Author Topic: Muzzies want Pork banned in America and anything having to do with pigs  (Read 18778 times)

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Offline TruthSpreader

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I understand for Israel to keep Kosher, I do.  But for Christians? The United States. It will be impossible and even ban books that has the word pig in it like the 3 little pigs?  They have zero business to be here to begin with let alone telling he American public what to ban.

  As Paul Rever said, in  different tone, from me:

"The muZlims are coming, The muZlims are coming"

 People in the USA eat pork. This is the USA. EAT YOUR PORK (people that like Pork, or dont follow kosher laws). And DONT STOP. Matter of FACT, go and get yourself pot belly pigs as PETS, this is OUTRAGEOUS.

Exactly. I'm having pork for dinner tonight. So in your face, Muslims!!!!

Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline Ulli

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They were doing the same thing in Europe too, some time ago they wanted to ban piggy banks lol can you believe that?

I think Piggy Banks are banned in the UK

What is Piggy Banks?

Yes I know this under the name "Saving Pig"
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Rubystars

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That's cool about the kosher sausage GP. It'd be worth a try :)

Offline Rubystars

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If they take bratwurst away it's going up their behind.

I never hears of such a food. Chaim suggests that Gentiles shouldn't eat pork products either because they are unhealthy.

I think unhealthy foods are ok, in moderation of course. The core of someone's diet should be healthy.

Offline Nic Brookes

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I think pig farmers should demand Muzzies are banned!

I, as a Gentile, LOVE pork, particuarly sausages (like the bratwurst mentioned earlier)

Offline Americanhero1

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Schweinefleisch ist furchteinflößend außer mit Insel O0

Translation-Pork is awesome down with Islam O0 O0

Offline Ulli

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Schweinefleisch ist furchteinflößend außer mit Insel O0

Translation-Pork is awesome down with Islam O0 O0


You have translated:

pig-meat is fear-causing except with an island.

Right is:

Schweinefleisch ist großartig, nieder mit dem Islam.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Americanhero1

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Schweinefleisch ist furchteinflößend außer mit Insel O0

Translation-Pork is awesome down with Islam O0 O0


You have translated:

pig-meat is fear-causing except with an island.

Right is:

Schweinefleisch ist großartig, nieder mit dem Islam.

I need to fix my translator then thank you

Offline דוד בן זאב אריה

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P.S.: I read about a master-butcher, who can make tasty kosher bratwurst without pig-meat. He has his restaurant in Jerusalem. O0

Do you know where he is located
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

Offline דוד בן זאב אריה

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I think unhealthy foods are ok, in moderation of course. The core of someone's diet should be healthy.

I agree
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

Offline MasterWolf1

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Whats next with them?  They demand American women to be in chador?  This is my point of all people THEY are the last to demand anything on what should and should not be allowed in the United States.  If it was up to me everyone of them and their sympathizers would be ASAP DEPORTED and every mosque and madrassed bulldozed in the U.S.

Offline Americanhero1

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They will want all paintings to look like THIS

Offline Rubystars

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American Hero, I wonder what they'd do to beautiful Greek and Roman sculptures of young men in their prime?

Offline דוד בן זאב אריה

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I wonder what they would do to the naked statues in Churches
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

Offline Ulli

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P.S.: I read about a master-butcher, who can make tasty kosher bratwurst without pig-meat. He has his restaurant in Jerusalem. O0

Do you know where he is located

I have read the article a time ago. I have looked for it on google, but I don't  find it now.

The article was about a butcher from Israel, who had won a lot of prieces for his great sausages. He has developed a special process to produce it, so he was able to create sausages with equal quality, but without using non-kosher ingrediences. He has a restaurant there, and his speciality were big plates with kosher sausages and his great red-wines from Israel.

The journalists who tried the sausages and the wine were enthusiastic about it.

