Author Topic: levy, russert, hitlery and all the rest of the sordid cast of the slime...  (Read 1584 times)

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Offline nikmatdam

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here chew on this for now while i line up the rest of the story for you... nik.

Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 9:38 AM
Subject: Chandra Levy Cover UP


During the summer of 2001, the BIG story was the mysterious
 disappearance of
Chandra Levy on May 1, 2001. Levy had been romantically linked to
congressman Gary Condit. Rumors swirled about Condit's perverse sexual
appetite, and how Levy had been done away with, directly or indirectly,
Condit, to keep her from ruining his family and career. However, there
 is an
even more sinister side to this story.
On September 11, 2001, Gary Condit, Chandra Levy, and all the attention
had recieved all that summer, came crashing down along with the World
Center Towers. In March 2002 Condit lost his bid for re-election,
because of his ties to the scandal. The remains of Levy mysteriously
appeared May 22, 2002, over a year from the day she disappeared. How
strange, her "Skull and Bones" miraculously appeared in a wooded area
Washington's Rock Creek Park. Massive police searches of Rock Creek
produced no results during the summer of 2001, however the following
she was discovered by a man whose dog was "looking for turtles". It was
declared a homicide by investigators. Most of the incriminating
 evidence was
long gone due to the effects of time. They found her remains deep in
woods, next to a tree. Her leggings had been knotted at the ends,
 leading to
speculation that she had been tied up with them, possibly to the tree.
rest of her faded clothes, including Reebok sneakers, and a USC
were nearby. Her walkman was found sitting neatly on a rock, with the
headphones still attached. Her hyoid bone, located in the neck, had
damaged, which indicated she was probably strangled. It looked as
 though she
had gone into the woods willingly with someone she knew, and was
unexpectedly by that person, or the crime scene was set up to appear
way, perhaps at a later date, which seems more likely, considering her
remains would have almost certainly caught the attention of police dogs
2001. In either case, it was NOT a random robbery or mugging. Whatever
coverage this once big story had received soon came to an end. As with
many other stories, the Corporate Media gave us the Official Party Line
it came to the Levy story, but this story has many layers, and like an
onion, the more layers you unravel, the more it stinks.

After September 11, 2001, people began to remark that all of the
given the Levy case up to the 9-11 attacks was a blatant example of how
media focuses on trivial events in pursuit of ratings. However, believe
or not, the murder of Levy, and the "911 EMERGENCY DAY" attacks, may be
directly related. The timing of her disappearance with the September 11
terrorist attacks, as well as the Timothy McVeigh execution, and the
circumstances in her life just prior to her abduction and murder, cast
dark shadow over the entire Chandra Levy mystery. Evidence indicates
the 24 year old Chandra Levy was an agent working for a renegade
 faction of
the MOSSAD, Israel's top spy agency.

Chandra was good looking, and that was an asset. She was known as a
seeker, and wanted to become a latter day Mata Hari, a World War One
 spy who
infiltrated high levels of military commands. Even as a teen, Chandra
to volunteer to assist the local police in her home town of Modesto,
California. She would participate in "sting operations", trying to
local businesses selling alcohol to minors. Those who knew her say she
dreamed of becoming a covert operative with the CIA when she grew up.
weeks before she vanished, Levy took a trip to Israel. Photos of her in
Israel later appeared in Time and other major publications. Israel
great importance in its symbiotic relationship with the USA, and they
be unable to exist without the vast amounts of aid, both military and
welfare, that is sent yearly from the U.S.. They also depend on
intelligence information that is obtained either through cooperation,
covertly. According to a former MOSSAD agent who wishes to remain
"Operation Dumb Eagle" is the code name for the spy agency's extensive
efforts to infiltrate top levels of the U.S. government through the
placement of American Jews in sensitive positions. Part of "Operation
Eagle" is the recruitment, training and placement of attractive Jewish
as U.S. Interns.

