Save Western Civilization > Save Europe

Basic JTF ideology for European countries

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--- Quote from: HerrmantheGerman on September 08, 2009, 10:00:15 AM ---Europeans must become aware, that muslims are practicising a demographical jihad
against native europeans

we must invent legal instruments which are constitutional to reduce the number of muslims in europe

some ideas of Rabbi Meir Kahane are useful to reach the goal
But I regard Kahanism as a whole, as a theologically based philosophy especially for jews

In Germany a political movement which would openly promote some ideas of Rabbi Meir Kahane
would soon be a target of the german secret service

What we need is an clandestine EuroKahanism ( a Kahanistic political philosophy, which is adapted
to gentile european needs and for germany ( Eurokahanism which is in accordance with the german constitution
the "grundgesetz")

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If you want to reduce the number of Muslims in europe, it is VERY easy. But the liberal politicians do not want to practice that. It is known that Muslims' part of social welfare receivers is highest under all people - including natives, while East Asians almost take nothing from the social welfare system.
So what to do? Those who want to marry have a good choice in Europe and do not need to import brides or husbands, right? Let's not forget that an UNBELIEVABLE NUMBER OF 84% OF MUSLIM IMMIGRATION IS RIGHT INTO SOCIAL WELFARE FROM THE THE VERY 1ST DAY!!!!! Cutting this would mean there was one pulling factor being eliminated. So unemployed immigrants could not import further unemployed family and producing further future unemployed. Muslim immigration alone costs the UNBELIEVABLE SUM OF 120 BILLION Euros every single year. Tax money that is lost!
Health care: Did you know that Germany has treaties with Turkey, Lebanon, Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco about health care for relatives in those countries? No? Yes it is true. Even an unemployed social welfare receiver from Tunisia can take his 1st lineage of family members into a "family health care" even if they do not live in Germany. For doctors in those countries it is always a good business to make inflated bills and share the money 50:50 with the patient. Now imagine if you as a German citizen get ill in Egypt or Turkey and have no travel health insurance... Either you pay the bill or you die! Cutting this health care would reduce somewhat more the image of the super rich country that even feeds others thus may no longer be as attractive for muzzies from those countries.
Immigrants who lose their job and do not find a new one within 3 months should be expelled. This would hit almost exclusively Muslims. They can also chose to leave the country immediately and get the unemployment money for 3 months in advance cash so they can use it to have a base in their home country. A good push factor for some of them.
No more social welfare for for youth who leave school without diploma. Immigrants leaving school early and without diploma and havin no job get expelled. If their parents are unemployed they are expelled too.
Immigration gets restricted to high qualifications - mainly from East Asia or India instead of Muslim countries. Some intellectual Muslims with good skills and no exaggerated religiousness might get granted entry also.
No social welfare moms. Women who bear children in order to have social welfare as an income lose their right on help. This would cut harshly the fertility rate of Muslim women!
No citizenship for immigrants who do not have a proper income and schooling. No immigration of people >35 years (with some exceptions for spacial skills).
Now imagine the billions saved and taxes cut. We would have enough money to help the ill people who need halp and there would be enough money for the tax payers to invest for their retirement. And best of all: The number of Muslims would be cut from today's 4 million to only about 1 million.


--- Quote from: Zelhar on July 02, 2008, 05:16:53 PM ---
It is usually quite easy to differ between a Muslim Arab to a non Muslim, more so since the Assyrians, the Copts and other non muslims are not even Arab and they speak a different language than Arabic. The Christian Arabs are generally not good people, for example in Israel they fully support the Muslims even though the Muslims hate them too. The Christian Arab Priests and Patriarch and Bishop who support the Nazi PLO and never miss a chance of condemning Israel. Even the Greek priests are anti-Israeli, they have to be since their flock is Arab and very much anti-Jewish.

P.S no such thing as "Jewish Arab" :P

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Hehe you are right about that bolded part 100%, they act like Arabs too. If you remember there were some greeks on that Turkish ship which is quite surprising since they normally hate each others guts.

Btw the picture in your signature is absolute truth, that's how they fight their wars so later they can complain to the liberal Euro pussies how the army kills poor civilians, and they always intentionally jeopardize their own women and children. We fought them here in Macedonia and that is how they always behave.

I registered on this forum just to say thanks to Israel for protecting Europe which is blind to the enormous treat and to the fact that Israel is protecting it. I admire your unity and hard work to protect what is rightfully yours. Keep up the good work.

Thanks Petar!
I wish there would be more like you, with the vision and courage to speak up and not 'sit ideally by your brother blood'!

Thank you PetarMKD !


--- Quote from: D2I on June 23, 2009, 05:40:22 PM ---
--- Quote from: FreedomFighter08 on February 17, 2009, 04:08:07 PM ---Europe needs saving. It's now overrun by Affirmative Action Muslims, Socialists, and Nazis.

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The nazis are minor nunance now, i would worry more about the communist/leftwingers  who are equally anti-Semitic to the neonazis and they are way larger in numbers and better organized then the neonazis will ever dream of becoming.

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--- Quote ---Anti-German (German: Antideutsch) is the generic name applied to a variety of theoretical and political tendencies within the radical, communist left mainly in Germany and Austria. The Anti-Germans emerged as a distinct political tendency as a response to the rise in racist attacks and nationalism in the wake of the German reunification. "German" should be understood in the sense of criticism of ideology.

The term does not generally refer to any one specific radical left tendency, but rather a wide variety of distinct currents, ranging from the so-called "hardcore" Anti-Germans such as the quarterly journal Bahamas to "softcore" Anti-Germans such as the circle around the radical left journal Phase 2, originally conceived as a federal discussion bulletin for the Antifa movement in the wake of the dissolution of the Antifaschistische Aktion/Bundesweite Organisation(Antifascist Action/nationwide Organisation). Some Anti-German ideas have also exerted an influence on the broader radical leftist milieu, such as the monthly magazine konkret and the weekly newspaper Jungle World.

Furthermore, the most common practical and theoretical position commonly associated with the anti-Germans, that of solidarity with the state of Israel, is not a position exclusive to the Anti-Germans. The groups Krisis and Exit around the publicist Robert Kurz,[1] as well as many Antifa groups in Germany also hold Israel-sympathetic opinions, while rejecting any identification with the Anti-German current.

The basic opinions of the Anti-Germans include support for the state of Israel and - although this is only true for some - American foreign policy such as the 2003 invasion of Iraq, a critique of mainstream left anti-capitalist views, which are thought to be simplistic and structurally anti-Semitic,[2] and a critique of anti-Semitism, which is considered to be deeply rooted in German cultural history. The Critical Theory of Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer is often cited by Anti-German theorists along with the original Marxist.[3] In 2006 Deutsche Welle estimated the number of Anti-Germans at between 500 and 3,000.[4]

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