Author Topic: White Genocide in SA ?? Yes.......  (Read 786 times)

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Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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White Genocide in SA ?? Yes.......
« on: May 04, 2008, 07:47:01 AM »
White Genocide in SA ?? Yes.......

Mention the word “Genocide” in polite liberal politically correct society and you will be met with such comments as “Yes, isn’t it awful what they are doing in Rwanda/Darfur etc. Mention Genocide, silently and deliberately aimed at certain South African population groups and you will probably be met with derision. No, it could not happen and anyone who suggests otherwise is simply deranged or deluded.

So, is what is happening in today’s South Africa, genocide or simply far right hysteria aimed at eliciting sympathy?

Let us define Genocide or if you prefer Ethnocide or cultural genocide. The arbiter of rational thought and objective clear thinking, the UN in its inevitable wisdom does not define Genocide but uses the terms with gay abandon.

Genocide: The unlawful intentional destruction by physical or emotional means of a particular race/ethnic/national or religious group of persons.

Ethnocide: A component of Genocide is the destruction of the discrete group by removal of its identity, values and culture.

The situation in South Africa is therefore Genocide and Ethnocide is just one facet of the whole infernal creature.

Evidence of Genocide

The first and most significant act of cultural genocide was the removal of the National Flag and its replacement with some piece of cloth. This was a snub to all the whites, and a subtle statement of intent as to the future.

The abandonment and trivialisation of the Afrikaans language in schools, government departments and in the workplace.

The replacement of traditional city names, streets, monuments and Universities with government approved names of former “Freedom Fighters”, criminals and obscure and little known figures. D’Urban is referred to as Thekwini, Jan Smuts Airport is now O Tambo International, the list is endless. Every instance removes, denigrates and intentionally belittles some part of the White groups self-perception, identity and pride.

The eviction of the whites by the deliberate creation of an intolerable state of affairs eg Crime, taxes discriminatory employment practises, land seizures, forced emigration, differing educational requirements for university admission etc.

Removal of effective local government and police and the stringent bureaucracy that makes legal firearm possession effectively impossible.

Removal of white personnel from the military.

Since the anc’s accession there have been well in excess of 2000 farm murders, committed mainly upon the Afrikaans sector. The anc has connived in these crimes by failing to provide proper rural protection, disbanding the commando system and by adopting a policy of constructive indifference to reality. The purpose of these atrocities is to intimidate and subdue the population, to eliminate them either on the land or remove them from the land. Evidence of this aspect of the genocide is widely available and documented.

This Genocide is a silent malignancy that can strike at random across the country. It cannot be realistically compared with the production line horror of Auschwitz, but every victim has to face his or her own terrors in the knowledge that like Bergen Belsen and Auschwitz this Genocide is silently State sanctioned. The world looks on with politically correct indifference, immune to gratuitous violence, anaesthetised by soap operas and poisoned by the video game burger culture.

by Blue Dog
Let G_d arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. (Psalm 68:1)