of her son: "He can't sleep at night - he said he was scared of baddies and that was before the hijacking.
Her daughter had struggled to fall asleep at night since the hijacking.

The American embassy would not comment on specific cases, but according to documentation on requirements for asylum seekers, crime wasn't one of the criteria. The fact that the children were born in the US did not make a difference to the status of the parents
« Last Edit: April 09, 2008, 10:20:30 AM by arisesouthafrica »
Let G_d arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. (Psalm 68:1)