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Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« on: April 09, 2008, 06:05:19 PM »

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2008, 06:13:08 PM »
Yay for Paulette!

Offline AsheDina

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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2008, 06:36:00 PM »

~Well, ya know Chaim- I had to take a chance- and given the fact that I really do NOT like modern day music- I realize that it reaches into people's souls- I have a lot of people that left with me, that I have encouraged to join- one of them is 'jaaaman' GREAT man- Righteous, and also his friend 'bababooey' and also a man named 'clr_blu_ski' these are EXC Righteous men, I have not gotten to all of my friends on IM's in paltalk, but I will- this next show that I did already for next week- is where the roots of the 'feminist' came from, this is SURE to make EVERY single Jewish, Christian, and Righteous Gentile woman think twice and take this disgusting she-beast movement AWAY, and claim it for EXCELLENT STRONG WOMEN of beautiful character.. 
**Your shows, though, sir- by FAR outdo mine..
Shalom- B"H
Paulette Anne
PS- I am going to CA tomorrow  :'(
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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2008, 06:42:09 PM »
Excellent!  O0
You have a fantastic voice.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Bullcat jr. gave you a 20 smile rating.  ;)
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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2008, 07:26:16 PM »
Thank you once again Paulette

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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2008, 07:41:19 PM »
Wonderful as always, Paulette.

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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2008, 01:09:59 AM »
"these kids that are 33 and under"

Yes!!!! I am still a kid! :)

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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2008, 02:43:00 AM »

   Thank you,  Paulette.    As always,  great job.     The United States would be in much better shape with people like you in office.     G-d Bless you and your family.       
"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2008, 07:24:02 AM »
"these kids that are 33 and under"

Yes!!!! I am still a kid! :)

~haha- YOU are the generation that WILL totally bring this nation to its knees in repentance to G-d. I hope that you knew that song.
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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2008, 08:47:38 AM »
Disagree with her statements about religious rule.
If it were up to her she would bring back inquisition for blasphemy.
Agreed on Islam.
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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2008, 10:56:57 AM »
Great program
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2008, 11:32:17 AM »
Paulette is spot on again. Well done and you always make great points. Keep up the wonderful work of you show.
 :D ;) :) O0 O0

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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2008, 12:31:39 AM »
I'm 29. Sometimes I feel very old indeed. I hope that I am still young enough to make an impact for the better.

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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2008, 02:30:20 AM »
Great program O0

Offline AsheDina

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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2008, 09:24:19 PM »
Paulette is spot on again. Well done and you always make great points. Keep up the wonderful work of you show.
 :D ;) :) O0 O0

