JTF is not begging for support, we are loyal to our ideology and we welcome righteous people of all nations. Again C.F. speaks only for himself and I speak only for myself. However I can recall that Chaim's opinion is that most Germans are not truly regretful for their evil deeds, they regret that they lost. If you disagree with that position please try to make your point, tight now this is the prevalent opinion in JTF. We welcome Germans who are truly regretful, we don't beg for support of hypocrites of any nationality.
When I speak of the pro-israel movement, I don't talk of the potential dozen of new jtf supporters. I mean the million or so passive people who believe that the Jews are defending themselves and the so called "palestinians" are the aggressors. Their number has to grow!
Germans are regretting, but they pay back to the wrong people. Since the socialists took over the media, we constantly hear that the "muslims are the jews of nowadays". It is really sick, that the muslims get the sympathy for the suffering of the jews - although that the qu'ran demands ... things that I better don't write.
Germans are regretting. You have only few people with nation pride. At least in the western part. I actually like it that way. It is the next best thing to a theocracy.
Most germans are actually happy that the nazis lost. Nearly nobody would like to live in a nazi state.
I am not sure what boycott you mean. We think that Iran should be boycotted. The German Government opposes this as the rest of the EU. Germany is Iran's biggest trade partner. If it takes a boycott of German products to make them change their mind than personally I'm all for it.
I read it on the forum. But also Chaim speak in his shows about boycotting german cars and other stuff. I don't think a boycott by the jtf will be noticeable - let alone change the Germany-Iran relations.
I don't like boycotts. I don't want to boycott the USA just because it is the biggest trade partner of Saudi Arabia - is it?
I don't want to boycott the USA when that muslim Obama is elected president.
This is silly, why boycott knowledge?
I agree, but I know people who don't.
There are debates amongst JTFers and that is no problem since we are a group of thinking individuals.
That's what I hoped when I first encountered jtf, but C.F. called quickly for banning someone who was by far not as aggressive as he was - and got a lot more support for this than critics.
I don't think debates about germany will be possible and I don't want to waste my time on arguing with people that just want to believe something - no matter what the facts are.
The versions of history that I've seen here, contradict the original documents that I have seen. And the motivations that are attributed to germans don't survive any psychological examination.
The statement that germans are worse than others because the didn't really turn away from their past isn't even logical. The reference to the bible doesn't tell that. The bible says that they will be punished more - not that they are worse.
Someone is worse today than someone else, exactly when he is worse today then someone else.
And when I look at France or GB: I don't think that the average frensh or britsh are better or more friendly to jews then the germans.
But as I said, some people want to believe that, and I won't spend the time to convince them that they are wrong. I believe that jtf is worth to be supported anyhow.
The only thing I ask for is not to deter the germans from a pro-israelian mindset!
Either by not bashing and not calling for boycotts or by stopping the ads in Germany.