Author Topic: THE FRAUD OF HOMOSEXUALITY  (Read 6289 times)

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« on: February 26, 2008, 06:28:49 AM »

by K S

First I'll deal with the term "gay". Gay means very happy, joyful, exuberant. It describes an emotion, not a sexual perversion. The rates of suicide and clinical depression are among the highest in the homosexual community. The homosexual is pathetic, broken-minded, frustrated, affected and usually diseased. To call such a one "gay" is like calling a basketball player "Shorty".

In 1994 I taped a three-part documentary from Discovery Journal, "A Time Of Aids", hosted by John Palmer. It featured one Michael Callen, who had aids and looked like an inmate of Buchenwald. He said, "By the age of 26 I had sex with about 3000 different men. In 1980, every time I had sex I got something. Hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis non A non b, herpes simplex 1 and 2, shigella and amoeba histolitica, girardia, syphilis, gonorrhea," non-specific urethritis, CMV, EBV, venereal warts..."

Soon after aids was recognized for what it was, about 1984, I saw a TV report of an aids patient being interviewed in a doctor's treatment room. He had developed dark splotches and didn't feel well. He told his doctor he wanted to get well and celebrate his gayness. He died shortly thereafter, rotting and stinking in a taxpayer-provided hospital bed.

That young man had once been good-looking and seemed fairly intelligent. Had he married and fathered a couple of children and pursued a career he might have known real love and success. But he chose an empty life of sexual stimulation and so paid Nature's penalty for perverting Nature's purpose.

Michael Callen's nearly 3000 was an extreme but the report stated that the average homosexual male had 500 different contacts. The report also stated that those so active also caught about every VD and other communicable disease going. A heterosexual male with contact of 500 female prostitutes would most likely come away with the same amount and variety of ailments, including aids.

Homosexuals profess love for their partners but this is a self-delusion. Sexual love leads to bonding. Among heterosexuals, when passion wears thin, the home and usually children strengthens the bond even when sex is no longer in effect. But, no matter how we romanticize it, glamorize it, fantasize about it, rationalize it, emotionalize it or ritualize it, sex is for the reproduction of our species.

A heterosexual couple, even if they are using birth control, or are infertile or as kinky as all get out, all things being equal, are sort of on the right track. The subconscious is satisfied and this gives a feeling of fulfillment. But this subconscious fulfillment is lacking in the homosexual.

A heterosexual male who scores with 20 different females considers himself quite macho and is fulfilled. But the homosexual with 500 to 3000 different partners will never find that feeling of fulfillment so he is driven to go from partner to partner looking for it. So, like the salmon swimming upstream to breed and then die, the driven homosexual goes on and on in his frustrated quest to reproduce. But at least, the salmon dies fulfilled.

It's no wonder that the lifespan of the average male homosexual is only 41 years and that of the lesbian is only 45, due to overtaxed immune systems, as opposed to the 70s for heterosexuals. Homosexuality, far from being a lifestyle, is a deathstyle. We hear a lot about legal marriage among homosexuals as proof of love and commitment. Nonsense. It's just so the company one works for will be forced to pay the medical bills of the other.

These people, caught up in an addictive and self-destructive habit cannot reproduce and so must recruit. The similarity to vampires comes to mind. According to legend, if a vampire bites a victim three times, that victim becomes a vampire and then goes looking for other victims. If a homosexual seducer has three sessions with a victim, said victim can then be convinced that he or she was born to that sexual expression. So the homosexual, like the vampire, is one who, for perverted sexual pleasure, is willing to put an end to another's genetic line and possibly cause his or her death.

Several years ago, Phil Donahue and Geraldo Rivera devoted many of their programs to promoting the acceptance of homosexuality as normal. On one program Phil asked a woman in the audience if she would mind if her son became a homosexual. She replied she wouldn't mind as long as he was happy. Down through the ages women have expected to live their declining years in the company of children and grandchildren, with a place near the fire and a bowl of warm food. That woman and many like her will be out of luck when the Social Security system collapses.

Concerning the genetic angle, in 1977, before aids, I wrote an editorial entitled "The Gene Pool And Sexual Survival", elsewhere on this web site and on page 577 of The Survivor. I wouldn't change a line.

Phil and Geraldo encouraged hundreds of thousands of homosexuals to come out of the closet, interact, recruit and infect. Unwittingly or cynically, they caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands, broke up families, spread disease among millions and helped to lower the moral standards of our nation. They and others like them excused and even promoted every kind of sexual deviation and promiscuity. Sexual promiscuity among the immature has been forbidden by every advanced culture not in a state of decline. Thanks a lot, guys.

