They're hoping they can label JTF as a terrorist group so the U.S. government shuts it down and puts all the members in jail. They are more worried about JTF members than Al Qaeda. Unfortunately for them, everyone here is peaceful and law abiding. We still have free speech in America but they would love to stop that. Sadly for them, we're not "play it nice Republicans." We have some of the most capable and smartest people in the country who will play their own games better than them. We also have a small thing called truth on our side, which we're not afraid of.
Who they call terrorists? Chaim who never killed or injured anyone and they falsely wrote he firebombed Lincoln center although it was a tear-gas attack. And yet do they call Abby Hoffman a terrorist? the Black Panthers? no they probably call them civil right activists. And what about Arafat and Abas who murdered thousands of people- they are called men of peace by theses drek of people.
These people are
My Personal thoughts on obama being funded totally by Soros---Soros is a P.R. person.. he heard the people 2 years ago say: "OH WOW...what a great speaker this obama is" So, he gambled it, bc it was a 'good idea'. I bet my mink stole that Soros is DEF. financing obama.. He gave $60,000 to obama senate primaries- that is a
FACT. So, Obama has received DIRTY MONEY.
He is a PLUTOCRAT. Government by the wealthy.
A wealthy class that controls a government. A government or state in which the wealthy rule.
He is part of some OLIGARCHY- Oligarch: A member of a small governing faction.
It is ALL about the BUCK $$$$. Soros cares about Soros.
Soros is a
terrormonger: a person who terrorizes or
frightens others. He is a very frightening person.
Soros has
LIED about the fatalities in Iraq: A study that claimed 650,000 people were killed as a result of the invasion of Iraq was partly funded by the
antiwar billionaire George Soros.
ACTUAL is: This is the
TRUTH. THIS, is in FACT, an
EVERYDAY account.
Soros may be the biggest political fat cat of all time. Convicted in France of
insider trading, Soros specializes in
weakening or collapsing the currencies of entire nations for his own selfish interests. He is known as the man who broke the
Bank of England.Other people suffer so he can get rich. But journalists don't want to examine the questionable means by which he achieved his wealth because they share his goal of electing Kerry and the
***If Soros is able to
capture the White House and implement his drug policy nationally, millions more people could be led to experiment with dangerous psychoactive substances and damage themselves, their families, and society.
And WHAT has this to do with obama? Why dont you know??? Obama has been a druggie as well, even admits it.. IN HIS OWN WORDS, we have that on the forum here as well...
Soros: admitted marijuana user George Soros, who says he tried marijuana "and enjoyed it," doesn't just "give" money away, ~So he gives it to his marijuana habits.
No WONDER Soros is "scared" of JTF... he is afraid he will be
FOUND out-
FACT: He financed Kerry a LOT..

So, Ya win some, ya lose some Soros

Thank you Soros- KOS and Company

Now people will SEE how you have been really puppeting the people of the USA.