Thank You.. I try you know, it is just that the subjects out there are so many, I dont even know how to keep up with all of this bad news. I need to look for solutions- i just dont know where to look anymore. This is SAD. My America is falling, and half this ntion WANTS a muslim as a president. WHAT TO DO?  :'(
Paulette Anne
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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2008, 09:31:09 PM »
Disagree with her statements about religious rule.
If it were up to her she would bring back inquisition for blasphemy.
Agreed on Islam.
Thank you for your input, I really have ZERO idea what you are talking about though- I just dont. This is a Judeao Christian nation.. WE NEED TO PRAY to G-d and ASK his help, Now, He is our ONLY salvation- I have NO idea WHAT this has to do with 'blasphemy' or an inquisition, OR religious rule. My suggestion: Read the 1st Ammendment, it is SUPPOSE to GUARANTEE our RIGHT of FREEDOM OF RELIGIOUS Expression.  Since we are doing so 'good' without G-d, lets just keep up all of the great work:  Zero morals and debauchery run amok.  After all we are a Republic, and this is what happned to Rome and Greece, so, perhaps according to you- I should just cash it in, and cow tow to people that just want NO part of G-d.
Paulette Anne
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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2008, 10:46:23 AM »
Disagree with her statements about religious rule.
If it were up to her she would bring back inquisition for blasphemy.
Agreed on Islam.
Thank you for your input, I really have ZERO idea what you are talking about though- I just dont. This is a Judeao Christian nation.. WE NEED TO PRAY to G-d and ASK his help, Now, He is our ONLY salvation- I have NO idea WHAT this has to do with 'blasphemy' or an inquisition, OR religious rule. My suggestion: Read the 1st Ammendment, it is SUPPOSE to GUARANTEE our RIGHT of FREEDOM OF RELIGIOUS Expression.  Since we are doing so 'good' without G-d, lets just keep up all of the great work:  Zero morals and debauchery run amok.  After all we are a Republic, and this is what happned to Rome and Greece, so, perhaps according to you- I should just cash it in, and cow tow to people that just want NO part of G-d.
Paulette Anne
I'm an atheist and don't believe in any god but I do support Christian and all other non-muslim nations. What happened to Greece and Rome and all other Christian countries was a result of a weak religion, as long as the Bible says turn the other cheek and love your enemy Christians will not survive Islamization because Islam teaches you to hate their enemy. In order to make Christianity strong one needs to change the  Bible and if they did that nobody would believe in the authenticity of the Bible. Natural selection does not tolerate weakness, Islam is the stronger and the fitter religion you can't beat Islam with any religion because in order to do that one must be even more savage than muslims which is impossible.
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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2008, 12:23:35 PM »
Disagree with her statements about religious rule.
If it were up to her she would bring back inquisition for blasphemy.
Agreed on Islam.
Thank you for your input, I really have ZERO idea what you are talking about though- I just dont. This is a Judeao Christian nation.. WE NEED TO PRAY to G-d and ASK his help, Now, He is our ONLY salvation- I have NO idea WHAT this has to do with 'blasphemy' or an inquisition, OR religious rule. My suggestion: Read the 1st Ammendment, it is SUPPOSE to GUARANTEE our RIGHT of FREEDOM OF RELIGIOUS Expression.  Since we are doing so 'good' without G-d, lets just keep up all of the great work:  Zero morals and debauchery run amok.  After all we are a Republic, and this is what happned to Rome and Greece, so, perhaps according to you- I should just cash it in, and cow tow to people that just want NO part of G-d.
Paulette Anne
I'm an atheist and don't believe in any G-d but I do support Christian and all other non-muslim nations. What happened to Greece and Rome and all other Christian countries was a result of a weak religion, as long as the Bible says turn the other cheek and love your enemy Christians will not survive Islamization because Islam teaches you to hate their enemy. In order to make Christianity strong one needs to change the  Bible and if they did that nobody would believe in the authenticity of the Bible. Natural selection does not tolerate weakness, Islam is the stronger and the fitter religion you can't beat Islam with any religion because in order to do that one must be even more savage than muslims which is impossible.