Chandra Levy attended the University of Southern California to earn a
Master's degree in Public Administration. While in California, Levy had
served as an intern for Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan, and
Governor Gray Davis. There she discovered the private world of high
politicians, many of whom live wild satanic sex lives. She moved from
her home in Modesto to Washington DC in September 2000 to begin an
internship at the Federal Bureau of Prisons. After moving to
Chandra was in a perfect position gather top secret information, not
 only at
her job, but also by using her female powers of persuasion. In October
she stopped by the offices of her hometown congressman, Gary Condit.
posed for pictures, and Condit asked Levy if he could see her again
sometime. She accepted, and the romance began almost immediatly. The
keeps extensive dossiers on a large number of U.S. politicians. And
undoubtedly knew of Condit's wild sex life, and felt that Levy would
the perfect honey trap. Condit's position as a senior member of the
intelligence committee would make him a prime target for just such an
operation. The sexual seduction of high level government officials by
is usually of the illicit category, which provides foreign powers the
advantage of being able to better bribe and control the targeted
who, as it was with Condit, may be married with children.

As an intern in the Federal Bureau of Prisons during the winter and
of 2001, she worked in the Public Affairs section, and Press Office.
Chandra's co-workers at the Bureau of Prisons praised her work and
that Chandra was very computer literate. Her last duties at BOP before
unexpected termination, and her disappearance, involved helping arrange
media coverage of Timothy McVeigh's execution, originally scheduled for
16 2001. Chandra had a government signon for Lexis-Nexis that she used
the BOP. There are extensive personal information research capabilities
Nexis, and she had access to those and other highly confidential
 services as
well in working with criminal related research at the BOP. Chandra was
 in a
perfect position to have access to highly classified data about
that linked him to U.S. intelligence operations involving CIA sponsored
terrorism, both here and abroad. Chandra would easily be able to obtain
information pertaining to McVeigh, and more importantly, related inside
information to the impending 9-11 attacks. Information such as the 1993
bombing materials having been purchased with the credit card of a US
and an FBI provocateur named Melvin Lattimore. Melvin Lattimore was
 seen by
4 witnesses in McVeigh’s car at the OKC Travelers Aid office
 adjacent to
the Murrah federal building just ONE DAY before the OKC bombing. Six
agents spent 9 months browbeating the 4 witnesses, trying to make them
change their story about seeing Lattimore at the Travelers Aid.
was the roommate of the 20th 9/11 hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui while he
attended the Airman flight school in Norman Oklahoma in 2000 and 2001.
Lattimore was also the roomate of 9/11 hijackers Al Hazmi and Al Shehhi
Norman Oklahoma. At McVeigh's trial his sister read a letter from him
 to the
grand jury in which he told her he was going into the Special Forces
Tactical Unit.
It was reported that Chandra noted some twelve or more visits to
 McVeigh by
Dr. Louis Jolyon West, the UCLA mind control expert for the CIA who
pronounced Jack Ruby insane after he suggested a conspiracy in the JFK
assassination. He also was the government psychiatrist who handled
Sirhan while he awaited trial. Jolly West was infamous for his early
 use of
LSD on unsuspecting victims. He was the head of the CIA's mind-control
program known as MKULTRA, and was a pioneer of electronic brain
experimentation. Chandra's disappearance was conveniently just two
before McVeigh's scheduled execution. Due to the discovery of documents
had not been given to McVeigh's defense team, his execution was
and carried out on June 11, 2001. Rumors ran strong with speculation
the date of Chandra's disappearance and McVeigh's two execution dates.
information that Chandra Levy possessed would have been far more
 damaging to
the government, and their desire to eliminate the potential loose

Chandra would also have easy access to information concerning members
 of the
Bin Laden Family residing in the U.S., some of whom had national
contracts with the U.S. Government. Osama bin Laden, contrary to the
put out by the corporate media, was not on the outs with his family,
secretly funded him. It's no coincidence that right after 9-11, the FBI
arranged by plane to whisk many Bin Laden Family members out of the
Chandra had access to records detailing the clandestine business
arrangements between the U.S. government and the Bin Laden Family,
with McVeigh's ties to CIA sponsored domestic and foreign terrorists,
 all of
which would be of great interest to the Israeli government. As I've
Gary Condit was a senior member of the House Select Committee on
Intelligence, privy to closed door sessions dealing with covert
of the spy community. Chandra was reportedly pumping Condit for hot
information, in return for sexual favors. In a People Magazine
 interview on
September 9, 2001, Condit indicated Chandra had a strong interest in
McVeigh case, terrorism, and the middle east. "She was much more
in those things than I was", Condit recalled. The massive publicity
evaporated when America was attacked September 11, 2001. Condit
 demanded of
Levy total discretion when it came to ANYTHING concerning their
relationship. That included not only private information about his
sexual misconduct, but also any INTELLIGENCE INFORMATION she might come
across in the course of their relationship.

