Author Topic: Jared Taylor, racial realist chased out by 'anti-fascists'  (Read 4528 times)

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Re: Jared Taylor, racial realist chased out by 'anti-fascists'
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2007, 08:20:44 PM »
These animals ,i noticed one wearing a keffeyih as head gear could'nt debate him they attempted to rough him up,they are similar to the shvartze people in that thy attack in gangs[tribes]
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Jared Taylor, racial realist chased out by 'anti-fascists'
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2007, 01:16:47 PM »
Sounds like our very own poster-with-hidden-agenda fjack was present at the proceedings:

One attendee who was the man who intervened when Mr. Taylor was being roughly escorted into the hallway was Jon Goldberg of the Atlantic Jewish Council in Halifax.

Mr. Goldberg acknowledged he’s familiar with Mr. Taylor’s views, which he finds abhorrent. He said the protesters were wrong to physically usher the speaker out of the meeting room.

“Unfortunately, unless he breaks (Canada’s) hate-crime law, it’s a free country,” Mr. Goldberg told The Chronicle Herald.

Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Yochanan Zev

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Re: Jared Taylor, racial realist chased out by 'anti-fascists'
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2007, 02:10:12 PM »
Jared Taylor is a racist.  He only avoids antisemitism so that he doesn't have to worry about Jewish retaliation.

The fact is that he doesn't mind taking money from Nazis to promote his pseudo-intellectual filth.  He writes for several racist magazines, and have served on the Council of Conservative Citizens, formerly the White Citizen's Council:

"The Council of Conservative Citizens was founded in the mid-1990s as an outgrowth of the Citizens Councils of America. The Citizens Councils emerged in the mid-1950s as part of a white segregationist response to federally mandated integration of public facilities, especially following the 1954 Supreme Court ruling against separate-but-equal schools. This backlash movement, primarily based in the South, brought together whites of all classes and backgrounds. The prominence of the Citizens Councils resulted from the incorporation of prominent local and state politicians in the state councils. (6) Like the Citizens Council, the CCC constantly rails against communists and nonwhites. The anti-Semitism associated with the predecessor councils remains an underlying current in the CCC. Gordon Lee Baum, the founding and current chief executive officer, was formerly a field director for the Citizens Councils of America. (3) Other former leaders of the Citizens Councils that cofounded CCC were Robert Patterson and Bill Lord. According to Patterson, "Western civilization with all its might and glory would never have achieved its greatness without the directing hand of God and the creative genius of the white race." (7)

CCC is closely tied to the American Nationalist Union, another white supremacist organization. Among the organizations and links that CCC recommends are American Renaissance, First Freedom, American Patrol, Resisting Defamation, Vdare, NumbersUSA, Sam Francis Online!, and Civil War Two. (4) Although at first glance a marginal organization, CCC has increased its credibility and visibility by inviting such congressional members as Trent Lott (R-MS) and Bob Barr (R-GA) to address its conferences. Mississippi Gov. Kirk Fordice has attended CCC gatherings, and according to CCC co-founder 34 members of the Mississippi state legislature are CCC members." (7) Other CCC speakers have included Edward Butler, a Christian identity, anti-Semitic preacher; David Duke, a former head of the Ku Klux Klan who urged members to fight for their "white genes;" and James Taylor of the supremacist American Renaissance organization. (3)"

I my mind, Jews who support Jared Taylor are no different than the Jews who assisted the Nazis during the Holocaust.

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Re: Jared Taylor, racial realist chased out by 'anti-fascists'
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2007, 03:34:00 PM »
When blacks are confronted with facts alway cry racism. It is an obsession with them. It is in their DNA. Taylor points out what is really going on. The facts are that blacks cannot compete in the real world. Look at who they admire, OJ, marion (the crackhead) barry, jesse (who be the babie daddie) jackson, al (the tawana bawana banana kid), mel (I like them little girls), tookie, obama (where's the coke), tupac (hey, I am be dead), biggie (I be dead to) smalls, louie (where be the mothership) farafart and mfume (I be makin' all them bastard chillin'). It is no wonder that whites feel uncomfortable around them. Blacks, by their own admission in Brown vs. Board, said that they can't learn unless they sit with whites (That didn't even work), they demand to live next to whites after they completely destroy their own areas. When they do take over a city look what happens. Look at Detroit, black runned and a complete disaster, New Orleans, black runned and a crime ridden hell hole, Camden, NJ, all black -all slum, Philly, black runned and a filthy pig pen, Newark, black runned for years and a turd world country now. I watch jesse jackson tv show every Sat. and he was complaining about this black school that didn't have computers, audio equipement, tvs etc., so he demanded money from whitey to buy all new stuff for these unfortunates, low and behold after one week EVERYTHING was stolen. Naturally he is demanding more. And blacks wonder why NO ONE , not hispanics, not asians, not indians, not whites, not ever Hoprah want to live with them. When black kids are too fat, they blame McDonalds, when they smoke, they blame the companies for forcing them to smoke, when they drink, they blame koreans who own the liquor stores in the ghetto. I can go one, but why bother. Instead of blaming everyone for your troubles, try looking at yourselves. Leave us alone, once you become civilized, maybe then everyone will talk to you. But then again, pigs don't fly.

