underthesun: "...Now, lead by Cuba, (the great bastion of Human Rights?!?!) the council of on-aligned nations (more great bastions of Human Rights?!?!) has sent a letter to the UN asking for WUPJ to lose its privileges. I guess the message here is NEVER CALL a TERRORIST GROUP, A TERRORIST GROUP"
Now, watch what happens next:
Rather than learn their lessons, that they've been a group of stupid KIKES full of delusion and denial in their quest to find "acceptance" by abandoning Torah, Israel, and Moshiach, in favor of the UN, International Solidarity, and World Government; they will instead be unable to accept the fact that those persons and institutions in whom they placed their faith consider them no more than filthy KIKES who must be exterminated.
So, rather than repent of their foolishness and sinfulness and dedicate their lives to restoring the Jewish Nation in Eretz Yisrael, they will make lots of public pronoucements calling for other "progressives" to intervene on their behalf with Castro and Ahmanigrajihad and Hizbullah, while filing "formal complaints" with both the U.S. Dept. of State, and also with that new UN President who eats dogs and snakes for breakfast.
Stay tuned and read the NY Times, so you can be the first in your neighborhood to claim you saw their full page ad, whining to Manhattan about how "they're victimized because they believe in destroying Israel but Castro and the Muslims won't allow them to join the fun". Of course, following the print will be at least 6 columns of names "We the undersigned...", most of which will be those of dykes with three or four first names...such as Jill Guinsberg-Applewhite, Alex Frank-Jones-Watusi Lucy, not to mention all of the subtitles such as "Chairwoman of Womyn's League for Abortion on Demand", etc...