Guess you haven't read the Flynt Report on Bob Barr:
Former Speaker-designate Robert Livingston and Barr get the most thorough attention, and though their foibles have been widely exposed, these profiles offer details that may surprise many readers. Barr's tale of adultery and abortion, for instance, gets a painstaking re-telling, and thoroughly illuminates the hypocrisy of the white-supremacist-loving Georgia congressman. For journalists who followed Flynt's original release of the story, the damning details -- Barr's asking his wife, who worked as his secretary, to arrange his lunch dates with his mistress, Jeri Dobbins, who became his next wife; his driving his wife to an abortion clinic, and paying for her abortion, while being rabidly "pro-life" -- are not news. But for the average reader, they will be.
Flynt reproduces excerpts of the Barrs' divorce transcripts, which show Barr and Dobbins responding to questions about their affair by repeating "I decline to answer" over and over like a pair of autistic parrots. Barr insisted that comparing his refusal to tell the truth about his affair under oath with Clinton's legalistic acrobatics was like comparing apples to oranges, but the report quips: "The difference between Bill Clinton's truth-fudging and Bob Barr's refusal to answer honestly is the difference between a wormy Red Delicious and a rotten Granny Smith"
Those who stay home or vote for a third party candidate are making a grave mistake. McCain, flawed as he is, is all we've got. Don't vote for McCain and you will put Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama in the White House!