Yochanan Zev

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Re: Jared Taylor, racial realist chased out by 'anti-fascists'
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2007, 04:15:34 PM »
James Taylor is obviously a typo.   If you follow the footnote "3", it takes you to the ADL site where it links Jared Taylor to American  Renissance and other racist publications/organizations:

"The fact that the CCC in the past invited mainstream politicians such as Mississippi Senator Trent Lott and Georgia Congressman Bob Barr (both of whom have since distanced themselves from the group) to be keynote speakers at its conferences lends the group a false air of legitimacy. However, many speakers who have addressed CCC meetings are unabashedly racist and anti-Semitic.

    * Jared Taylor, editor of the racist publication, American Renaissance (AR) has addressed CCC meetings numerous times in 1998. AR describes itself as a "literate, undeceived journal of race, immigration and the decline of civility." In reality, the publication uses pseudo-science to justify racism and white separatism.

    * In April 1998, Edward Butler, a Christian Identity preacher who publishes the vehemently anti-Semitic newsletter, "The New World Today," gave a talk to the Georgia chapter of the CCC. A recent issue of Butler’s newsletter reflects his views. He wrote, "…the U.S. government officials elected and appointed, are predominantly vassals of the Zionist New World Order. Jews control the wealth of the world and in turn they control the governments…Will you go on being a vassal of the Zionist slave state?"

    * In December 1998, Michael Collins Piper spoke at the meeting of the National Capital Chapter of the CCC in Washington, D.C. Piper is a correspondent for The Spotlight, a newspaper published by Liberty Lobby, the most active anti-Semitic propaganda organization in the United States. At the meeting, Piper made anti-Semitic comments and accused Israel’s Mossad and the Anti-Defamation League of being involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

    * In July 1995, David Duke addressed the meeting of the South Carolina chapter of the CCC, held at Clemson University. At the meeting, Duke, who has once again openly embraced his early extremist views, urged followers to fight for their "white genes."

    * In April 1994, the Arkansas chapter of the CCC invited lawyer Kirk Lyons to speak to the group. Lyons has been a friend to and has represented numerous extremists in court cases, including white supremacist Louis Beam and James Wickstrom, a Christian Identity preacher and head of the Posse Commitatus, an anti-government group. Lyons has described himself as an "active sympathizer" of his clients’ causes. The spring 1998 newsletter of the CCC mentions that the organization has been working on a case with Southern Legal Resource Center, currently headed by Lyons."

Jared Taylor sits at the same table, on the same board in attendance with these Nazis who foster this eugenics and white identity crap, and has no problem at all catering to people such as the likes of David Duke, Piper, and Edward Butler.  Look at the people who admire them and ask yourself if this is how you wish to associate yourself.

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Re: Jared Taylor, racial realist chased out by 'anti-fascists'
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2007, 04:31:13 PM »
i found out about jtf on taylors site

Jews and American Renaissance

Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, May 2006

I started American Renaissance 17 years ago in order to awaken whites to the crisis they face and to encourage them to unite in defending their legitimate interests as a race. To these ends, AR has deliberately avoided taking positions on questions about which racially-conscious whites are likely to disagree. Some of these have been foreign policy, abortion, the role of homosexuals in a white consciousness movement, and whether Christianity helps or hinders our efforts. By taking no position, AR has served readers who may be sharply opposed on these questions but who agree on the central importance of race, and are committed to our survival.

AR has likewise taken no explicit position on Jewish matters. Readers have always included both Jews and people who believe Jews play no useful role in a movement that promotes white interests. It has been my intent to emphasize questions crucial to our interests and on which we agree.

To put it more accurately, AR has taken an implicit position on Jews by publishing Jewish authors and inviting Jewish speakers to AR conferences. It should be clear to anyone that Jews have, from the outset, been welcome and equal participants in our efforts. There has always been a minority in the AR constituency that has criticized me and AR for welcoming Jews, and there has been another minority that has criticized me and AR for not denouncing the first minority. These groups have generally treated each other with polite reserve, and expressed their bitterness only among themselves or to me—as was proper.

There are other divisions within AR. There are Christians and atheists, Democrats and Republicans, evolutionists and creationists, and advocates of different foreign policies. There has been tension within AR on these questions, but always good manners.

That changed at the most recent American Renaissance conference. At least one participant told a Jewish conferee that Jews were not welcome. One participant well known for strong views rose to denounce Jews as the historic enemy of the European people. Another called him “a f***ing Nazi,” and stormed out of the conference hall.

