To me tattoos right now are the least of our worries when we got bigger problems then a tattoo.
Masterwolf- ya ole heathen pagan you lol...
HEY! Masterwolf is 100% right, there are BIGGER things than tattoos- I just dont like them. Thats me, I wont get one, EVER. I do know, however, many men that got tattoos after 9/11/01 that live in NYC, that I have worked with. Masterwolf got a tattoo- ITS OVER. He got it, people were in total turmoil after 9/11. I, personally am NOT going to be offensive here to the Wolfman- I just think tattoos are ugly- But, Masterwolf has a GREAT heart, he did NOT intentionally get it, just to be a savage. Masterwolf is a GOOD Gd fearing Catholic man, ans makes his parents proud. Of this I am SURE. He is DEF. NOT "white trash" OR a nazi- he is one of the greatest Zionest-Christians and is a FRIEND to ALL Jews. Gd BLESS YOU Masterwolf

You are the BEST in MY book.