~Please allow me to say: I APPRECIATE you candor.  I did a program with David ben Moshe, I also am very ANGERED BEYOND DESCRIPTION at the Christian Faith- in his program where I was a guest, I said: "And WHERE ARE YOU BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS---- oh I know... you forgive it..but hold NOTHING into account."  I will tell you this much; the Christian Faith- has done NOTHING in this country for over 40 years EXCEPT wait for J***s to come back- THAT IS ALL that they have done, MEANWHILE this "Christian nation" is decadent, immoral, we have enemies within, etc.. they are really the PROBLEM- I don't mean this younger generation- they have wised up- but HOW could they FORGET how our forefathers shed their blood for the things that we hold so dear?? THIS ENRAGES me, BIGTIME.  This is the reason that I stated: You need to pray to G-d and ASK HIS help and hand.. Islam cannot be defeated with weak people, it MUST be defeated with 1. Action, and prayer 2. FORCEFULLY. 3. ZERO tolerence for its bloody filthy ways, NO TOLERENCE AT ALL. 
~I am a warrior, I think nothing of getting in the face of a person that is straight up evil.. If I have to die myself, to get RID of enemies that are destroying this once great nation, then SO BE IT.. I have a fatwah out on me as well- They will come up against a Formidible Foe, should they 'try' to 'murder' me, I am NOT a force to be trifled with- G-d made me this way.. I am not a talker when faced with violence- I immedietly respond, with MORE force..
BTW: this is coming from a lady that has strong roots in Judaism, AND Christianity-    HOPEFULLY- when people HEAR a righteous indignation- they WILL rise to action against this beastly so called 'religion of peace' islam  - Also this leftist nutjob agenda that EMBRACES murderers.
Thank you for clarifying, I very MUCH appreciate it.  I would also not EVER "PUSH" my beliefs on anyone, although I will CONTINUE to call Christians into account, as well as Jewish people that sit back and just take it--
simply put: THAT IS NOT THE AMERICAN WAY. This is a free nation.. FREE.  Thomas Jefferson, when confronting the church, SAW the evils of islam, he was a VERY righteous man- and Simply put: HE KILLED THE ENEMY...and was of the faith to boot- THAT is what it is ALL about to me.  Knowing you do not share that, I am sure you would agree, we NEED a Thomas Jefferson, a man of faith who SLAUGHTERED the enemy. I dont blame him ONE bit for being AGAINST the superstisions of the Christian Faith, ESPECIALLY after he had read the bloody qu'ran, he knew EXACTLY what to do, sad to say, SO DO I, but OH ME OH MY... what a beast I AM- Yes, I AM A BEAST... They need to GET OUT OF AMERICA and take these leftist WEAKLINGS and FRAUD christians with them- this is WHY I am NOT in office.- nowadays one must 'hate' how America was founded...   If you have any suggestions that would come from an atheist prospective, please feel free to send me a message, I will certainly take it to task, ALL voices of *REASON* MUST be heard.
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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2008, 12:48:35 PM »
Thecancangal, 10 million muslims now live in America, do you think they will voluntarily leave the country if you ask them?
Would you allow somebody to deport them from America to some Islamic [censored] to prevent a Kosovo-like disaster in America or would you say it is too inhumane and let god decide the fate of America? Would you behave like Jesus and let your enemy stay and put your trust in god and prayers?
You may be an exceptional Christian who hates the enemy and is prepared to kill the muslim and thereby reject the teachings of Jesus but the fact is that most Christians are not.
Thanks for the long comment, I appreciate it.
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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2008, 01:16:20 PM »
Thecancangal, 10 million muslims now live in America, do you think they will voluntarily leave the country if you ask them?
Would you allow somebody to deport them from America to some Islamic craphole to prevent a Kosovo-like disaster in America or would you say it is too inhumane and let G-d decide the fate of America? Would you behave like Jesus and let your enemy stay and put your trust in G-d and prayers?
You may be an exceptional Christian who hates the enemy and is prepared to kill the muslim and thereby reject the teachings of Jesus but the fact is that most Christians are not.
Thanks for the long comment, I appreciate it.

~FDR the President of this "Christian" nation when attacked, put ALL Japanese in camps. I believe that he was Episcopalian? Not sure.. WHY is it that we knew EXACTLY what to do with the enemy, 60 plus years ago, and now we know NOTHING or what to do?  YOU KILL THE ENEMY, and get them OUT of this nation as well, or put them in camps, possibly forever ~I do NOT understand WHY this is hard for people of the christian faith to GET- and as for my minimal education in the N.T. I DO see where it PLAINLY says: "I did not come to bring "PEACE" but a sword" and also: "Take your wallet, bag, SWORD and sandal"  there is NO 'interpretation' is plainly says what it says- I would agree, that if I have an earthly 'enemy' and if the person has been a JERK asks for 'forgiveness' It may take me some time- being a person of faith, I would probably end up forgiving, but I would NOT forget.. As I stated, my deepest roots are in being  Jewish, I ESPECIALLY LOVE the books of the prophets..but, Yes, I am very observant, towards Christianity.
~ HOWEVER- when a nation as a WHOLE is subject to a HUGE enemy- my offer is simple: KILL THEM ALL.  There is NO just 'letting go' with terrorists- send them to their so-called paradise.  the N.T., I BELIEVE is TOTALLY taken OUT of context.   >:(  Murder is punishable by death in many states here in the USA.  I dont get either why David Berkowitz, a man that became a born-again christian, when asked, told the media: NO- YOU DO NOT LET A MURDERER LIKE ME OUT of prison, and I am deserving of death.  THAT is a person, who, in SOME way, has REALLY been reformed, and has MORE smarts than people on the outside that are 'law-abiders' Same with Sean Sellers a murderer on Death Row: "I have to pay my debt to society" he was quoted.. AMAZING that they KNOW and we don't.  I DONT get it, perhaps it will make for a great subject on a program, I believe so, we shall see.
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Re: Another great program from Paulette (04/09)
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2008, 09:04:48 AM »
WELL DONE Paulette. You raise so many important issues and speak to the point. KEEP IT UP! :laugh:

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