One of the silliest lies promoted by homosexuals is that they are among the most creative of any social community. Creativity comes from a combination of intelligence, knowledge and talent. A normal, well-motivated young person's preoccupation is with a career. But if one's preoccupation is with sex, there is little life above the belt so there is little time for a career requiring the dedication which leads to creativity. So the average intelligent homosexual seldom realizes his or her potential and so winds up as a clerk, hairdresser or in show business.

Examples of what the homosexual sees as creativity lies in the field of women's fashions. A number of years ago a "brilliant" homosexual died of aids. His main claim to fame was designing the pill-box hat Jackie Kennedy wore when JFK was killed. The mourning among the rag trade at the loss of that idiot was hard to believe.

A field almost totally controlled by women-hating homosexuals is that of fashion. You have but to watch CNN's "Style, With Elsa Klencsh". You'll see hideous stick figures, hardly women, flouncing down the runway wearing rag-bag costumes Wal-Mart wouldn't sell. Then Elsa interviews their mainly effeminate male designers who present a generally unhealthy look. Most of them have aids and die off regularly so fresh ones have a chance at this phony profession. But they all show their contempt of women by competing with each other in seeing how ugly and stupid they can make stupid women look.

Then there are the hairdressers. Watch CNN's "Showbiz Today" and you'll see the female victims of homosexual fashion designers and hairdressers flaunting the latest "creations". Ugly and stupid. You seldom see them in movies gotten up like diseased witches. Movie makers want their actresses to look sexy and how you see them at parties is just the opposite.

A few years ago I went to pick up my wife at the beauty parlor. I noticed two fags working there. I requested that she go elsewhere. She did. I can't see how any woman can stand to have one of those people touching her and breathing down on her. Forget aids; they buy into enough airborne diseases to make them dangerous to anyone they get near. Simply put, they're dirty. A heterosexual female beautician is a lot less likely to be a disease carrier.

Although sex is the most fun one can have without laughing, it is among the most unsanitary activities one can engage in. If you get a cold your mate will get it. If you or your mate sleep around, anyone along the line who has a communicable disease will send it back to you. There is no such thing as safe sex; only safer. The closeness of intimacy is a guarantee of possible contamination. Nor are condoms complete protection. The slightest weakness in the condom can let sperm through, and the human sperm cell is a thousand times larger than the HIV virus.

You might wonder how such people appear so normal and personable on TV and in movies if they fit the picture I've been painting. The media treats homosexuals like they do the blacks. There are about 35 million blacks in this country and half of them are feeble-minded. But it's no big job to find a couple of hundred thousand intelligent blacks in their upper-class to present as the norm.

The media does the same with homosexuals. As you see them in TV interviews, talk shows, etc. they seem quite normal and unaffected. Not all homosexuals act like fairies and many of those who do in their day-to-day life can change and act straight before a camera.

Rock Hudson seemed very masculine on screen. But off screen he actively "celebrated his gayness". It cost him his life, as it did the young man who played Captain Kirk's son in "The Wrath Of Khan" and Raymond (Perry Mason) Burr and too many other actors to mention.

Nowadays the media is playing down the spread of aids, which is still going on. But the wretches are desperate for converts as they lose partners. They use the media, of which so many are a part to convince the ignorant that they are just plain folks, despite the dangers to those they snare. They can hardly encourage the acceptance of homosexuality and at the same time warn against it.

In 1993 I wrote a short story entitled "Clarence And The Gay Martians". Clarence is a mass-murdering psychotic loved by all. Using an inflammable device, described, he burns out ten crowded homosexual bars, believing them to be gathering places for invading aliens.

Shortly thereafter, a reporter called and asked if I would be sorry if someone were to copy Clarence and kill a lot of homosexuals. I expressed indifference and told him only a psychotic would do such a thing. I added that said psychotic would more than likely be an embittered homosexual acting against a partner who had rejected him.

Regardless of how the Liberal media portrays homosexuals on their best behavior, if you want to see them as they really are, watch the Jerry Springer Show. I was on Springer's program three times before he turned it into a forum for sexual weirdoes. I found him to be an extremely intelligent and likeable person.

He's been roundly criticized by the rest of the media so he must be doing something right. And he is. While presenting himself as just a crude sensationalist, he's actually exposing America's sexual underclass. His highly entertaining program features fighting fags in drag, clawing dykes, transsexuals, bisexuals, ghetto garbage and trailer trash, cheating, deceiving, hating, none of whom should have been born and all soon to die.

I encourage you to watch the Jerry Springer Show with your youngsters. I can almost guarantee that after a month they will reject degeneracy and see heterosexual monogamy as the only way to go.

Offline Sarah

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« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2008, 05:23:26 PM »
Great Article.

Homosexuality will contribute to the death of the world i'm sure.

Just Erica

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« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2008, 05:48:35 PM »
Great Article.