I will look for the article tomorrow.  :)
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline AsheDina

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what right do they have telling America what to do. we don't tell them how to screw their donkeys

  Next they will say that we have to get rid of dogs as family pets.
Look iZlam:

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Offline Americanhero1

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what right do they have telling America what to do. we don't tell them how to screw their donkeys

  Next they will say that we have to get rid of dogs as family pets.
Look iZlam:


 Good one Paulette

 :::D :::D :::D :::D

Offline Dr. Dan

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Now let's not get all crazy...I don't recommend eating pork, but I recommend buying lots of spam and placing pieces of it strategically where crazy Muzzies might be..
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline AsheDina

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what right do they have telling America what to do. we don't tell them how to screw their donkeys

  Next they will say that we have to get rid of dogs as family pets.
Look iZlam:


 Good one Paulette

 :::D :::D :::D :::D

  DANG PORKERS! >:(  AmericanHero lol
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Offline Americanhero1

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Now let's not get all crazy...I don't recommend eating pork, but I recommend buying lots of spam and placing pieces of it strategically where crazy Muzzies might be..

I used to do that when i was i high school i would hide peperoni and pieces of bacon in there food :::D :::D

Offline AsheDina

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  • PSALMS 129:5 "ZION" THE Cornerstone.
Now let's not get all crazy...I don't recommend eating pork, but I recommend buying lots of spam and placing pieces of it strategically where crazy Muzzies might be..

I used to do that when i was i high school i would hide peperoni and pieces of bacon in there food :::D :::D
Yeah, OH YEAH?
   I personally sent a koo-koo RAN to the local mosque... for RAMADAN (barf it was a "get to know our customs present") and I wrapped ALL the pages with hormel RAW bacon, and I put it in Christmas wrapping paper ^-^ So THERE! TOP THAT! I sent it PRIORITY MAIL. WITH DELIVERY CONFIRMATION.  8) I KNOW that it got THERE  O0 it was checked: RECEIVED  O0
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Offline Americanhero1

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Now let's not get all crazy...I don't recommend eating pork, but I recommend buying lots of spam and placing pieces of it strategically where crazy Muzzies might be..

I used to do that when i was i high school i would hide peperoni and pieces of bacon in there food :::D :::D
Yeah, OH YEAH?
   I personally sent a koo-koo RAN to the local mosque... for RAMADAN (barf it was a "get to know our customs present") and I wrapped ALL the pages with hormel RAW bacon, and I put it in Christmas wrapping paper ^-^ So THERE! TOP THAT! I sent it PRIORITY MAIL. WITH DELIVERY CONFIRMATION.  8) I KNOW that it got THERE  O0 it was checked: RECEIVED  O0

Right on Paulette
I would have my friend distract the mussies so i could put it in there food like in there soup there salad there potato salad

Offline spiritus_persona

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Yeah, OH YEAH?
   I personally sent a koo-koo RAN to the local mosque... for RAMADAN (barf it was a "get to know our customs present") and I wrapped ALL the pages with hormel RAW bacon, and I put it in Christmas wrapping paper ^-^ So THERE! TOP THAT! I sent it PRIORITY MAIL. WITH DELIVERY CONFIRMATION.  8) I KNOW that it got THERE  O0 it was checked: RECEIVED  O0

What happened after that? ;)
Me: Muslims get offended too easily.
Muslim: What!?  That is an outrage!  Take that back or I kill you!

Offline spiritus_persona

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Well down here in Southern Manitoba, we like our pork.  If muzzles were to ever mess with us here, they'll know the meaning of the word "war"!  Because nobody dares try to take pork, or any other meat in fact, away from Southern Manitoba.
Me: Muslims get offended too easily.
Muslim: What!?  That is an outrage!  Take that back or I kill you!

Offline AsheDina

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  • PSALMS 129:5 "ZION" THE Cornerstone.
Yeah, OH YEAH?
   I personally sent a koo-koo RAN to the local mosque... for RAMADAN (barf it was a "get to know our customs present") and I wrapped ALL the pages with hormel RAW bacon, and I put it in Christmas wrapping paper ^-^ So THERE! TOP THAT! I sent it PRIORITY MAIL. WITH DELIVERY CONFIRMATION.  8) I KNOW that it got THERE  O0 it was checked: RECEIVED  O0

What happened after that? ;)

 OMG! It was raining Burkas and Turbans!  :D
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