General Category > General Discussion

JTF's 911 Warning

(1/4) > >>

it's currently in youtube, you can view AND RATE IT here:  ;)

I dedicate this one to my childhood friend, tommy,
who perished in this evil Islamic massacre...

I will make a downloadable version available in our hebrew server shortly,
in the meantime you can watch it on the 'tube..


For Downloading:

The high quality version, aprox 38MB is here:

The "less sharp" version (also the one I uploaded to youtube), aprox 15MB is here:

The "less sharp" version (also the one I uploaded to youtube), aprox 15MB is here:

This film is about JTF's 1994 broadcast predicting the 911 attacks.


Oz77, the administrator of our Hebrew web site and our Hebrew forum, once again demonstrates his brilliance.

Please spread the word and make sure to score the film and comment on it on youtube! This will strengthen our position on youtube.

I have already posted it on another forum, good job

Great work.

It's good to be reminded why I hate muslims.

Please register on youtube (it takes a couple of minutes) so you can do the following three things for us:

1. Post comments on all three films of oz77jtf. (Two of his films are in Hebrew, the third is in English.)

2. Rate all three of his great films as "Awesome" - click on the fifth star.

3. Subscribe to oz77jtf - that is how he is listed with youtube.

The more people who do this, the better our position will be with youtube.

Thanks for your help.


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