Anyone "connecting the dots" would have to conclude that Chandra Levy
come upon some of the most incredible intelligence secrets in history,
including the plan to use huge terrorist strikes in America to justify
global wars, finance the military industrial complex, and justify a
state here at home in a huge power grab. David Schippers, Chief Council
the House Judiciary Committee and head prosecutor responsible for
the impeachment against former President Clinton, went public revealing
in the months BEFORE the 9-11 attacks, many FBI agents had come to him
informing him about the impending attacks. These agents knew the names
the hijackers, the targets of their attacks, the proposed dates, and
sources of the terrorists' funding, etc., many months in advance of the
attacks. The FBI command pulled them off of their investigations into
terrorists and threatened them with the National Security Act. They
them that if they talked about any of the information pertaining to
investigations that they would be prosecuted. So many of them sought
counsel of Mr. Schippers wanting to get somebody in the U.S. government
take action against these terrorists before their plan could be
Mr. Schippers talked to many Congressmen and Senators, and tried to get
hold of Att. Gen. John Ashcroft, all only to get the run-around.

Chandra Levy, through her sensitive position in the Federal Bureau of
Prisons, through their computers and facilities, and human intelligence
contacts, and through her intimate relationship with a congressman on
intelligence committee, unearthed a dangerous group of details related
the coming 9-11 attacks, the same information the FBI agents had
 brought to
Schippers. She had none of the restrictions the FBI agents had, or so
thought, and apparently was about to go public with the information.
MOSSAD had tried to warn American intelligence about their knowledge of
planned 9-11 attacks, and were met with indifference. Was at least some
the information they had, been obtained from their agent, the now
Levy? It would seem highly likely.

It would also seem that all of this would end Chandra Levy's life.
after signing off of her computer at 1 pm, on May 1, 2001, she walked
 out of
her apartment to meet someone at the Klingle Mansion, an old building
being used as a storage facility, in a remote section of Rock Creek
 Park, a
large, forested area in Washington D.C. about two miles from Levy's
apartment. A perfect spot, if you want no witnesses. At this point, she
either abducted, or led into the woods and murdered. Her body was
in the woods a short distance from the Klingle Mansion. One of the last
things she did on her computer on the day she disappeared was visit the
MapQuest website to look up a map of Rock Creek Park, and specifically,
Klingle Mansion.
On September 11, 2001, five Israelis were seen atop a white panel van
 in New
York City. They were using a video camera. This Israeli spy team
the entire terrorist incident from START to FINISH. Nearby observers
clandestinely saw them were astonished to see the five men shouting
and jumping up and down as the explosions ripped through the towers and
building collapsed. These nearby witnesses phoned the NYC police and
FBI. The FBI came and arrested the five, who turned out to be Israelis
carrying false visa papers. The five were stripped of their clothes,
incarcerated in dark jail cells, and interrogated nonstop for hours by
agents. The FBI interrogators believed the five were Israeli MOSSAD spy
agents. Their arrest alerted the FBI to the existence of some 200
"commandos" training at a warehouse in New Jersey. They and the five
arrested were "employed" by a bogus moving company owned by an Israeli.
After diplomatic intervention at the highest levels of the Israeli and
governments, the NYC FBI squad was ordered to cease their
release the five suspects, and turn them over to the Israeli Consul.
were immediately flown to Israel. It seems highly likely that these
were the result of advance intelligence information obtained by Chandra
Levy, and passed on to Israel prior to her May 1st disappearance.

Chandra was also friendly with a circle of Republicans that include
W. Bush's strategy chief, Karl Rove. Of course, not a lot of people
 knew, or
know, that Chandra Levy went to Bush's January 20th, 2001 inauguration,
a seat in the VIP section, and attended one of the balls. There also
MORE sensitive material Chandra Levy had access to. For example, that
government knowingly arranged for their business partner, Drug Kingpin
Carlos Lehder, to disappear from the Federal prison system. He was
to disappear from the U.S., thanks to the corruption and connivance at
highest levels of the government. Coral Talavera, the wife of Lehder,
 in an
on-the-record interview, has made it clear that Lehder is out of
working for the United States government, and is directly connected to
CIA, and the U.S. Treasury. This scenario was well supported by
from a number of credible sources, including reporters, and Lehder's
prosecutor former U.S. Attorney Robert Merkle.

