Great discussion guys!!!!
Yes, South Africa's weapons industry was state of the art! You know we had the Eland's, and they were very small little things, but we used them against state of the art Russian T-55's etc. The Elands could creep up on the tanks, and start flanking them, and would then shoot the tanks most vulnerable part, the rear. Once the cubans or russians got the fright of their lives and sprang to action, the elands would continually drive in a circle around the tank, and shoot at it. Ofcourse, because the elands were driving so quickly in a circular motion around the tank, it was nearly impossible for the tank to hit the eland, which would be destroyed completely in one hit, whereas the elands calibre was smaller, and needed several hits to punch out the tanks. One cuban after the war whom was lucky to survive the tactics said something like this "the elands were like little cockroaches (the elands is very small, and a rather unorthodox shape) running around us and bitting little chunks off us, and we were unable to do anything about it!"