Author Topic: I'm concerned about Obama's rise in the latest polls.  (Read 5410 times)

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Offline briann

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Re: I'm concerned about Obama's rise in the latest polls.
« Reply #25 on: June 22, 2008, 11:01:32 AM »
I really think that the GOP wants to wait until after the convention until releasing an anti-obama smear campaign. 

Smear campaigns, which both parties will be involved in, will be much more effective against Obama since he is an unkown... and everythign about Mccaine is out in the open already.

The smear campaigns have to be relentless.  And they have to remind people over and over that this guy HATES America... to be effective.

First of all, Obama is anti-American, anti-white, anti-Semitic and anti-Israel. So exposing these facts is not a smear campaign.

Second, Briann, I don't trust McCain and the Republicans to do the right thing because they are so terrified of being labeled "racists" or whatever by the Bolshevik news media. I think they will run a very wimpy campaign against Obama. But other outside groups, like JTF, can run an aggressive campaign and that should be started right away.

Yes.. thats true that the GOP are mostly cowards and Mccaine is the worst.   But others in the GOP may 'leak' out information that we can feed on and propogate.  And honestly... that may be the most powerful thing that can be done by them.  Maybe I'm just being to optimistic.. but I think that something will come out that will be horribly damaging to Obama after the convention, and many in the GOP already are aware of this. But of course that doesnt mean that we shouldn't do what we can now to campaign against him. 


Offline Secularbeliever

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Re: I'm concerned about Obama's rise in the latest polls.
« Reply #26 on: June 22, 2008, 03:13:47 PM »
I have to respectfully disagree with Chaim on this.  I am not saying that Obama is good or not dangerous.  I disagree with him saying this is our biggest priority.  It seems to me that the most pressing need for the Jewish people is to get rid of the corrupt, anti-Jewish, suicidal leadership of Israel.  Right now Olmert is giving away Jerusalem, the Golan and most of Judea and Samaria.  A "friend" of Israel in the White House (which we supposedly have now) will not make up for an awful government in Israel.

Israel needs to be it's own friend.  It needs to have leaders who believe in the Jewish people, who believe that Israel is a sovereign nation, who do not apologize for Israel's survival and successful self defense and are willing to assert those beliefs.  Frankly, JTF is probably not going to be a major player in the American Presidential election.  The Republican Jewish Coalition will probably do a bigger and more effective job of publicizing the faults of Obama than JTF.

We need Israel to get rid of it's currrent Bolshevik leadership, we need the nationalists (even if they are not perfect) such as Feiglin and Eldad to draw enough support so that if Nethanyahu becomes PM he cannot make a move without them.  We need the Hilltop Youth to stand firm in the hilltops against the government, the Arabs and the media.  These are areas where JTF could have significant influence.

A good American President cannot make up for a bad Israeli government.  A good Israeli government can make up for a bad American President.  I would much rather have a combination of Eldad and Feiglin facing up to Obama than a group like Olmert, Livni and Barak making suicidal concessions to keep McCain smiling at us.

Shalom and hope you see my disagreement as positive.
We all need to pray for Barack Obama, may the Lord provide him a safe move back to Chicago in January 2,013.

Offline briann

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Re: I'm concerned about Obama's rise in the latest polls.
« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2008, 01:27:44 AM »
I have to respectfully disagree with Chaim on this.  I am not saying that Obama is good or not dangerous.  I disagree with him saying this is our biggest priority.  It seems to me that the most pressing need for the Jewish people is to get rid of the corrupt, anti-Jewish, suicidal leadership of Israel.  Right now Olmert is giving away Jerusalem, the Golan and most of Judea and Samaria.  A "friend" of Israel in the White House (which we supposedly have now) will not make up for an awful government in Israel.

Israel needs to be it's own friend.  It needs to have leaders who believe in the Jewish people, who believe that Israel is a sovereign nation, who do not apologize for Israel's survival and successful self defense and are willing to assert those beliefs.  Frankly, JTF is probably not going to be a major player in the American Presidential election.  The Republican Jewish Coalition will probably do a bigger and more effective job of publicizing the faults of Obama than JTF.

We need Israel to get rid of it's currrent Bolshevik leadership, we need the nationalists (even if they are not perfect) such as Feiglin and Eldad to draw enough support so that if Nethanyahu becomes PM he cannot make a move without them.  We need the Hilltop Youth to stand firm in the hilltops against the government, the Arabs and the media.  These are areas where JTF could have significant influence.

A good American President cannot make up for a bad Israeli government.  A good Israeli government can make up for a bad American President.  I would much rather have a combination of Eldad and Feiglin facing up to Obama than a group like Olmert, Livni and Barak making suicidal concessions to keep McCain smiling at us.

Shalom and hope you see my disagreement as positive.

