Author Topic: Letter from a Nation of Islam member to me.  (Read 5840 times)

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Offline habiru

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Letter from a Nation of Islam member to me.
« on: September 17, 2006, 04:32:42 PM »
Dear Mr. ---. My name is brother Aaron From the Nation Of Islam. And writing you in my concern for your comments on My leader Louis Farrakhan. Im guessing your Jewish. And I can tell you are very angry. But sir, I ask of you to watch what you say. Look into what Minister Farrahkan speaks. They're people out there that do claim they're jews but are not. And Farrakhan is pained to see those jews promoting filth in the name of God. You may not understand that because you may not be of those false Jews. But Louis Farrakhan speaks against so-called jews, also so- called muslims,and so-called christians. You must not attack FARRAKHAN but attack and track down those false Jews that make real Jews look bad. I have Jewish friends even though I'm a muslim, we put our differences aside. We know if we are real jews and muslims then we can get along in peace.Louis Farrakhan also has jewish friends,but they're real jews and they know there are false jews claiming there real jews.


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Re: Letter from a Nation of Islam member to me.
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2006, 04:50:50 PM »
 >:( "Bro" Aaron  does not even merit a response to this stupidity.It is just schvartzer doouble talk.
Hope fully Farrakhans Flying saucer will scoop him up & get him out of our hair !


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Re: Letter from a Nation of Islam member to me.
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2006, 05:30:07 PM »
The koran/qu'ran/quran says to kill all jews.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Letter from a Nation of Islam member to me.
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2006, 05:44:20 PM »
Re:  "...But Louis Farrakhan speaks against so-called jews, also so- called muslims,and so-called christians. You must not attack FARRAKHAN but attack and track down those false Jews that make real Jews look bad..."

Dear schwartze,

Speaking only for myself, I not only am attacking FARRAKHAN; I am also attacking the "SO-CALLED FARRAKHAN"; known to us in the civilized world as "CALYPSO LOUIE".

Nor do I feel an obligation to track down those "FALSE NEGROES"; YOU KNOW....THE ONES THAT MAKE ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR LOOK VERY, VERY BAD.



This is not a possibility!


If you are retarded, well OK...but at least get yourself down to "A.B. Kaplan's Men's Style Shop", and ditch that stupid bow-tie!

Try on one of "those" lime green or banana colored "leisure suits" you're lookin' good!

Buy one of those formal outfits made of "100% Genuine Teniff"....made to last!  


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Re: Letter from a Nation of Islam member to me.
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2006, 09:38:07 AM »
 :D Perhaps "Bro" Aaron can enlighten us ignorant " false Jew" crackers as to the difference between a "real " Jew & a "false" one !
 ;D One thing is for sure "bro" Aaron--- you are a genuine Idiot !

 >:( Now go back to your trying to read your protocols of the elders of zion!

Offline fjack

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Re: Letter from a Nation of Islam member to me.
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2006, 04:33:37 PM »
To the nation of islam and all you self hating whites,
Your people are nothing but the 'stuff' that I step in when I am unaware and the black sanitation workers are so stupid or so stoned that they cannot reach the higher intellectual order to find out that is part of their 'job description' to clean this stuff up. Your leader is a moron, a con man, a dope, and a white hater. This 'nation' is nothing more than a shake dowm racket that takes money from all you darkiies and dumb self hating whites. Ask your leader if you can live in his mansions that he has in white areas. He is so smart that he has built his palaces in white areas and not a ghetto. Even your own 'people' hate you. No matter how much they hate whitey, they hate you more. Who in their right  mind would live amongst you? Not even a black revolutionary. Your people are finished, the illegals aliens are taken over and that is the end of you.