Tzvi, The satmar "Rabbi" Yoel Teitelbaum wrote many books and stated in all of them that he wants israel destroyed. The position of Satmar on Israel is the same as Yassir Arafats.

complete ignorance, and the brainwashing from the Israel media and system agains't Judaism and "Haredim". When the Satmer Rebbe was alive Israel didn't exist. And he was agains't Israel (in my point of view) both from a position that I agree and one that I have differences with. The position and the fact that joining the Israeli system which oppresses Jews by the worst way possible- Spiritually is a very great reason why not wanting and not working with the system was a good position and something to support. How can any Rabbi be part of a group that wanted and is trying to get "religion" out of the Jewish people?
+ Things that others might not do, but the Satmer do, also shouldn't always be taken at face value, for example not going to the Western Wall. Even though most do, as do I, I can respect them not going in order not to give the secular entity credit in being the liberators of the Jews. They reason that if you go you boost the pride of the secular entity and furthur their cause of making Jews accept their authority and worst of all their influence and way of life.