Former Chief Sephardic Rabbi Condemns Abortion Committees
12:04 Jan 14, '07 / 24 Tevet 5767
( The Former Chief Sephardi Rabbi and current Chief Rabbi of Rishon Lezion accused doctors who carry out abortions of being murderers.
Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu spoke out against the practice by hospital advisory committees approving terminations by women of unwanted pregnancies.
In remarks published in the Ma’ayanei HaYeshua magazine Sunday, Rabbi Eliyahu demanded, “Why is it acceptable to kill fetuses that have a heart and soul --- because an ‘advisory committee’ decided that it is okay to murder fetuses?”
The rabbi also praised the high birth rates in the observant Jewish population, saying they would help in “bringing the time of redemption forward.” Rabbi Eliyahu has often praised the Efrat Organization which provides assistance to pregnant Israeli woman in distress.