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CNN call Osama Bin Laden "Obama" Instead
Zionist Revolutionary:
And thus starts Hillary's Presidential Campaign.
Hail Columbia:
About time that the mainstream media was good for something!
Zionist Revolutionary:
But wait, it gets better.
I didn't even notice that Barack Hussein Obama dressed like Iranian Nazi Dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, yimach shemam ve-zichram. Clinton News Network is really planning on destroying Obama.
Yochanan Zev:
Why are you people so damn obsessed with Obama? Isn't there some ultra right warmongering wingnut out there running for public office that would warrant more of your attention?
--- Quote from: Yochanan Zev on January 03, 2007, 03:55:40 PM ---Why are you people so damn obsessed with Obama? Isn't there some ultra right warmongering wingnut out there running for public office that would warrant more of your attention?
--- End quote ---
Well its not every day we have a radical liberal quadroon with a Muslim name and heritage attempting to run for president. Then again is he a mulatto? Whatever, they say one drop of black blood buys the plantation anyway!
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