That the the F.B.I. claimed for so long that they had no idea who or
was behind the murder of Chandra Levy is just an outright lie. They
and knew from the start, that she was being used by the MOSSAD to
 obtain top
secret information. The lead FBI investigator in the Chandra Levy case
Special Agent Bradley J. Garrett. He is known as "The Fixer", because
 he is
called in to find patsy's to take the blame for government murders.
 Notice a
few details from his past: Garrett was the lead FBI investigator in the
strange death of Clinton White House Deputy Counsel Vincent W. Foster.
Foster's body was, like Levy's, found in a heavily wooded area near
Washington D.C.. The official cause of death, touted from the outset as
suicide, was declared due to a gunshot fired into the mouth. The
said to be a black 1913 Army Colt .38 Special six-shot revolver, was
 said to
have been found in Foster's hand. It is significant, therefore, to note
x-rays of the initial autopsy of Vincent Foster's corpse are listed by
Federal coroners as now being "missing", and that no one in the Foster
family recalls there being a firearm of that model or appearance
ever, in their residence. Also, there was no blood found on the cuff,
sleeve, or wrist of Foster, as would have been elicited naturally, from
they call "blowback", by a self-inflicted gunshot held close inside the
soft-palate. The first witness to find the body insisted that there had
no gun near the body. The memory in Foster's pager had been erased.
office at the White House was looted. Secret Service agent Henry O'
watched Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, Margaret Williams, carry
 boxes of
papers out of Foster's office before the Police showed up to seal it.
were indications the body had been moved, and a Secret Service memo
which reported that Foster's body had been found in his car! Garrett
to completely cover up these glaring inconsistencies.
Garrett was also the lead FBI investigator in the murder of Clinton
House intern, Mary Caitrin Mahoney. You see, A U.S. Secret Service
assigned to checking doors at the White House, opened a door one night
found Hillary Clinton in a compromising sexual position with Ms.
 Mahoney, a
known lesbian since her high school days. Hillary was furious and
him in the head with a metal ashtray. Ms. Mahoney was shot to death at
Starbucks Coffee Shop, right in the heart of Washington DC, a short
later. On July 7, 1997 Mahoney was in the Starbucks cafe cleaning up
closing time with co-workers Emory Evans and Aaron Goodrich. Sometime
9pm, two gunmen got inside and shot all three to death. Mahoney was
out for the most horrendous fate - as if she'd been the killers' prime
target. Of the ten shots fired, she was hit five times at point blank
including at least once in the face. The final bullet was delivered to
back of her head after she'd already fallen. In one hand, in a death
Mahoney clutched the keys to the store's safe, which held the weekend's
receipts of more than $10,000. D.C. cops were mystified by the apparent
of motive in the crime. The safe hadn't been opened. The cash registers
undisturbed. The store hadn't been ransacked. None of the victims'
belongings had been touched. One wonders why a high-powered Washington
agent, with ties to the intelligence community, was involved in a case
claimed to be a routine robbery murder case, supposedly committed by a
time criminal, one Carl Derek Cooper. After 54 hours of questioning by
Garrett and another agent, Cooper signed a confession that he
repudiated as soon as he got to court. During his 54 hours of
Cooper had consistently denied the crime and volunteered several times
take a lie detector test. Most of the testimony against him was by
Garrett, and based on Garrett’s representation of what Cooper
 had said
during the interrogation. The questioning was not recorded or
Garrett had successfully arranged to blame the crime on a vulnerable

There was a genuinely farcical attempt to pin the Levy murder on a
criminal, Ingmar Guandique, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador who
been known to assault joggers in the area. After he passed a lie
test, and the complete lack of any possible similarity between his
and the known facts of the Levy case, they had to drop it. It took more
a year after she was found for her remains to be returned to her
which is very unusual. During that time several independent expert
doctors came forward and offered to examine her remains in order to
solve the case, but were REFUSED PERMISSION, despite their efforts
widely publicized.

