Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles

What Do You Think Of Pre-Marital Intimacy And/Or Touching?

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--- Quote from: zelhar on May 22, 2008, 11:49:53 AM ---I am against banning contact and I think it should be a personal choice and a legal ban would be intrusive to the personal freedom.

Personally I'd rather that the habit of handshakes would die out because to me it seems like a perfect way to exchange viruses and other pathogens between individuals. I think we should replace it with a non-contact gesture.

Unfortunately it seems that things are heading the other way at list here in Israel, it becomes increasingly customary for man and woman, woman and woman and even two man to hug and kiss in social circumstances (Did you see Smolmert kissing W ?).

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They do that in Europe they shake hands and kiss both cheeks

Dr. Dan:

--- Quote from: Rubystars on May 22, 2008, 11:37:57 AM ---I've heard horrible stories from the Muslim world about how women can not get needed medical care because their husbands refuse to let them see a male doctor (these women definitely don't get gynecological care, breast exams, or pap smears, because their husbands won't let them go to a male doctor for these things). Female doctors in the Muslim world are almost unheard of, although some exist. So if women have a medical problem that needs to be treated they often have to suffer in pain in silence.

Imagine having a cavity and having it cause you pain day after day, with no way to get help because there are no female dentists. Imagine the tooth rotting and being unable to eat on that side, and waking up every day to pain until the tooth just rotted and died.

In a medical situation it may be impossible to know whether the needed medical treatment is something minor or something that may save a life. An itchy mole could be benign or cancerous, for example.

And what's wrong, in a business situation, such as two CEOs meeting, with them shaking hands? Are they going to jump on each other in the boardroom in front of other workers in a business meeting?

Doing things like this would restrict women's power in the business world.

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actually it's a good thing that Muslim countries do that to women...now they can't have kids and therefore fewer people to hate us and wish death up on us..I say..I hope Muslims continue implementing these silly koranic rules until they all disappear..or till someone gets smart and changes the whole religion so that there is finally peace in this world.

No, not at all, I don't see whats wrong with hand shaking or any form of effection.  If you have compossure and not a beast then you shouldn't worry about things like this.  I shake hands of women all the time, I grew basically on the beach, if you are a responsible adult, if you are someone who has a concious then these things would not be a factor to you.  I am not married and I take the vows of marriage seriously but if I meet some of my friends and some happen to be females we give a hug and kiss in the cheek doesn't mean we are hoping in the sack.

Wow- what a thread to wake up to. Well, I believe that most people on this forum have convictions.  These beliefs must be held into account by each individual. I shake hands and say hi to people I sense have good spirit, thats ME. However- sex b4 marriage?  To be perfectly candid- women dont want this, they REALLY dont. I am talking of women of religious conviction.  Good men are STRONG, and can handle this. Weaker men can't, they give over to their lusts- it just proves that lust & desire rules over religion, conviction and belief, which is sad.  Women like to be courted, and wait for that most special night.  Every good young woman, older as well, just believe that it is worth it, for their chastity.  I am a TOTAL prude. Ask David ben Moshe. I am a PRUDE and PROUD of it. I am WORTH the wait, HE IS WORTH the wait. ;)


--- Quote from: zelhar on May 22, 2008, 11:21:00 AM ---
--- Quote from: bullcat3 on May 22, 2008, 10:41:58 AM ---
--- Quote from: mord on May 22, 2008, 09:45:55 AM ---A few weeks ago i went for a medical check up the nurse took a blood test afterwards she put a band aid on.Should i have told her give me that band aid i don'nt want you to touch me she would have thought i was paranoid or insane.

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It is almost impossible to draw someone's blood without touching them.
That kind of touching is different isn't it?

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That kind of Contact is permissible because it is for medical reasons.

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Thank You for answering my question.
The person drawing Mord's blood would have thought him batty  :D if he asked not to be touched.

I think if people choose not to engage in pre-marital touching - their choice should be respected.
I don't think it could be banned.

Come to think of it...if the young people today engaged in a little less pre-marital touching we would have less unwanted pregnancies and people with STDs.


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