Author Topic: Social security is a scam  (Read 1022 times)

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Offline White Israelite

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Social security is a scam
« on: May 27, 2008, 11:32:12 AM »
Social Security to me is a scam and is robbing people of money that rightfully belongs to them. Every month, I see on payroll how a chunk of my money is put into Social Security and I wonder what the reason is. It's not like i'm ever going to be able to use it as it'll likely be long gone by the time i'm able to use it. To me, it's like a hidden tax being used for other purposes.

I have a girlfriend who was hit by a car in a parking lot, and she can't work because of her leg. The whole situation has messed up her life from both a financial standpoint as well as a mental standpoint. Her leg is pretty much permanently messed up but I can't go into much more other than that. She has tried to apply for social security and has been denied and currently fighting in court to get on it.

Sure people get denied all the time right? Well the same thing has happened to my mothers boyfriend who served in the airforce, he put hundreds of thousands into social security and retirement plan. He was diagnosed with hepatitis C and has only 40 percent chance to live on a drug called Interferon. He lost his clearance over something stupid and cannot work as a result, so he's been having to pull from his retirement fund just to afford his home and to continue paying for these shots with a small chance of survival. His medical expires in the next 2 months which was supplied by the Airforce. He applied for social security and he was rejected because they said he couldn't prove he was disabled while in the military.

It makes me wonder what the point of Social Security is if you can't even use it when you need to. Seems like another scam to extort money from the working man in this country.

Offline Ben Yehuda

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Re: Social security is a scam
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2008, 11:45:18 AM »
Social security is a tax on earned wages and applies up to a certain amount after which that tax does not apply. The amount has increased in recent years. The exact amount I forget [something like the 1st $90,000], but a CPA would know.

If you own an S-corp or LLC, and set your salary at below that amount, taking the rest as distributions/dividends you can save on that tax. You can also do this for medicare tax which has no limit. Check with CPA to make sure the salary you set is reasonable for the position you hold.

If you are simply an employee you are pretty much up a creek without a paddle. Be a business owner is the moral of the story.

Offline briann

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Re: Social security is a scam
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2008, 12:10:33 PM »
Yes social security is a scam, NO DOUBT!!!    Its a relic from the New Deal, that has gotten progressively more corrupt each year.

And yes... if you are an entrepreneur, and have your own corporation, you can reduce your payments to SS by paying yourself very little as an employee of this corp, and the rest of the income is payed to yourself as a shareholder. 

HOWEVER, dont go overboard.  If you continue to pay yourself a salary $5,000 every year.. and your corp is making 100,000 a year in profits... you WILL get Audited.  Also... your salary should be appropriate for what type of work you do... for example... if you have a dental practice... your not going to be able to only pay yourself $10,000 a year as a dentist.


Offline Ulli

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Re: Social security is a scam
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2008, 02:05:06 PM »
Welfare is evil and unnatural.

The natural way is saving and the family network respectively the church/synagoge network.

Without this welfare by gouvernment we would have less problems with Moslems.

The life will be harder, no doubt, but the real freedom will compensate this more than totally.


The refusal of welfare is one of my most loved points in the ideology of JTF. Here you can see who is really righteous.  O0
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