Author Topic: Watching the Black on Black Civil War before our eyes with a view to Uhuru...  (Read 992 times)

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Offline AriseSouthAfrica

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Watching the Black on Black Civil War before our eyes with a view to Race War - Uhuru...

One of our astute readers mentioned in a comment that maybe this could also be a type of rehearsal for Uhuru/Race war when the Blacks come after us.

I was actually thinking along ALMOST related lines. I was watching TV news footage - which I really must put up on the site. I was watching it all - including blacks burning down others' shacks and making roadblocks. Armed blacks in large groups were in action.

I was thinking to myself... MAN THIS IS PERFECT STUFF TO WATCH REALLY CLOSELY. Watch what they do, and HOW they do it. This is actually history before our eyes. What the Blacks are doing to the Zimbabweans and other foreign Blacks would be the kind of stuff they'd like to do to us one day. I was thinking... WHAT A BRILLIANT CASE STUDY.

We should all take the time to scrutinise it really closely. REALLY CLOSELY.

The Johannesburg CBD is also where some violence was. When I left work this evening to rush home, I heard what sounded like the chanting of a crowd that I'd never heard before. I was straining my eyes to see around which corner I might see a crowd of rampaging blacks. But I saw nothing. As I drove away from work the chanting died into the distance. If I'd had more time, I was thinking of parking my car and taking the closer look.

Hillbrow is not too far away from where I am. I will keep an eye open in case I see something. These days I'm travelling quite a bit more and I'm not cooped up in my office all the time at work. But in all my travels in the Johannesburg CBD, etc I did not see anything worth mentioning.

I digress for a moment. I was actually at a very large building I worked at 20 years ago. It is now the cash depot for a large bank. When you get there, you see about 4-5 large armoured cash vans queuing to enter the buildings. I was remarking to the person I was with that this is a prime target for a large gang. I am surprised that the bank doesn't have armed guards with semi-automatic weapons patrolling up and down. The person I was with then told me what another bank does with its cash vans. I thought to myself... if the robbers are brazen and bold enough... they could try their luck. But then again, perhaps there are response procedures in place at the buildings. But I just looked at those vans and thought to myself, this is a cash-in-transit gang's dream come true.

But returning to the current extreme violence. This is a perfect example of UHURU. The Blacks were saying that they are going to drive the foreign blacks from their midst. And folks, to me, it is proof once more of the validity of what I've been saying for years.

Here are blacks attacking blacks RIGHT ON THEIR DOORSTEP... there is no logistics involved (as would be the case if they attacked us). The fighting has been raging at night since late last week. Thousands were displaced... but so far... only 23 DEAD... That is after several days of fighting all around Johannesburg.

I really think, for those of you with a military mind, you should study this violence VERY CLOSELY. There is much to draw from this. It proves to me that my analysis is not that far fetched. My analysis is close. I really think this proves what I was saying all along that even if the Blacks all tried to kill us all and did their best, they wouldn't make much headway in a single night.

And wait until I give you an eye-witness account from a farmer in Zim who had Mugabe's militia on his farm LED BY AN ARMY COLONEL... which is the exact same sort of army we would face.

But watch this closely, and watch the nature of the fighting. These are unarmed foreign blacks being attacked who aren't even really organised to fight back. They're living in shacks, surrounded and outnumbered by Black South Africans and yes, thousands have run away - but look at how few are truly dead after several days of fighting and raids in probably a dozen different parts of Johannesburg. Its almost "Uhuru"... in every sense of the word. I saw film footage of groups of armed blacks roaming the place, some with machetes, etc hunting for other blacks.

I really don't think, given our numbers (and remember we still number 4 million), that we need to truly worry.

However, this Black-on-black fighting is a real twist in the tale folks. It really is. And with respect to Zimbabwe... it is something positive for me. But now that it is already on our doorstep in South Africa... WOW.