Chandra Levy had expected to stay on as an intern at the Federal Bureau
Prisons until September 2001. Her internship was abruptly and
ended just days before her disappearance. It's likely she was caught
into unauthorized areas. She also had applied for permanent full time
with the FBI and the CIA, where full background checks are mandatory.
likely her snooping at BOP, her relationship with Condit, AND her
connections to the MOSSAD had turned up in her background
 investigation. And
THAT made it imperative to get her out of the Bureau of Prisons
and then off the planet. The BOP offered several conflicting versions
 of why
Levy was let go, none of them believable. Also, her relationship with
had taken a sudden turn for the worse. Condit was trying to distance
from Levy, and was becoming annoyed at her increasingly frequent and
desperate calls. Levy, in the course of her relationship with Condit,
developed an obsession for him, but the relationship was over. Clearly,
Condit and the BOP had been tipped off, and been made aware of her ties
the MOSSAD. Chandra Levy undoubtedly felt betrayed by all concerned.
 She no
longer had reason to hold back on all of the information she had
and was almost certainly going to make it public.
Not only was Chandra Levy snuffed out to eliminate any risk of the
9-11 attacks, and the McVeigh information leaking out such a short time
before his scheduled execution, but also to protect high ranking
 members of
the Federal government from having their partnership with drug cartel
Carlos Lehder, and his disappearance from the Federal Prison System,
becoming widely and publicly exposed. So, the Counter-Intelligence
of the FBI was tapping her phone, and watching her very closely.

These incredible things prove that what is presented to us in the media
almost never what it would seem to be. Through her connections to the
MOSSAD, through her internship with the Federal Bureau of Prisons, and
access to top security information, and through her involvement with a
Congressman, a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence, and having topmost security clearance, and the
in her life just prior to her abduction and murder, one could only
that Chandra Levy had knowledge of the Carlos Lehder affair, the
McVeigh matter, and most importantly, the impending 9-11 attacks. Was
about to go public with it? It would seem beyond a shadow of a doubt.
 On the
day before she disappeared, May 1, 2001, she left a message on the
machine of a close family member. She said that there was something
 BIG, and
something important to tell them about. She wouldn't say what it was,
that was the last time she was heard from.

To those who cannot believe all of this, I contend that you are not
ignoring the opinions of seasoned intelligence operatives, but also
the indisputable truth that all of this is exactly how covert
operations are, and have been conducted, for many years.
So exactly who killed Chandra Levy? Gary Condit, while obviously
much to be desired in his personal life, was probably little more than
dupe in all of this. He made the perfect villain, and the perfect fall
His sick private life gave him all the reason in the world to act
in the glaring light of media attention. Al Martin, one of America's
foremost government whistleblowers, and a retired Navy Lt. Commander,
there were a mystery set of fingerprints found at the Chandra Levy
scene. The fingerprints belong to a shadowy figure named Alejandro
a longtime CIA employee, and former CIA drug pilot during the Iran
operation. Martinez had ties to Oliver North. He's disappeared, and
knows where he's gone. When he went to buy some false identity papers,
apparently because he needed to get out of the United States in a
 hurry, the
match came up. There was obviously another dimension to this story, and
will never hear about it in the mainstream media. The facts point to
one conclusion. That Chandra Levy was the victim of a government hit,
Condit was used as a decoy patsy for a murder network that extends to
very heights of U.S. power.

Chandra Levy was used by everyone involved. She was doing her job, and
hottest intelligence secret of all time fell right into her hands. She
young, naive, and still believed that it was wrong to use mass
 terrorism as
a psychological tool for political purposes. Unfortunately, for this,
paid the ultimate price. To say that the disappearance and death of
Levy was more than the result of a sexual relationship gone bad, is a
understatement, to say the least. Had she not vanished, it now seems
that, not only the planned 9-11 attacks could have been stopped, but
that the resultant wars, and world wide chaos that we are now
would never have happened.

As with Waco, the OKC bombing, and of course 9-11, the establishment
their spin on the Levy story, and nothing more is said. The truth about
Chandra Levy will never be told by the mainstream media. Condit lost
 his bid
for re-election, the global wars are raging, with more being planned,
Chandra Levy is just a faded memory. Another lie told, another lie
Mission accomplished. Let's move on. Do not make the mistake of
that September 11, 2001 happened the way they brainwashed you to think
did. And try to understand the true nature of the people who control
global government. Illusion is the name of their game, and they're
skilled at it. They should be. It's a game they've been playing for
 such a
long time.

E-Mail: [email protected]

"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline nikmatdam

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he was murdered by the slime to keep him from messing with the direction and already predetermined outcome of the 2 conventions this summer and the general prez election in the fall... he was getting to out of control for the slime... asking too many embarrassing questions of all the sickos and he wouldn't stop when they warned him away from continuing his hard line... besides he really waxed hitlery... that piece up next... nik.

