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The poster who goes by the name YahuwAllah is an moslem lover

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Somehow I doubt that you will.  I will hold hope though ;)

lol ........i printed it just now :D
and btw.....i'm going to try an IQ test now:)lol ill post the results and the evidence:) pretty impressive, a genius seems to be in our midst,....but you know what it doesn't mean anything- although its a good thing not a bad. I know a 22yr old guy who just failed his soliciters exams 3 times running also acheived poorly in his a levels..........(i'm sure YOU did brilliantly, but i'm just saying in general,, nothing personal ;D)

He had an IQ score of 183 and was a member of mensa- higher up in their ranks. He was a genius except he couldn't apply his knowledge to many things and had NO common sense at all....

He is very odd indeed.

p.s. random fact no 22: einstien was a refugee. Some people take more then their belongings with them.

Fruit of thy loins:
Unreason must triumph over reason for the sake of beauty.


--- Quote from: sarah.... on January 18, 2007, 05:26:56 PM ---lol ........i printed it just now :D
and btw.....i'm going to try an IQ test now:)lol ill post the results and the evidence:) pretty impressive, a genius seems to be in our midst,....but you know what it doesn't mean anything- although its a good thing not a bad. I know a 22yr old guy who just failed his soliciters exams 3 times running also acheived poorly in his a levels..........(i'm sure YOU did brilliantly, but i'm just saying in general,, nothing personal ;D)

He had an IQ score of 183 and was a member of mensa- higher up in their ranks. He was a genius except he couldn't apply his knowledge to many things and had NO common sense at all....

He is very odd indeed.
p.s. random fact no 22: einstien was a refugee. Some people take more then their belongings with them.

--- End quote ---
Well, it does hold some validity in all actuality.  Liberals often say that it doesn't or that it is skewed to "race" specific.  Yet when examined further their argument is too agenda specific.  When they want to justify they use the exact same IQ testing while argue against when the outcome or topic is not "Politically Correct".  In actual fact, it isn't.  The fact that a black can take the exact same test as I and score a 65-70, on average, while an Asian or Indian can come from a totally different culture, language and faith and score 100-110.  It is an applicable scale that can be used to identify differences because no two people, or anything for that matter, is truly equal.  Often when people have insanely high IQ's they turn insane, Tesla and Fischer for examples.  I wrote the LSAT in 2001 after my MBA and scored in the 97%'ile.  So it does happen.  I have a good friend who is around 180 as well and he can talk nuclear synthesis, Talmud and Mishna teachings, Higher spiritual positions within the Torah, the internal workings of the human brain, international foreign policy etc. but cannot make a cup of coffee.   

I don't understand your mentioning of Einstein....sorry... :)

Fruit of thy loins:
When lower-IQ persons have higher reproductive rates this is known as dysgenics.

However, it is higher-IQ personages who have made the realization that life is a farce and thus paved the way for human oblivion in an endless sea of sex, drugs and booze.

So, it is a two-edged sword.  Science exists solely to remove 'ignorance' and idealism from the world.  It is like a parasite that grows at the expense of other's misery. 

Science is one of Satan's chief instruments in the spiritual holocaust of the world.  The best thing to do is ignore all of it.


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