You see the Black on Black fighting takes away the focus from this Black Vs White thing. For me it is VERY POSITIVE... VERY... VERY. It starts taking the whole focus away from RACE... and now you get some Blacks who are really pissed off with other Blacks... and who now start seeing Whites IN A WHOLE DIFFERENT LIGHT.

There are a few other facts I know with regard to Zimbabwe that I wish I could tell you, but for the sakes of certain people, I will never breathe a word - not even here. But, I wish I could tell you what I suspected, and then heard confirmed first hand. Then you'll see a lot of this stuff in a totally wild and different light.

You see, the Blacks aren't really a cohesive group. After a time, their own issues start becoming a really big factor. And we've seen it all over Africa before the white man came - the Blacks were fighting and killing each other. After a time, when the Blacks are left to themselves, their own ability to create problems and their own stresses eventually become too much for them, and then they start having far more issues with each other than they ever had with us.

Look at us. We're the best citizens in "their country". We behave ourselves. We pay taxes, we go to work, we never strike. We don't run around killing them. Eventually, Blacks see this, and then they realise that OTHER BLACKS are a bigger THREAT TO THEM than Whites. It puts us in a really special position which we can use to our benefit if we are wise.

Folks, I tell you, GETTING INVOLVED IN BLACK AFRICAN POLITICS IS A MUST FOR US WHITES. Don't shun it. Don't run away from it. GET INVOLVED. Whites can make a difference and Whites can start making friends with Blacks.

Now you'll say: But all Blacks hate us. Well, before too long, you'll see a repeat of history from CENTURIES AGO. The Blacks will be hating each other more than they ever hated us. This is how it happened back then, and it is busy happening right before your very eyes. In the end, the Blacks start running to the Whites to help them defeat other Blacks. And the day that happens... we have come full circle and we can start living in, and taking part in life in Africa and influencing it for the better - for them as well as for us too.

I thought this would take DECADES... but now I'm seeing that this is happening so much faster than I ever imagined. Within a couple of years, plenty more Blacks will be talking to us, and trusting us and then you'll start seeing Blacks wanting to strike deals with us.

If the Blacks start engaging in politics with us... we're home free. Then we can really rock.

But we must just continue on as "The White Tribe", doing our "White tribal" thing and being a part of Africa. The Black game is coming unstuck big time. Its extremely positive actually - more than you can guess.

The Blacks will not want to run off to embrace us... not by a mile... but their game is going so wrong, that DESPERATION, which for them is pretty inevitable, will soon be getting to them. And remember, for them, desperation is a vicious circle. Once it starts, it just gets wilder and is soon out of control.

Look now at this violence in SA. Regardless of the cause, here we have "The Rainbow Nation" Blacks, who were going to be the leaders of all of Black Africa... and now they're MURDERING BLACKS WHO FLED FROM THE REST OF AFRICA. How do you think this makes Black South Africans look in the eyes of Blacks in the rest of Africa and in the eyes of Blacks in America? It makes them look BAD - horrifically bad. This couldn't be worse publicity for them. It totally sucks... All Blacks in the WORLD were on their side, now they're killing those who fled to their country. And have you see how barbarically some are dying? You're seeing a form of NECKLACING... which we've not seen in 20 years!!!

The Black game is coming unstuck. Whites must just keep cool, keep STEADY, keep FIRM... Before too long, we'll have our chances.

Now from a publicity point of view, Whites have played a serious role against Mugabe. Now he's become the Black Hitler of planet Earth... and Blacks will eventually have to recognise that WHITES HELPED BLACKS DURING THEIR WORST HELL. Whites are going to score seriously positive moral points for having helped Blacks.

The key is the perception as Whites as the ROOT OF ALL EVIL with respect to Blacks. Once that perception fades, and Blacks see that other Blacks are more vicious, cruel, etc... then we have real hope that there are Blacks inside Africa, and perhaps even among African Americans (if Pastor Manning continues), who will start seeing the GOOD in having Whites in Africa. You see, then the whole RACE ISSUE fades away... and they start measuring us, not by the colour of our skin but by what our presence means to them.