NBC's Tim Russert dies of apparent heart attack By DAVID ESPO and LAURIE KELLMAN, AP Special Correspondent
2 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Tim Russert, who pointedly but politely questioned hundreds of the powerful and influential as moderator of NBC's "Meet the Press," died suddenly Friday while preparing for his weekly broadcast. The network's Washington bureau chief was 58.

In addition to his weekly program, Russert appeared on the network's other news shows, was moderator for numerous political debates and wrote two best-selling books.

President Bush, informed of Russert's death while at dinner in Paris, swiftly issued a statement of condolence that praised the NBC newsman as "an institution in both news and politics for more than two decades. Tim was a tough and hardworking newsman. He was always well-informed and thorough in his interviews. And he was as gregarious off the set as he was prepared on it."

NBC interrupted its regular programming with news of Russert's death, and in the ensuing moments, familiar faces such as Tom Brokaw, Andrea Mitchell and Brian Williams took turns mourning his loss.

Williams called him "aggressively unfancy."

Our hearts are broken," said Mitchell, who appeared emotional at times as she recalled her long-time colleague.

Bob Schieffer, Russert's competitor on CBS' "Face the Nation," said the two men delighted in scooping each other.

"When you slipped one past 'ol Russert," he said. "You felt as though you had hit a home run off the best pitcher in the league. I just loved Tim and I will miss him more than I can say."

The cause of death was not immediately clear. The network said on its Web site that Russert died of a heart attack, but spokeswoman Jenny Tartikoff later said, "We do not know the cause yet." Russert collapsed while preparing for his show at NBC's studios across town from the White House.

Russert, of Buffalo, N.Y., took the helm of the Sunday news show in December 1991 and turned it into the nation's most widely watched program of its type. His signature trait there was an unrelenting style of questioning that made some politicians reluctant to appear, yet confident that they could claim extra credibility if they survived his grilling intact.

He was also a senior vice president at NBC, and this year, Time Magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world.

Russert had Buffalo's blue collar roots, a Jesuit education, a law degree and a Democratic pedigree that came from his turn as an aide to the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York.

One of his books, "Big Russ and Me," was about his relationship with his father.

On Sunday's program, Russert was to have interviewed Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., a national co-chair of the McCain campaign, and Joe Biden, D-Del., an Obama supporter, in a debate format as surrogates for the two presidential candidates.

Praise flowed quickly from those who knew Russert across the television interview room.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Russert was "the best in the business at keeping his interview subjects honest."

"There wasn't a better interviewer in television," Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential contender, told reporters in Ohio.

Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, Obama's rival for the White House, hailed Russert as the "pre-eminent journalist of his generation."

Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, the House Republican leader, said Russert was "one of the smartest, toughest television news journalists of all time .... I can say from experience that joining Tim on Meet The Press was one of the greatest tests any public official could face."

Carl P. Leubsdorf, president of the Gridiron Club, an organization of journalists, said in a statement, "It was a measure of the degree to which Tim Russert was respected in the journalistic world that he was the first broadcaster elected to membership in the Gridiron Club after the rules were changed in 2004 to end our century-old restriction to print journalists."

"He was an enthusiastic member and a willing participant in our shows. His fellow Gridiron members join with all of those who knew and respected Tim in mourning his untimely death."

"It is my sad duty to report this afternoon" that Russert collapsed and died while working in the network's Washington studios, Brokaw said when he came on the air.

"He'll be missed as he was loved — greatly," Brokaw said.

The network said on its Web Site that Russert had been recording voiceovers for this Sunday's "Meet The Press" when he was stricken.

Russert had dozens of honorary college degrees, and numerous professional awards.

He won an Emmy for his role in the coverage of President Ronald reagan's funeral in 2004.

He was married to Maureen Orth, a writer for Vanity Fair Magazine. The couple had one son, Luke.


"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline nikmatdam

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  • one of my earliest rebbeim/rav nachman bulman zt"l
more than just she wanted him out of the way... i'm not accusing her... i'm just saying how time-perfect his death is to all assorted slime concerned... nik.

Hillary Boycotting Meet The Press

Hillary Clinton, infamous for her refusal to face tough media interviewers, is boycotting the news program hosted by the toughest questioner of all: NBC's Tim Russert.

