Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles
What Do You Think Of Pre-Marital Intimacy And/Or Touching?
A few weeks ago i went for a medical check up the nurse took a blood test afterwards she put a band aid on.Should i have told her give me that band aid i don'nt want you to touch me she would have thought i was paranoid or insane.
Nic Brookes:
--- Quote from: Yehudit Bat Noah on May 22, 2008, 04:00:52 AM ---Before people keep on dogging on Yacov's posts I have a few things to say....
1) This is for Jews. No one is saying for it to be banned for Gentiles.So if you're a Gentile don't worry about it.
2) Jewish Men should not touch women and Jewish women should not touch men period!! No if or buts! That's the way things are! Only family can hug (mother-son, sister-brother) hug, shake hands etc... And only a husband and wife can touch when she is not niddah.
This post and the rest are according to RELIGIOUS Judaism!! That's the way things are. No interdancing and no touching. I'm sorry if it bothers people, but that's the way the religious Jewish lifestyle is.
Many MANY religious Jews are against touching the opposite gender (like...CHABAD, Breslov etc..) Opting to not even shake a hand. So this small thread is not the end of the world.
Look at religious Orthodox Jews...when do they touch people of the opposite gender? They don't and they are against it except to save a life.
And it's hypothetical! It's not going to be really be banned, he is just asking about what ethics we should use in our lives!!!! I am sick of every time a thread like this goes up everyone starts dogging on Yacov, acting like this is a serious thread, when it's an opinion poll.
And before people start saying "but it makes us look bad"...1. Since when do we care. 2. Again this is a HYPOTHETICAL post. 3. Not everyone agrees with everything individual JTFers think. Posts like these are to discuss personal opinions on religious Jewish ethics, so we can agree to disagree. I'm sorry but people act like just because Yacov puts a thread like this, it's going to be the end of the universe. A simple yes or no answer and a polite explanation will do.
1-No one is going to really make it a law
2- No one asked Chaim to make it a law on the forum. I don't know where people got the idea that "Chaim would not approve" NO ONE is asking him to ban "touching"
3-It's not a real thread, it's an OPINION poll.
NO WHERE does Yacov mention how it should become a law in Israel etc. Again it's just an opinion poll!
Please excuse my tone.
This is my final word on the matter. Again I apologize. In case anyone is upset about my response,I am sorry but I will not discuss it here further. Anyone feel free to contact an Admin or someone about it.
I just had to get it off my chest.
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Admins, would it be a good idea to have these threads in a new section of the form, as they are clearly contraversial and having them away from the General Discussion would keep people who dislike them from looking at them?
--- Quote from: mord on May 22, 2008, 09:45:55 AM ---A few weeks ago i went for a medical check up the nurse took a blood test afterwards she put a band aid on.Should i have told her give me that band aid i don'nt want you to touch me she would have thought i was paranoid or insane.
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It is almost impossible to draw someone's blood without touching them.
That kind of touching is different isn't it?
--- Quote from: bullcat3 on May 22, 2008, 10:41:58 AM ---
--- Quote from: mord on May 22, 2008, 09:45:55 AM ---A few weeks ago i went for a medical check up the nurse took a blood test afterwards she put a band aid on.Should i have told her give me that band aid i don'nt want you to touch me she would have thought i was paranoid or insane.
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It is almost impossible to draw someone's blood without touching them.
That kind of touching is different isn't it?
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I don'nt know what he means by touching
--- Quote from: מאיר כהן on May 22, 2008, 08:40:43 AM ---No, am opposed to it being banned. What one does in their own private home between two consenting adults should be between them.
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