I'm telling you, its pricking some of their consciences already.

Our game is far from over. Far indeed from over. In fact, some of our best days must lie ahead.

But we must also exploit our strengths. Remember: The fact that we do NOT behave like the Blacks do... will eventually set us apart, and SOME BLACKS will see the unique advantages in dealing with us. We must never aspire to be like them or to model ourselves on them. We must be what we are. We must, ABOVE ALL, on pain of death even, remain HONEST AND DIRECT. I think this will give us such unbelievable advantages eventually. Why? Because most Black leaders are so dependent on lies - especially the ANC, ZANU, etc. So the fact that we are HONEST - could eventually become worth so much. On a continent where honesty is probably one of your rarest commodities, and where even the foreign Whites lie to the Blacks... our biggest advantage could be our direct, blunt, honesty. Already some Blacks see this in the Afrikaners. They know the Afrikaner is a sour, dour kind of fellow... but they also realise that he can be trusted. He is blunt and doesn't have any ulterior motives. And the Blacks will value that.

After decades of being told SWEET LIES that TURN INTO HELL... the Blacks will value those who are honest with them. In theory, if Whites/Afrikaners play their cards right, we could one day exert a moral influence that could be quite shocking really.

The easy lies, the sweet lies roll off other's lips so fast, but the Blacks will see more and more the complete meaningless and even EVIL NATURE of these lies. They will eventually realise that death, poverty and deep suffering comes from these lies. And as they realise this more and more, they'll want the truth, and then they'll remember the ONLY PEOPLE who were ever honest to them.

Its a long and winding road, but I believe in the end, if we play our cards right, we might even outmanoevre the Communists and the Western Liberals with regard to influence in Africa.

The Blacks are dying. Their suffering is terrible and dreadful. Make no mistake... they're hurting... but the kind of hurt waiting for them is a hurt beyond what you and I would ever wish to mete out to our worst enemies. That hurt will come to the Blacks - not from us Whites - but from their own leaders.

And then the Blacks will think again. I have talked enough to Blacks, and seen enough to realise that things are better for us than we realise. The ANC's game is really going wrong. Badly. Mugabe's game is even worse.

Mugabe is needing to use every trick he can muster and more, in order to frantically cling to power. For him, his only hope now lies in spilling blood. In spilling the blood of blacks left, right and centre. For him, his only hope lies in the worst hideous excesses that his evil mind can conjure up. He has to sup with the Devil himself every day in order to retain power and he must visit the most hideous evil on his own race and his own nation EVERY SINGLE DAY in order to manage to survive.

And this utter evil, beyond description is what is going to work on these Blacks. And the ANC's day is coming too.

The bottom line is, that I think, the spectre of *ALL BLACKS* to a man wanting to see us dead... is going to fade away... because too many other factors are coming into play - factors which the ANC cannot stop.

If God himself were looking after us, he couldn't have come up with a better plan. Perhaps, actually, God is helping us more than we know.

By: Jan Lamprecht

Let G_d arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. (Psalm 68:1)

Offline Ambiorix

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GReaaaat Article. Let's hope the intra-black civil war improves the situation of the Boers.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline JTFFan

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GReaaaat Article. Let's hope the intra-black civil war improves the situation of the Boers.

Yes  ;)

Offline Boeregeneraal

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In the end, the Blacks start running to the Whites to help them defeat other Blacks

Yes! Possible, look at Piet Retief, whom the zulus asked the Boers to retrieve their cattle from the swazi's whom stole their cattle. Piet Retief and the Boers were more than  happy to help them, and did, and soon the zulus had their cattle back from the swazis.

However, look at what happened to Piet Retief and how he was betrayed and killed. Once again,white man's generosity and compassion got the best of us. :'( >:(