I was wondering how it hapened that a Black kid could be born to white paents
I dont know if completly, but pictures definitly influence what the baby will come out to be. I also heard this in a Rav Mirachi shiur a long time ago, that their was a couple who in their bed room had a picture of a black guy, and when they were having relations the women was looking at it, so the baby come out black (they also did the whole DNA testing). This is also why many rightious women (as brought in the Talmud), would go back to the mikva over and over again, if on their way from the mikva home they say a dog, or another bad animal, or a defected person, etc. they went back to the Mikva because expecialy the first thing the women sees greatly affects the child. Also what they are thinking.
Also Rabbi Yohanan Ben Zakai (who was extremly beauitiful and smart) would sit in the entrence of the Mikva (thats not where the Mikva was, but on the way to the Mikva- the women were dressed fully modest at the point, dont get the wrong idea) learning Torah, so that when the women would leave the Mikva they would see him and would then get children that were greatly influenced by his knowledge and looks.