Killing every single Muslim in the US, Israel, and the West sounds too much like a Holocaust to me. As bad as most Muslims are, and as many deserve death, there are SOME who have the capacity to be peaceful. Killing them outright would be a crime against humanity. I say deport the Muslims who are unwilling to abandon Islam or who are anti-American or anti-European. If there are Muslims who would be willing to abandon their faith along with agreeing to the banning of Islam in every way, I think they should be able to stay in the US and the West. All Muslims should be kicked out of Israel though. If there is any doubt as to whether one is sincere about abandoning Islam, we could test him by forcing him to draw defamatory pictures of the "prophet", forcing him to take a bath in pig body parts, and then giving him a diet mandating pork for a probationary period. If there is any doubt as to the sincerity, we would err on the side of deportation.