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JTF's 911 Warning
I had sent this video to dozens of people I know and their words were "Powerful and who are these people" I told them come to the forum and find out this is why by having something like this on a site that can reach all over the country is very helpful.
OZ77 That movie was better than words can describe. I don't think anyone can say after seeing that excellent piece that JTF did not predict the unfortunate events that would befall America. Chaim's voice and your film drive the point home without mistake. I was amazed at how good it actually was. If I can manage to get the movie on a disk I am going to mail it to some of the talk show hosts here in New York and hopefully it may generate some interest in JTF and Chaim. It might be a good idea if a few of the forum members send a disk in to WABC or WOR radio and hopefully one of the hosts may get Chaim to come on and speak.
Phenomenal. Yet the world still sleeps.
That video is more moving than I would have thought posible, I can't think of appropriate words to use OZ77, well done on an excellent job, maybe this video can finally help get the message home.
Everyone, distribute this vid, post it everywhere, it is too powerful to be laughed off.
Hail Columbia:
So far, 10 comments, all positive, 18 ratings, all 5-star, 384 views, ranked #5 in search results for "JTF"
Excellent job, OZ77!
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