There will be no more disgraceful behavior of this kind if people who attend AR conferences bear in mind that Jews have a valuable role in the work of American Renaissance, and are welcome participants and speakers. Anyone who thinks otherwise has the choice of staying home or keeping his views to himself.

AR does not, on the other hand, have litmus tests for subscribers or conference participants. There will always be disagreement and debate in our ranks on many issues, including the role Jews may or may not have played in creating the crisis we face. Some people in the AR community believe Jewish influence was decisive in destroying the traditional American consensus on race. Others disagree.

Gentile whites—without help from anyone else—have repeatedly shown themselves capable of egalitarian excess. The French Revolution, the Clapham abolitionists, John Brown and his backers, the miscegenist enthusiasms of the Grimke sisters and other radical integrationists are all products of purely gentile delusion. Even if it were possible to prove that Jewish influence derailed what used to be a healthy American racial consciousness, that is a historical question not directly relevant to what we must accomplish now.

Today, even groups that openly resist Jewish influence are deeply liberal-egalitarian. In 2005, the Presbyterian Church angered many Jewish groups by voting to divest itself of stock in companies it considered to be supporting injustice against Palestinians. In 2006, the Church of England voted to do the same. These churches are prepared to ignore the wishes of many Jewish organizations, yet their members are as relentlessly suicidal on race as any group in either country. Whatever its origins may have been—and they are hardly exclusively Jewish—white ethnomasochism has a life and momentum of its own.

The role of Jews in a society, the morality of abortion, the influence of Christianity, the appropriate foreign policy, and the place of homosexuals should all be discussed openly in a free society, all in their appropriate places. AR is not that place. We cannot afford dissension that distracts us from our goal.

We have vital work to do. Our civilization, our way of life, even our continuity as a distinct people depend on whether we succeed or fail. It is a distraction from our proper work to hunt for culprits, to blame others for our own loss of will.

We may still be a small minority, but we have history, human nature, and morality on our side. Success for us lies in demonstrating that our views are right, healthy and moral—and that liberal-egalitarianism is wrong and immoral; not in trying to “unmask” it as a Jewish conspiracy.


In light of the events described above, it was clear to me that a statement of some kind was necessary. Apparently, others thought so, too. In March I received a letter from several people associated with American Renaissance, insisting not only on a statement but on changes in editorial policy and in the organization of AR conferences.

AR has always welcomed advice, but condescending, shape-up-or-else letters are more likely to have the opposite effect of whatever may have been intended. The tone of the letter was one that would suggest that what appears above was drafted under pressure—so much so that some, in my place, would have written nothing at all.

One should not, however, let the mistakes of others deflect one from decisions already taken, and I believe AR’s position is now clear.

"Negroes are a form of animal and it is against the will of God and nature to mate with such creatures. It is specifically forbidden in the Holy Bible. The Negro is still in the ape stage, actually a higher form of gorilla. They are retarded, 200,000 years behind the white race. They suffer from sickle-cell trait, a hereditary racial characteristic of negroes, and is found in no other race - Negroes have diseased blood". - Prof. Charles Carroll

Yochanan Zev

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Re: Jared Taylor, racial realist chased out by 'anti-fascists'
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2007, 04:46:04 PM »
That's the sanitized version.  I posted a more detailed account in the neighboring thread.

Here's more Jared on from the google engine.

I especially like this quote:

"When young whites have become a minority in a society where an assertion of ethnic and racial differences has a pay-off, more and more of them will catch on to how the game is played. Eventually someone will come along to exploit that awareness, preaching a combination of racial superiority and victimization that could become a force in the balkanized politics of the future."

I'd imagine that sorta "MO" would be quite familiar to many of the posters here on this board!  ;)

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Re: Jared Taylor, racial realist chased out by 'anti-fascists'
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2007, 02:39:57 PM »
Dear kangaroo, you can't face the facts. Everywhere the blacks go destruction follows. Your kind must face reality and realize that your species can't go on this way. Most of the things that your kind does is laughable. The news makes a big deal out of some little black that doesn't have a rap sheet, or goes to a spelling bee, or doesn't have any bastard kids. Give us a break. If you think that your species is so special go to africa and turn that into a first world country. We are getting sick and tired of the constant complaints, the excuses, the welfare, the destruction of our cities, the drain of finiancial resoures, the lies of your so called history, of inventions that your people never invented, the constant saying 'we be ancient egyption', it a sad, sad, story your kind tells. Just be happy that the white is forced to hire you, let you destroy our neighborhoods, pollute our schools, and bring down our standard of living. Don't you realize that this is not one group of people who wants you to live in their neighborhood, not ever the illegals from mexico want to live with blacks, they hate them and they are killing them. Why don't you go and fight that. You won't, because you expect whitey to save these blacks and pay the mexicans to stop killing your kind.