pristax: " some sociology reports, the poorer the people the more crimes they commit and in America procentually more blacks than whites are poor, there you have the reason."
a. Sociology is the science of society. It may analyze a specific social group within a specific time frame, but for a science to use statistical analysis to pass moral judgements on a society based on perceived inequalities of financial status is, without question, [/i]the blending of "science" with a "subjective set of moral values" which, in and of themselves, have no place within the scientific framework, and therefore can not be a criterion for scientific analysis.
b. There is no correlation whatsoever between "poverty, or being poor", which itself is merely a subjective and unscientific description of an unstable set of temporal economic variables in flux, and social criminality.
c. Considering this: America almost fifty years ago passed legislation banning any racial discrimination in hiring, education, housing, etc. .
The same America built nice clean modern neighborhoods with all modern amenities and access to schools, medical care, and transportation, for the Negro population; financed with money taxed from its Caucasian population.
This very same America passed laws to enforce unequal favoritism in the choosing of Negroes ("so -called minority" groups) at all levels of government, industry, academia, and the private sector; this favored status being based entirely on skin color and race classification vs actual achievement and/or merit.
d. One can logically draw the conclusion that the perpetration of such high levels of crime and incarceration being almost the exclusive domain of a specific racial group; one which has been for half a century the recipients of free housing, free medical care, free education, free transportation, first-choice or all academic admissions policies, first-choice for all hirings, promotions, awards, not to mention the outright gifts of financial assistance ("welfare checks) to this same group from Federal and State Government tax coffers, that the actual causes of criminality and sociopathy within any given society are the result of genetic differences which seem to predispose one group towards criminality and sociopathy, irregardless of financial or social status.