I just found out about jewsagainstobama today while I was on youtube. So, I think that posting more videos on youtube will help get the word out.

I am supporting Hillary. I know you don't like her either. But I think that you should help Hillary to get the Dem nomination so that we will not have to worry at all about B.Hussein Obama in the general election. Some think that he has the nomination all sewn up, but if enough voters are aware of the truth behind B.Hussein maybe the superdelegates will be forced to give the nod to Hillary. Some people who have voted for him are not at all informed about him. I spoke to a co-worker who states he voted for him because he "thinks he's cool."

He didn't really know very much about him and was skeptical when I told him about his racist church. He must have been hiding under a rock for the past month. But anyway, it is important to get people educated about this racist, anti-American Muslim.