I personally take a rather dim view of such absurd propaganda.
First the Republicans claimed that marijuana smoking was a major supporter of International Terrorism.
The fact that marijuana is California's #1 cash crop for many years running now apparently eluded the "geniuses" who think that the American public is so gullible as to believe their lies.
Then, these same NY politicians jack up the price of ONE pack of cigarettes to $8.50...almost all of it TAXES to these jackals who never cease to spend more money than they can steal from us, the public.
Now that they've run out of "boogeymen" to maintain their "War OF Terror" against America, such scum begin making ever greater accusations:
"Cigarettes are the major funding source for INTERNATIONAL TERRORISTS!"
Of course, the Federal Government has just paid the Netherlands millions of dollars to conduct a scientific automobile driving test on license holders who smoke hashish and marijuana every day while driving.
Why?...you might be asking?
Because since hashish and marijuana are decriminalized and virtually legal in the Netherlands, the U.S.A. was extremely happy to let them get paid to do the work which should be done here in America!
Now....What was that you were saying about how cigarettes and marijuana were funding INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM

You'll have to excuse me now...I have to run over to the HOME DEPOT to stock up on all that plastic sheeting and duct tape TOMMY THOMPSON warned me to get in order to save myself from the imminent chemical/biological warfare attacks in 2003.