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Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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Apartheid Apology Blog - reader comments.
« on: April 29, 2008, 02:24:34 AM »
The Apartheid Apology Blog, which was set up by an incredibly stupid liberal in South Africa - Karl Gostner - who enriches himself and lines his pockets with money made from black people. He expects us as white South Africans to write an apology to the black savages on his blog.

You can find the blog here:

Below are a selection of comments from visitors to his blog:

"I will only apologize if the ANC apologize for all the innocent people they killed at holiday resorts, bars and even in churches. They must also apologize for their approach to the racist killing of farmers in South Africa."

"When communists are listed as your heroes, you KNOW you have problems.

The criminals and this USELESS government owe us ALL an apology.

To somehow think that some backward, stupid video is somehow more shocking than the brutal savagery that these simian criminal scum inflict on innocents every day demonstrates your level of delusion.


"I'll apologize if the ANC apologize for the hate speech they incite on a daily basis. If the ANC tells us how many innocent people they have killed, and how much money they have stolen from ALL the people of South Africa.

They appoint known criminals to government, they openly discriminate against white and colored people.

Boet, you need a bottle Javel for the brown ring around your neck, cos your head is so far up the ANC's behind no wonder your suffering, and this isn't apartheid's fault.

They had schools, they had jobs, they had housing (also the fault of apartheid) now they have nothing, so whose fault is that.

I'm sick and tired that everytime you speak of a non-white person it is always racial, my tax money has no race, they(ANC) need to own up to their actions, and put the people that was responsible for a huge number of innocent people dying out to pasture.

And I bet you the majority of South Africa will agree."

"I am truly sorry I voted "Yes" for FW to continue on the path which led to ANC rule. I naively believed that I was voting for a better life for all South Africans, and it did appear so at first, but over the years our new government have shown their true colours and turned the country into another African basket case."

"I am sick and tired of groveling whites like you guys.
Get a life.
The ANC are marxist scum that hate whites and will destroy everything we built in the once great republic of sa now called ARSEZANIA.

Tell me why the rapes, murders, torture day after day and nothing ever said or done? It because your anc friends support this genocide.

Get out of south africa my white brothers, get you familys out before its too late.


Deny the kaffirs your skills, tax revenue etc.
leave them to sink in their own [censored].

Stop trying to say sorry. Grow up and get some strength."

"There's no apologies for who is taking advantage to been a victim of apartheid and still blame the past and the whites today after many years of black regime and violence from who suppose put an end on violence and crimes. Apologies must coming from thousand of criminals taking people life and goods in South Africa ,day after day, and nobody can stop them.
I'm not part of who was in apartheid time, and I don't have any apology to give away, the result of what suppose was the Reconciliation is a simply mirror of fact not belong to who wasn't there and we have only carry our life in fear day after day , thanks to this freedom of a new South Africa more racist than the whites years ago in apartheid time and thanks to the intelligence of the Government 90% black African, ruin the country by corruption, private interest, ignorance and absence of any form of knowledge of how running a Country, Apology must coming form them not from us."

"Apologise????You sanctimonious mealie mouthed hypocritical arsehole, what for expecting reasonable behaviour from the blacks, for expecting rationality or logic from these idiots, apologise for their total racism towards whites or their total indifference to the suffering that is their legacy?
Karl Gostner...Your name should live in infamy for your blatant stupidity, your toadying to your black masters and your indifference to the awful reality that is black anc misrule.
Get it straight, racism flows through the veins of the blacks. Blacks, the sub species, these cretinous madumbe's are the real cause of racism, but you and your liberal commy mates are just too ignorant to see that.

I note that the Human Rights Commission is not particularly interested if your skin is white, perhaps whites are not allowed rights in the new SA????"

"We apologise for giving you free doctors and free medical care and medications, which allows you to survive and multiply so that you can demand apologies.

We apologise for helping you to read and teaching you the English language and thus we opened up to you the entire European civilisation, thought and enterprise.

We feel that we must apologise for building hundreds of homes for you, which you have vandalised and destroyed.

We apologise for giving you law and order which has helped prevent you from slaughtering one another and using the unfortunate for food purposes.

We apologise for developing large farms and properties, which today feed you people, where before, you had the benefits of living off the land and starving during droughts.

We apologise for providing you with warm clothing made of fabric to replace that animal skins you used before.

We apologise for building roads and railway tracks between cities and building cars so that you no longer have to walk over harsh terrain.

We apologise for paying off your vehicle when you fail to pay the installments.

We apologise for giving you free vehicles, petrol, boats, firearms, fishing gear and other non traditional methods that you now use to carry out your traditional ways of hunting.

We apologise for not charging you rent on any lands when white people have to pay.

We apologise for developing oil wells and minerals, including gold and diamonds which you never used and had no idea of their value.

We apologise for working hard to pay taxes that finance your welfare, medical care and education.

For the trouble you will have identifying the uncle toms in your own community who are getting richer and leaving some of you living in squalor and poverty. We do apologise. We really do. We humbly beg your forgiveness for all the above sins.

We are only too happy to take back all the above and return you to the paradise of the veld, whenever you are ready.

(adapted from the Aboriginal apology)"

"I will NEVER apologize!
They (the blacks and the ANC) must apologize for their murder and savagery!
You are a complete moron and an excuse for a human being!
You are an insult to all the thousands of victims of black crime and savagery!
You are a fool and you condone the murder of the innocent in this country by running this blog!
Look around you idiot, the only ones who need to apologize are the blacks in this country!
I cannot believe how unthinking and unaware you are of the truth which is - the black man is a savage!"

"Karl Gostner!
I think you get the picture of what people think of your ridiculous blog!
Most white South Africans are victims of crime which is the result of your loving black brothers and sisters!
Are you a child!? Do you actually believe the "Rainbow Nation" [censored]?
Please grow up, open your eyes and see what the ANC and most of your black friends are -MURDERERS!"

"Karl Gostner!
May your blog be a public record to the fact that you are a groveling liberal embarrassment!

May your blog also be a public record of what MOST white South Africans think of your call to apologize.We WILL NOT apologize until the ANC rectifies the mess it has made of this country!

May your blog also be a public record of the fact that the ones who need to apologize are black South Africans for all their murder and the devolution of this country!"

Let G_d arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. (Psalm 68:1)

Offline serbian army

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Re: Apartheid Apology Blog - reader comments.
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2008, 04:34:21 PM »
I like many of this comments xaxaxaxxa
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