In a panel discussion with political consultant Mike Murphy during Sunday's "Meet The Press," Russert revealed that Clinton is ducking an appearance on his show.

Said Russert: "Last week we had Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee on 'Meet the Press.' This week we had John McCain. We invited Senator Clinton, she declined our invitation. Doing very few media interviews. I am told she might be doing 'Access Hollywood' on Monday."

Murphy commented: "Yeah, I don’t understand it, because if she doesn’t grab this thing fast — and it’s not her fault, she’s just not what they’re looking for, but she’s making it worse with this kind of campaigning—she’s going to turn into Ed Muskie in a pantsuit ..."

Clinton's reluctance to expose herself to Russert's hard-nosed cross-examination-style questioning could be the result of a misstep she made during a debate in Philadelphia on Oct. 30 moderated by Russert.

In what was called the worst trouble she had yet stumbled into, she approved New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's scheme to give driver's licenses to illegal aliens.

Russert reminded Clinton that she said of Spitzer's plan, “You told the Nashua, N.H., editorial board it makes a lot of sense,'' he said. “Why does it make a lot of sense to give an illegal immigrant a driver's license?''

Said Clinton: “Well, what Gov. Spitzer is trying to do is fill the vacuum left by the failure of this administration to bring about comprehensive immigration reform,'' she said. “We know in New York we have several million at any one time who are in New York illegally. They are undocumented workers.

“They are driving on our roads,'' she said. “The possibility of them having an accident that harms themselves or others is just a matter of the odds. It's probability. So what Gov. Spitzer is trying to do is to fill the vacuum."

The reaction from both her rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination and Republicans was swift and harsh and she was later forced to renounce the plan which Spitzer himself abandoned after a firestorm of protest.

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« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 06:40:36 PM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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this is the real piece on hitlery's anger at and hatred for russert... nik.
Queen Hillary Deflated by Tim Russert

Friday, November 2, 2007 8:37 AM

By: Lowell Ponte  Article Font Size   

The most frightening moments of the Democratic presidential debate on the evening before Halloween were when Sen. Hillary Clinton’s mask slipped — and the act of terrorism her slippage caused.

Journalists as well as the audience and rival debaters caught Mrs. Clinton being “evasive on at least five different issues,” observed MSNBC reporter David Shuster.

She afterwards tried to cover these embarrassing gaffs by unleashing what Shuster called “the Clinton fog machine,” whose apparatchiks used tactics of distraction that included “trashing the [debate] moderators” by accusing NBC’s Tim Russert and Brian Williams of unfairness to their candidate.

During a conference call after the debate led by Clinton operatives Mark Penn and Jonathan Mantz, one zealous Clinton supporter said the journalists’ questions “were designed to incite a brawl.”

Another Clintonista conference caller declared that NBC’s Washington news chief and host of "Meet the Press" Russert “should be shot.”

The Hill newspaper in reporting this death threat did not say whether political veterans Penn, who led the Clinton campaign’s counterattack against Russert, or Mantz reprimanded or repudiated the caller for this violent threat. Had either done so, The Hill should have reported his words.

If neither Penn nor Mantz spoke up, then we have a deadly serious issue here.

If so, we have high level Clinton campaign spokesmen who, after besmirching one of America’s pre-eminent journalists, might wrongly be perceived as having given assent by their silence when a Clintonista who called for shooting Tim Russert.

Boys and girls, can you say the words “chilling effect on free speech and the press?”

How many terrified journalists will now hesitate before asking Clinton any tough question because this murderous seed has been planted in the tiny minds of her radical supporters?

Had this caller instead proposed shooting Clinton, the Secret Service would by now have traced and apprehended the domestic terrorist at the other end of the line.

But no journalist — not even one as prominent as Tim Russert, a former operative for New York’s Democratic then-Gov. Mario Cuomo — is given Secret Service protection.

Journalists are supposed to be America’s political watchdogs, despite the fact that many are liberal lapdogs serving the powerful. We are traditionally referred to as the Fourth Estate or branch of our government, a vital part whose scrutiny is needed to keep our government honest.

So it is no small thing when one of Hillary Clinton’s attack dogs threatens the death of a journalist whose questions embarrassed her.

This example of today’s hate-filled leftist partisanship is literally a mortal threat to the First Amendment and to freedom of the press. At a minimum, Clinton, Mark Penn, and Jonathan Mantz should make a public repudiation of that caller’s threat of violence.

