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Nice Loyalist Party article on Obama
« on: June 05, 2008, 05:02:48 PM »
2008: An Election Travesty

6/05/08 Jerry Collins

I will be the first to admit, that aside from Mccain’s extraordinary sacrifices made during the Vietnam War, there is very little I admire about him. He is often times nothing more that a carpetbagger, morphing his stances and policies in order to give himself political advantages. His positions lack any sort of integrity. One day he will maintain that he is tough on illegal immigration, and the next day he will stress the importance of illegal workers to our economy.

Six months ago, I had every intention of officially and firmly rejecting both candidates and merely expressing my unwavering contempt for both parties. However… something extraordinary has happened between now and then; something earth-shattering.

Our Institutions and elitists planted the seeds for their revolution by aligning themselves with a despicable man named Barack Hussein Obama. A man who I can unequivocally say, has intentions of sabotaging our country. A man who will openly and purposefully allow our enemies to flourish, and our state to crumble. A man who will legitimize the Nation of Islam and delegitimize Judeo-Christianity. A man who will seek to remold our nation into a refuge for Anti-nationalists under the guise of multiculturalism. To sum it up, a man who hates America.

From the beginning of Obama’s non-existent career, I was confused why the media gave him so much attention. We heard nothing about far more historic campaigns such as Bobby Jindal’s rise to be the Governor of Louisiana in 2003, but instead we listened to Obama’s speeches on the news over and over again. By 2004, A majority of Americans couldn’t tell you the name of any other senators in the outlying states of the northern Midwest, but everybody quickly learned who Obama was. And from the beginning, our institutions never reported anything negative about him. He was the ’rockstar’, he was extremely ’likeable’, he was a ’fresh new voice.’

After he announced his candidacy and the primary campaigns started, I could tell that something was wrong. In spite of the fact that Hillary was clearly leading in popular support, the DNC and the media seemed to be pushing Obama and Obama only. Billionaires such as Soros and Buffett, organizations such as, entertainers such as Affleck and Sarandon, Newspapers and Media outlets such as the Los Angeles times, and national political figures everywhere who were initially faithful to the Clintons all switched to the Obama camp. What made this so curious, is that they did this at a time when it was obvious that Hillary had the popular support. Something was not right here.

And as this these forces slowly started to demonize a woman who they once admired, I have to admit, I started to feel sorry for her. In the blink of an eye she had gone from the party’s darling to the party’s prey.

But the bigger question was, why were all the elitists abandoning her for him?

A man who had no political experience and no political track-record. A man who would proudly refuse to wear an American flag pin to show his personal views, with the exception of when he finds himself speaking in front of a veterans association in a state that he trails in the polls. A man who titled his own autobiography after a speech given by a race-bating anti-American, white hating anti-Semite. A man who patronizes and donates a majority of his money to a ’church’ that resembles an Africanized version of the Aryan Nation, and then only quits that church, when it looks like it might affect his pole numbers. A man who surrounds himself with anybody and everybody who hates America, and only chooses to distance himself from them at the right time.

How could someone like this get the nomination of a party who once believed in leaders like John F. Kennedy or Harry S. Truman? The answer is simple: The Illitists who now control the DNC, found something extraordinary in Obama. They found a rare candidate who hates America as much as they do, and yet could cleverly and charismatically hide it from his followers. To them, he was the holy grail of presidential candidates.

Throughout the spring months, the media’s propaganda machine went into full force. One could not turn on the TV without seeing Obama’s face. Every time you looked at the newspaper you’d see another high-power politician or activists saying they endorse Obama.

And in spite of this non-stop barrage of pro-Obama propaganda, when it was all over, Hillary won the popular vote. But the funny thing was, to America, it appeared like Obama won by a landslide. It seemed as thought there wasn’t a single member of the DNC who thought that Hillary should be their candidate. What’s even more amazing is that because of Hillary’s popularity in swing states, having her as the Democrat’s candidate gave her party a much better chance of winning the general election. But the elitists simply didn’t care. This was their one shot to start their revolution, and they weren’t going to have the voters get in the way of it. After all, to them, voters are bible-reading gun-toting simpletons who don’t know any better.

That is why we are where we are now. The elitists have already imposed their will and given us their version of the democratic presidential candidate. And now will come the mother of all propaganda, and endless onslaught of indoctrinating from our institutions. With a budget of nearly three times that of Mccain, and with a media that is almost entirely behind him, we will become inundated by pro-Obama images and sound-bites.

We all need to step back and take a deep breath. We have to understand that we cannot let the elitists have their president. As much as we hate the other candidate, the alternative is unimaginably worse. I for one, will be going to the booth in November, plugging my nose, and voting for ’the other guy’. Even if it’s just this one time, it has to be done.

As a member of the Loyalist Party, I have to remind everyone that our party does NOT endorse Mccain in any way. But personally, I am endorsing him. And I encourage the rest of you to do so as well.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2008, 05:18:00 PM by briann »

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Re: Nice Loyalist Party article on Obama
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2008, 07:44:27 AM »
Jindal wasn't governor in 2003.  I think he was a congressional rep though.  And the media didn't make a big deal about it then.