Author Topic: Did anybody see the disgusting Obama discussion on Hannity last week?  (Read 1343 times)

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Offline mr. bungle

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Hannity and Colmes had on two guests the other night, a black conservative and a self-hating white liberal.  The latter and Alan Colmes were bending over backwards to give this Obama animal a free ride.  The self-hating white-liberal had the gall to ask one of the most immensely stupid questions I have ever heard.  He asked the black guy, “Are you telling me that none of the children who have been brought up under Reverend Wright would ever be fit to run for President?” 

The answer to this question is obvious: there’s no way to tell until said children grow into adulthood and either sever the association and reject his virulently racist and anti-Semitic views, or continue to embrace him as a mentor and guiding light.  Unfortunately, the black conservative not only revealed his stupidity by not being able to answer the question satisfactorily (Hannity tried to, but he wasn’t the one being questioned), but also revealed his own anti-Semitism when he defended McCain’s Jew-hating pastor by claiming he preaches love and Christian virtues.

Can you imagine a conservative having the gall to ask, “Do you mean to tell me that none of the children brought up under David Duke will ever be fit to run for President?”  The career of a white politician revealed to have had an intimate and lifelong union with a white racist would come to an immediate end.  And yet this Jew-loathing, black racist is treated with kid gloves and anointed with saintly oils.

I’m not a fan of Hannity, but at least he had the sense to point out that a white politician in Obama’s position would see his career in tatters.  And do you know how that disgusting Alan Colmes responded?  By saying, “We need to get past all this.”  Not even acknowledging the point, let alone answering it.

What a sorry, sorry state this world is coming to.  I fear for this country, but I also fear for Israel.  The repercussions will know no bounds.
mr bungle

Offline Raede

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Wow, I'm sorry I missed that.  Do you think there's a video floating around?
Barack Obama - A Bad Idea for President

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Offline mr. bungle

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I'm glad you asked that question, because I never thought of looking for one!  If I find a video I'll post a link to it.
mr bungle

Offline RationalThought110

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The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson was the Black guest.  Alan and the other guest kept interrupting Peterson.

Offline mr. bungle

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"The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson was the Black guest.  Alan and the other guest kept interrupting Peterson."

Do you think I misunderstood Peterson?  What impression did you get from what he was saying?
mr bungle

Offline RationalThought110

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"The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson was the Black guest.  Alan and the other guest kept interrupting Peterson."

Do you think I misunderstood Peterson?  What impression did you get from what he was saying?

The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson talked a little about Obama's church and how it's theology isn't Christianity. 

 The pastor John Hagee doesn't hate Jews.