Homosexuality will contribute to the death of the world i'm sure.

Homosexuality isn't a fad, Sarah. It's been in the world for a very long time. I think people who pay too much attention to what's going on in the lives of gay people will eventually have a heart attack because of the stress they are putting themselves under.

Homosexuality isn't a deviant behavior of perversion. You are getting that mixed up with peodphilia.


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« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2008, 03:28:35 AM »

Homosexuality isn't a deviant behavior of perversion.

Oh, no, Erica!

Men nailing each other up the dirt chute and eating each other's poo is 'totally normal', I suppose! ::)

Just Erica

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« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2008, 03:47:07 AM »

Homosexuality isn't a deviant behavior of perversion.

Oh, no, Erica!

Men nailing each other up the dirt chute and eating each other's poo is 'totally normal', I suppose! ::)
Where did you see this? LOL If this is what's really happening (the eating) I think you know too much, newman. Who is letting you into their bedrooms to see these things?

On the other side of that... perversion is when someone is flashing you, or flirting with YOU in a sexual manner. Perversion is when someone is touching someone else in an improper manner; women or children.  Homosexuality is nothing like pedophilia. I think some people get those two words mixed up all to often.

I'm perfectly happy knowing or even assuming that a homosexual couple is happy. I'm not interested in what they do when they're in the comforts of their own homes...that's their business. Since when has someone having sex in their own house negatively affected you, newman?


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« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2008, 03:50:22 AM »
Perversion is doing something unnatural. Flashing and touching without consent are sex crimes.

Just Erica

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« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2008, 03:55:35 AM »
Perversion is doing something unnatural. Flashing and touching without consent are sex crimes.
What consenting homosexuals do in private ISN'T a sex crime. The same with heterosexuals.


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« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2008, 04:00:28 AM »
Perversion is doing something unnatural. Flashing and touching without consent are sex crimes.
What consenting homosexuals do in private ISN'T a sex crime. The same with heterosexuals.
You're right.

What consenting homosexuals do is 'perversion'.

Just Erica

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« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2008, 04:17:29 AM »
Perversion is doing something unnatural. Flashing and touching without consent are sex crimes.
What consenting homosexuals do in private ISN'T a sex crime. The same with heterosexuals.
You're right.

What consenting homosexuals do is 'perversion'.
i didn't say that. I asked you also why it bothers you; what homosexuals do in private?


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« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2008, 04:23:47 AM »
Perversion is doing something unnatural. Flashing and touching without consent are sex crimes.
What consenting homosexuals do in private ISN'T a sex crime. The same with heterosexuals.
You're right.

What consenting homosexuals do is 'perversion'.
i didn't say that. I asked you also why it bothers you; what homosexuals do in private?
Nobody objects to the goings-on behind closed doors.

Our objection to gays is the constant lobbying, demands to adopt children, demands to make church proscriptions against homosexuality illegal, demands for marriages and demands to introduce 'gay tollerence' lessons in schools etc.

Just Erica

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« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2008, 04:55:25 AM »
Perversion is doing something unnatural. Flashing and touching without consent are sex crimes.
What consenting homosexuals do in private ISN'T a sex crime. The same with heterosexuals.
You're right.

What consenting homosexuals do is 'perversion'.
i didn't say that. I asked you also why it bothers you; what homosexuals do in private?
Nobody objects to the goings-on behind closed doors.

Our objection to gays is the constant lobbying, demands to adopt children, demands to make church proscriptions against homosexuality illegal, demands for marriages and demands to introduce 'gay tollerence' lessons in schools etc.

Newman, not long ago you were talking about how you think homosexuals have  you don't care what goes on behind doors? Why are you just bringing up the legalized adoption now? That's more debatable than their personal goings on.

Offline spiritus_persona

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« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2008, 12:02:28 AM »
I have a question.  Are politicians really concerned about gay rights because they think it is "a Great Leap Forward" or do they know that they are killing themselves with diseases?  Because, let's face it, the gays will die in the end.  You know what, let 'em.  I don't care anymore!  Let them gave gay sex, let them kill themselves!  Just as long as they don't kill me first.
Me: Muslims get offended too easily.
Muslim: What!?  That is an outrage!  Take that back or I kill you!

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« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2008, 09:15:31 PM »
That is one of the best articles that I have ever read in quite some time.

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« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2008, 02:45:42 AM »
Great Article.

Homosexuality will contribute to the death of the world i'm sure.

Homosexuality isn't a fad, Sarah. It's been in the world for a very long time. I think people who pay too much attention to what's going on in the lives of gay people will eventually have a heart attack because of the stress they are putting themselves under.

Homosexuality isn't a deviant behavior of perversion. You are getting that mixed up with peodphilia.

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