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Ask JTF For September 10 Broadcast
I like David's quotations from the quran/koran.
Why not do a quotations from mein kampf as well?
If this angers many, I'll stop.
Hitler says:
--- Quote ---...By their very exterior you could tell that these were no lovers of water, and, to your distress, you often knew it with your eyes closed...
--- End quote ---
--- Quote --- In a short time I was made more thoughtful than ever by my slowly rising insight into the type of activity carried on by the Jews in certain fields. Was there any form of filth or profligacy, particularly in cultural life, without at least one Jew involved in it?
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--- Quote ---What had to be reckoned heavily against the Jews in my eyes was when I became acquainted with their activity in the press, art, literature, and the theater.
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---Is this why the Jews are called the 'chosen people'?
--- End quote ---
Hey Chaim! How are you? I wanted to know what advice you can give for those of us who would like to get more actively involved with the Kahanist cause. This past week, I decided to send in a paid membership to the JDL. I never thought that a former liberal peacenick like myself would ever take a huge step like this! But as I said before, I think I'm beginning to see the light and realize what a farce and failure the peace process is. I know you are critical of the JDL today and many other Jewish activist groups. But I'm curious to know what you would suggest to those of us who would like to get involved in the good causes with the good organizations, especially those of us living in or near the New York metropolitan area. Does JTF have any type of membership with volunteer opportunities and activities? If JTF doesn't offer this, what organizations do you approve of and recommend for membership and activism? Thanks so much!
Shalom Chiam, kol tuv
Before I begin, I forgot to mention energy independence as one of my goals in the U.S senate. I completely agree with what you said about the older generation of Sicilians, I grew up with them. My father is an older guy (pushing 70) and he came here when he was 27 with most of his family. They grew up in post WWII Siciliy so they have a very different mentality than the newer generation of Italians in America. It really makes my blood boil when I see Italian kids my age dressed like monkeys, listening to jungle music and trying to act tough when it's not necessary just because they saw it in a Mafia movie. And it's not just the Italians, it's Irish, Greek and Jewish kids too! The guys are ignorant morons, and the girls are sluts. When I see people who come from such great cultures, and want to imitate these beasts, it's a disgrace. I can't take it anymore, that's part of the reason why I want to run for senate. It's also the stories I hear from my mother (American born, Czech background) about the "good old days". Why can't the good days be now? I want to see safe, clean neighborhoods, and homes that are affordable NOW... not in some mysterious time and place from the past.
Thanks for your advise on running for senate! If you can think of anymore advise let me know, I will probably need plenty !
Also thank you for your Hebrew blessings on my birthday!
Toda Raba,
Hi Chaim
Thanks for answering my question. Everyone is talking about how olmerts government will fall in a few months god willing. What is Baruch Marzel and his party doing to capitalize on this?
what do you think about Avigdor Lieberman? Many think his party (Yisrael Beiteinu) will have the first or second largest party when elections are held.
Thank you
We all know almost all Jews in Hollywood,the media and entertainment are self hating and a embarrassment to the great faith of Judaism.
But today and throughout history in the field of sports we have had proud Jews such as boxer Barney Ross and baseball players Hank Greenberg and Sandy Koufax.
Does Chaim consider that sports stars can be role modes?
May G-D bless JTF and all it's followers.
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