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Ask JTF For September 10 Broadcast
--- Quote from: takebackourtemple on September 06, 2006, 08:59:00 PM ---I'll try to humor you this week.
An enemy of hashem(or the true Allah) posted something about the bad book:
--- Quote from: khaan on September 06, 2006, 02:37:23 PM ---Of course, it doesnt say that the virgins are used for sexual purposes. Anyone who gets into heaven, at least, probably wont use them that way. It says in the quran (soz, forgotten number) that they are for company and conversation and pure things
--- End quote ---
I know you don't eat at McDonald's, but perhaps this advertisement might change your mind. If you could show this to David, I would love to hear his response. Regards.
--- End quote ---
Shalom aleichem Rebbe Chaim,
I asked the question last week about the Satan for further clarification in my Tanach and Talmudic studies. You truly are a gentleman and a scholar.
An earlier poster asked a question about references to reputable books debunking that horrific myth about the "Palestinians". I myself need those resources to decisevely crush leftists, college professors, blacks, and anti-Semites in a debate when they try to perpetuate this lie in their effort to undermine Israel.
All of my questions are about you and it really isn't demanding. I'd appreciate if you could answer them.
1. Do you attend a shul in Manhattan?
2. Jimmy has once said on the old forum that you live like a pauper, how do you manage to do so? It must take tremendous sacrifice on your part.
3. How do you maintain such a youthful look? Diet? Genetics? A combination of both? You have radiant skin. I don't. Any particular skin care products you use?
These are frivolous questions and I apologize if you think they're a waste of time.
If you could make an exception to the rule I have another question below:
Would a live televised debate between some important figure (news media personality, black leader, Arab spokesman, etc.) about the current war, immigration, or any other relevant topic to the survival of America and Israel be a fruitless endeavor?
Thank you and G-d bless.
Shalom Chaim,
i just wanted to ask if there is a "secular" group within the Kahanist organisation in Israel. i mean Jews who dont keep formal mitsvas, but the mitsvas "bein adam le havero" (dont go to brit knesset but try to be righteous). i think it would be great addition to the movement, and a great help to our cause, as there are many Jews i personally know who dont practice many of the "bein adam le makom" mitsvas, but behave in a Jewish manner, and who support the Kahanists.
thanks for answering my questions,
Until Shiloh Comes:
Hello Chaim, and good day to you
What is your opinion on the arrest of Yarden Morag, Shlomi Dvir and Ofer Gamliel of Bat Ayin and the Israeli reaction? Thank you.
Hi Chaim,
Hope all is well. Great job answering everybody's questions each week. The Q&A is becoming one of my favorite JTF segments. Quick story. I was getting my haircut this week at the place I regularly frequent. Almost the entire staff is made up of Jews from the former Soviet Union, and I got to thinking about the debt of gratitude that they and the entire Jewish community owe you and other Kahanist Jews for making their immigration to Israel and the U.S. possible in the first place. The point here is that next time your cousins bug you about not becoming a lawyer, tell them you had to tend to something far more important. Again, thank you.
Own to my question. Quick follow up from last week, what types of fish are your favorite and how do you prepare them? I've taken your advice and have been eating nothing but fruits, vegetables and lean proteins, including quite a bit of broiled or baked fish, such as scrod and flounder.
My main question this week centers on Biblical Israel. As opposed to the moronic and cowardly liberal media that unbelievably often refers to the Jews as occupiers, I was wondering if you could clarify how much land the Muslim Nazi Terrorists have in fact stolen from the Jewish people. Tiny Israel is often referred to as being roughly the size of New Jersey. With Judea and Sumeria added, it is already significantly larger. However, I understand G-d intended the Jews to have lands that today would include parts of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. At it's full intended size, how big should Israel be today? G-d willing one day all Jewish lands will be restored. Thanks very much and all the bestl.
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