Author Topic: Israels Govt Channel 2 airs programm exposing Leftists Israeli proffesors  (Read 1914 times)

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for first time. Leftist traitor Israeli  proffesors   buying diapers ;D        

Israeli State Radio Outs the Academic Fifth Column
By Steven Plaut

Until now, Israel’s state-owned media have generally never done any investigative reporting on Israel’s Far left and Academic Fifth Column. The TV and radio stations are owned by the Israel Broadcasting Authority, and the IBA has always been a poorly-disguised bastion of the Left. Its heads have never hidden the fact that think their mission in life is to advance the Left’s agenda.

That is why the decision to run a series of radio shows viciously attacking the academic far Left and the “Post-Zionists” is so significant, and why it has the far leftists in Israel soiling themselves in anguish.

Last evening the first of what is promised to be a series of two-hour radio shows on the subject was aired on Reshet Bet, one of the large state-run radio channels in Israel. It can be heard via the internet in Hebrew where you need to click the program entitled “The Anti-Zionist Congress.” These shows are part of the wider state-media coverage of Israel’s 60th independence anniversary celebrations.

The show lasted two hours so I cannot post a full protocol, but I will summarize it briefly here. The MC was Kobi Barkai and the producer and editor was Avraham Ben-Melech. The program was by far the best expose of Israel’s treasonous far Left to appear in the Israeli media to date. While giving plenty of time to the anti-Zionists to state their “claims,” in such a way that that no leftist has any legitimate grounds for complaint about the show, it also gave full time to critics of the Tenured Traitors to state THEIR claims. On the one hand, lengthy citations and statements by Ilan Pappe, Uri Ram, Shlomo Zand, and Teddy Katz were read or recited from interviews. But they were answered by critics of the “Post-Zionists,” including Prof. Shlomo Avineri, Prof. Shalom Rosenberg, Amnon Lord, and others. Also, the MC himself attacked the Anti-Zionist academics harshly and at length throughout the show and made it clear that the goal of the program was to expose a group of traitors that had grown up inside Israel.

The main point made over and over was that there is no such thing as a “Post-Zionist,” and that those claiming to be so are really anti-Zionists seeking Israel’s annihilation. While some of the leftists say so openly in the show, the others pretend to be seeking only what is peaceful and good for Israel, but the show made it clear that this is only a pretense. The MC described at length how the “Post-Zionists” collaborate with anti-Semites, devote their energies to demonizing Israel as a Nazi-like, fascist apartheid state, accuse Israel of conducting “ethnic cleansing” and genocide against the peaceful innocent PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi Arabs, insist that Israel has always sought war and conflict, including being responsible for the Six Day War, but the Arabs have always sought peace. It even cited Avi Shlain’s claim that Israel was guilty of causing the Syrians to shell Israel before 1967 from the Golan Heights.

The program described at length those Post-Zionists who deny that Jews are a people and insist Jews have no right to a state or self-determination. The program cited Tel Aviv University anti-Zionist (and communist) Prof. Shlomo Zand at length as declaring in his new recent “book” that Jews are not a people at all and that Jewish nationhood is a complete fabrication of the Zionists. The program described how such people seek to make Israel junk its flag and the national anthem to make Arabs feel more “welcome,” and otherwise seek to eliminate any semblance of any Jewish character to the state. It described at length the pseudo-history of Ilan Pappe and Teddy Katz, who invented an imaginary massacre of Arabs, supposedly by Jews in 1948 near Haifa. It cited Uri Ram, an anti-Zionist from Ben Gurion University, saying that there is no justification for the existence of any Jewish state. It cited Prof. Shlomo Avineri from the Hebrew University as saying that such academic leftists are seeking the annihilation of Israel. It repeatedly described such “Post-Zionists” as being driven by psychological disorders and Jewish self-hatred.

I happen to consider the program a consequence of the many years of efforts by myself and others to expose the Tenured Traitors and the Academic Fifth Column in Israel. Most recently is doing important work to expose these people.

As one indication of the effectiveness of the radio program, I attach below the hysterical ravings of one of the worse anti-Zionist leftists from the University of Haifa as posted on a University of Haifa chat list for professors. It is unedited and spelling left uncorrected:

From: “Micah Leshem”
Mon, 28 Apr 2008 12:35:16 +0300

Subject: [Segel-plus] Kol Israel disgusting sectorial demagoguery and propaganda

Last night’s episode of “60 years of the Statel” (ùùéí ùðåú îãéðä) on Reshet Beth of Kol Israel (1905-2100h) was titled “The Anti Zionist Congress”. In part 1 (apparently the 2nd part is yet to be aired), the program let vent to a 3 hour diatribe of anti “New Historian” Academics, harbored by our universities, and associated them with Nazism, Antisemitism, and a variety of epithets that were also aimed at “some MKs” and, of course, the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi citizens of the state. This vitriol was repeated 3-4 times: at the beginning of the program, and after each break for advertisements and the news. Some words from Pappe, Katz, and an Oxford Professor (apparently originally Israeli) were brought, each followed by demagoguery such as a lengthy quotation from an “anonymous American professor” (really, they stated s/he was “Anonymous”) and repeatedly the horrible crimes typical of intellectual Jews such as abysmal self-hatred etc etc.
At no point was there any reference to historic facts, true or false, although in a giveaway line they mentioned that it was all started by the opening of the IDF archives! Itamar Rabinovitz was enlisted to explain that no minority is better treated in any western country than the Israeli Arabs – although some minor problems might need attention.

The program is by A. Ben Melech and I have never heard a more sickening or partisan broadcast on Kol Israel previously, not even in pre-election party political broadcasts. I do not know if Arutz 7 broadcasts stuff like this, but allowing Government Radio to tout such a platform is an outrage, delegitimising differences of opinion at best, and academic and historical research at worst.

I can think of no better justification for avoiding paying the agra at all costs.

While it is quite possible that the majority of Jewish Israelis will dance on the roofs and invade the pitch in glee upon hearing this program, its iniquitous content is not a matter of opinion. It is a clear breach of trust by a major government authority in a supposedly free society.

I think that anything that could get Micah Leshem so hysterically angry must be a major national success!
« Last Edit: April 29, 2008, 07:52:41 AM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03