They should apologize to Mr. Russert and to all other journalists for letting this terrorist threat by a Clinton activist go unchallenged. (Because it had a chilling effect on the free speech of all journalists, this threat could be regarded as a kind of hate crime against an entire class of citizens.)

Clinton, Penn, and Mantz should tell Clinton supporters to refrain from any future threats of violence, physical intimidation and confrontation.

Russert became a target because he asked questions that took the former first lady off balance. He pressed her to say whether she supported New York Democratic Gov. Elliot Spitzer’s plan to give state driver's licenses to illegal aliens.

As with several other questions, Mrs. Clinton avoided a clear yes or no answer.

Her aim, not uncommon among politicians, was to give an answer that would make those on both sides of this thorny issue believe she was on their side.

One facet of her answer was to say that American security is served when “undocumented immigrants” are provided with documents so that the U.S. can more easily identify, track and monitor them. Implicit in this view is the notion that no such document will exist unless illegals are given a valid New York State driver's license.

One flaw in this argument is obvious. A Mexican in the United States needs no American license because he or she can carry a Mexican driver's license, or before leaving Mexico can obtain an international driver's license.

Polls confirm that approximately 70 percent of voters in liberal New York State do not want illegal aliens rewarded with driver's licenses. By promising such licenses, Spitzer is turning his state into an even stronger magnet attracting illegal aliens.

In another debate question, Tim Russert pressed Clinton to release all her written communications as first lady. She uses her White House experience as a prime reason to elect her president, but her husband, former President Bill Clinton, signed a document specifically directing the National Archive to cut off all public and press access to all such documents. When Russert asked Mrs. Clinton to tear down this stonewall and permit press access, she tap-danced away and claimed the decision was not hers to make.

Where is a skilled thief of archive documents like Clinton operative Sandy Berger when you need one?

The very name Clinton has become a synonym for “honesty-challenged,” which this debate showed to be as true of Hillary as of Bill.

One way to understand Hillary Clinton, implies Jonathan Darman in the Nov. 5 Newsweek, is to compare and contrast her with England’s Queen Elizabeth I, the Renaissance ruler who stopped Spanish-speaking invaders from seizing her realm. (The day after this latest debate, Hillary came out in favor of giving America’s Spanish-speaking invaders driver's licenses.)

“Neither can Clinton harness rage, Elizabeth’s most powerful tool . . .” wrote Darman, because Hillary “is dogged by the conservative caricature of her, the Angry Woman who throws lamps and seeks to destroy men and is careful never to appear too wrathful.”

Darman wrote before America saw this debate, witnessed the imperious how-dare-you-question-me anger in Clinton’s eyes, or heard the harsh I’ll-get-you-my-pretty witch-like cackle of the forked-tongue voice she would use as president.

Destroy men?


Off with their heads?

Ask Tim Russert.

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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline cjd

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And they say Friday the 13th is unlucky ::) No great loss Russert was an annoying animal anyway by Monday nobody will even remember he existed ;D
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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Nik, it's funny you post this.... I don't think there is any evidence whatsoever, but many people had great respsect for Tim Russert.   He was seen as being a standup guy in a world of not very honest people.  But why I say it's funny is because if this was true, which I don't think but anything is possible, but if it was this would not be the first time that the Clinton's took out a person whom they opposed.  There is a long list of Clinton victims who dared to get in their way.

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yep... but the rest of the slime wanted him removed as well... one may ask though if she's through why take him out...? just for revenge...? ah... but is she really through...? not hardly... she'll find a way to make obamination take her on the ticket... and some southern-racist yahoo will "do the deed" on him sometime after the election or so we will be informed and voila!!! chairman hitlery will be our brand-new spanking feuror for the last 5 or 6 years of what would have been obamination's full two terms... you see... the slime always find a way to get what they want in the end... until moshiach comes that is... then they're done forever... and even if mccainie-boy wins... i'm taking all-comers right now that condi is his veep and she will run the nwo for the slime from there... and who knows...? maybe he'll one day have a "stroke" like sharon did or a sudden "heart attack" like russert had... and the bad guys will once again be securely ensconced in their post deep inside "the oval orafice"... how much you guys wanna bet...? ol' nikkie-pooh... way ahead o' the game as usual... over and out...
« Last Edit: June 15, 2008, 02:17:30 AM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."