I think Chaim is right on this.   In the back in his and everyone else's mind is a mushroom cloud in the heart of Israel (and in America)  There is no question that Israel's government could/should be instrumental in stopping this... but the U.S. is potentially the biggest deal breaker here.  Ahmanidinijad and Muslims everywhere are more keenly looking to this coming election than any previous.  Their unflinching support for Obama has its justification.   Mccaine is a wimpy carpetbagger, but he would never allow Iran to get to the stage of a nuclear power.  He has said multiple times he would attack Iran before this happens.  Obama has said over and over again that he beleives in dialog with the Iranian Hitler.

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: I'm concerned about Obama's rise in the latest polls.
« Reply #28 on: June 23, 2008, 01:48:43 AM »
We have to remember the implications of an Obama presidency.  A Muslim getting CIA briefings, in charge of the nuclear arsenal, being able to veto any bill that doesn't have a 2/3 majority, appointing Supreme Court judges.  He will be in charge of budgets and will be the leader of the free world.  If he pulls out of Iraq, where will all the refugees go?  Do you think he will hesitate to let them in by the hundreds of thousands?  What about all other immigration? 

Obama believes first and foremost in diversity as you can see from how the people behind him during his speeches.  He will break the European white majority during his presidency.  When he talks about "special interests" and "those who would choose to divide us", he's talking about wealthy and upper middle class Jews and whites who he has nothing but contempt for.  He likes the people who contribute to his campaign but he will do his best to destroy any company, market, political or ethnic group, or any interest that he sees as his oppenent. 

No one should sit back and complain if he's elected president if they never worked against him, even in the smallest way. 

If we have masive terrorist attacks you know the most he will do is give a motivational speech, fire a couple rockets and the media will say he acted amazing. 

If he's elected president and we are attacked by terrorists in this country, we need to place direct blame on his supporters.  They will be guilty of negligent homicide.

Offline Minuteman

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Re: I'm concerned about Obama's rise in the latest polls.
« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2008, 01:34:40 PM »
The Michael Moore approach.  You know as much as I despise Michael Moore, you have to admit that he made a lot of waves nationally with just a video camera.  All he really did was voice his opinions, go to different locations and ask people a series of questions.  To use a video camera and do this is relatively cheap compared to the cost of actually making shows and movies, or buying airtime on national T.V.  If a JTF member were to do what MM did, a 2 hour documentary called something like JEWS AGAINST OBAMA, it might catch on.  It would involve going to different offices and locations, asking various people different questions, and of course a commentator in the background voicing the facts and information you would find on JTF.  The only major problem with this is finding someone to publish the video.  I know most of hollywood is very leftist and would not publish a video like this.  Maybe it can be published in the independent filmmakers area.  If someone agrees to publish it and mass produce it, it may very well peak interest in people who hear about the video and want a copy to "check it out".    As liberal as someone may be, if this video is going to make them money, they may put aside their political agenda in hopes of making a lot of money.

Offline Eliza

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Re: I'm concerned about Obama's rise in the latest polls.
« Reply #30 on: June 24, 2008, 08:37:11 PM »
I am a bit skeptical about the polls.  It's interesting to me that Newsweek gave Obama 15 points over McCain at the same time that other polls showed a 4 point lead for BO.

There is a lot in play right now.  One good example is that many women believe Clinton was robbed and a good percentage of them say they are either going to vote for McCain or stay home.  Another example is the fact that many Americans do not tell the truth when polled; in this case that translates into voters saying they will vote for Obama because they don't want to be labelled as racist. 

However, I am horrified that BO actually has a chance and that is what brought me to this forum in the first place!  Good grief, we already have that fool Keith Ellison ... our first Muslim congressman ... and that is enough to get me as politically active as I was a few years ago!
Repeated at Obama Rallies: "Yes We Can. Believe. Hope. Change. Yes We Can. Believe. Hope. Change. Yes We Can. Believe. Hope. Change. Yes We Can. Believe. Hope. Change. Yes We Can. Believe. Hope. Change..."

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Offline Christian

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Re: I'm concerned about Obama's rise in the latest polls.
« Reply #31 on: June 25, 2008, 12:36:15 AM »
I would not worry about it.  There is a lot of way to go.  There are still the conventions, VP selections, ad wars and what people like us in the trenches can do - but we still have to rally the troops.


The latest national polls show Barack Hussein Obama leading John McCain by about 4% on average:

The latest polls in key states also show Obama building a lead over McCain.

Obama will have the enthusiastic support of the Bolshevik news media, and Obama will likely have two or three times as much money as McCain.

I don't think it's hopeless, but I am getting concerned.

McCain, the Republicans and the "conservatives" are not running an effective campaign against Obama.

JTF is going to have to make this our emergency issue until November. Obama's election would be a horrific nightmare.

Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: I'm concerned about Obama's rise in the latest polls.
« Reply #32 on: June 29, 2008, 06:47:36 PM »
   I am registering to vote now. I didn't want McCain to win, but now I have no choice. It took another Jew telling me that she didn't care about him being an anti-semite for me to see the severity of this situation.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?