I can't say what I'll do when Moshiach comes because I'm sure that'll be a whole different world. I can only say what I'll do while we're still waiting for Moshiach...
To answer Yacov Ben Rachamim, I'm vegetarian for a few reasons. Health, cruelty to animals, and Gan Eden are among them. The human body has difficulty digesting meat, and I believe we were never created to eat meat. (I'm talking about pure meat. I could go on for many paragraphs about the risks of chemicals, growth hormones, mad cow disease, etc.) H' lets people go the way of their free choice, so when Jews had the craving for Slav birds that was permitted by H' (reluctantly). H' didn't tell Adam to go kill some of his animal buddies and enjoy them for dinner. (Okay, okay, so now you'll say vegetarians caused the downfall of humanity because he and Chava ate from the tree... I don't have an answer for that one!

) Yes I know you can tell me about Avraham and other instances where meat was glorified, and I can't tell you what I'll eat after Moshiach comes, I can only say what I believe is right for me in the times we live in.
jdl4ever: A woman who will respect me being a vegetarian but who isn't one herself will present many problems, including what to have for Shabbos. Assuming she even agrees to have no meat in the house at all, would that be fair to her? I'd much rather have better Shalom Bayit with a woman who is a vegetarian herself. Someone who is vegetarian is usually health conscious and open to vitamins etc., another big plus.
I'm not really expecting to find her here, but I have to do my part and try to find her... Hey, I stand a better chance here than many other places...
Shavua Tov / Chodesh Tov!!!!!!