Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Serbia and the EU

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--- Quote from: DALMACIJA on April 17, 2008, 03:09:05 PM ---
--- Quote from: Ambiorix on April 16, 2008, 07:53:56 PM ---I understand your feelings.

But do not forget, we are prisoners of this new Soviet union.
We cannot control their policies.
There is no democracy on the EU level.

--- End quote ---

I think that you are a honest and honorable Flemish man!

Unfortunately you are a minority in your own land!
I thing that the majority of the Western people is allied with the new ages life style!
Subject like abortions, same sex marriages and total freedom as central among new Western generation of today.

What can I say to you.
Are there Flemish people present in you community who respect the real norms and values which are based on the fundamental principles of Christianity?
The problem this those who are pride of their European orgin mostly hate the Serbs because they are Nazi oriented. To bad that you do not have pro Russian and pro Serbian people in the West!

It is a shame!

--- End quote ---
We Flemish are with 6.000.000.
over 1.000.000 votes for the Vlaams Belang.
The Christian Church itself over here is largely infiltrated by Marxists.
Also there is a catastrophical lack of new monks and priests.
This means that in 10 or 20 years they will have to import S-American or African priests.
i think the RC Church is finished.
It has no power in the public debate.
At the other hand , they still have 20-30% of the votes, 70% of the people go to Catholic schools.
People have no knowledge of history, and still regard your country as ex-Yugoslavia.
They heard about the Serbs that they were the "bad guys" in the last war.

That's all they know.

Abortions are legal since '90 or so. Same sex marriages since a few years.
Now they want to get adaptions for homosexuals I mean perverts.

It's a bit like everywhere, the media is controlled by the left-wing,
and the people are slowly influenced towards a non-religious life.

Because they are happy on the materialistic side, they don't complain.
The only mass movements that are tolerated to do demontrations are pro-multiculture,
and demonstrations against "zinloos geweld" = useless violence,
that's what racist attacks (from both sides) are called nowdays.

There is also a campaign "Zonder haat straat"
= Without hate street,
people protest against these murders,

The VB has made it's own campaign against it, since the Zonder haat straat campaign is financed by the Socialist Parties ,
"the Zonder JIhaat straat" or "the without jihad street".

Teh VB has a wing of conservative Christians, e.g. the guy who is doing the brussels journal website and his wife.
Other people are non-religious, but are very much against Islam, and foreign occupation by africans and muzzies as well.
Also the party wants to split up Belgium.

Do I have friends like myself?

Yes. Some are thinking exactly the same as me.
That's why they are friends.
I consider leftists as enemies, and I also tell this to them.
I keep them as friends, as I think in the long run I do influence them.

Are we a minority?

If you go to a cafe, not a trendy one, but a cafe of ordinary people,
lots tell you that immigrants have to be returned to their countries, and that they vote VB.

Why don't we have VB in the government?

Because all other parties made an agreement in '92, when the party won in Antwerp with a very high score,
not to work together with VB on any level.

Since than the party has been in oposition all the time, but growing from 10 to 25 %.
now there is a  splinter party, which is going to costs them votes.


--- Quote from: Ambiorix on April 17, 2008, 02:19:13 PM ---I hope there will be an world wide economical collapse soon.
This can stop a lot of problems with muzzies.

--- End quote ---

We will destroy this filth!  O0

Could someone explain the EU?  Do individual nation-states that are part of the EU have any rights?

Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac):
the fact that Great Britain does not control its OWN agriculture, is just a preview of when the EU controls the member states resources.

EU is like a virus, in order to survive it must feed and grow. thats why they want the eastern european countries in.


--- Quote from: RationalThought110 on May 01, 2008, 09:50:27 AM ---Could someone explain the EU?  Do individual nation-states that are part of the EU have any rights?

--- End quote ---

EU has the same atributes of the former Roman Empire.
They have one common valute, just like in the days of Cesar, and they occupy the same territory as the Roman Empire once did.

The EU nations share the agreed directions and there is not much room left for desicions on national level.


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