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Steven Speilberg

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I like the article you guys did about him. I never knew he thinks he is black, that is disgusting. "Steven Spielberg complained that he was "shaken to the core" when he saw JTF's Manhattan broadcasts" hahahahah I wonder what he was thinking.

"The "prestige" of Steven Spielberg, who said he considers himself to be black and has adopted two black children."

That is what the article says. I would not know why. I've heard blacks say that the jews of the bible were black and they used some passage that said your face shall not turn pale or something to that extent as evidence. I am glad jtf is anti speilberg. I don't like his political views and most of his movies are childish to me. I liked schindlers list though. What did you guys think about Schindler's List?

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
I also believe he's gay, or at least bisexual.

wow, he is messed up  :-\


--- Quote from: azrom on January 20, 2007, 11:24:20 PM ---I like the article you guys did about him. I never knew he thinks he is black, that is disgusting. "Steven Spielberg complained that he was "shaken to the core" when he saw JTF's Manhattan broadcasts" hahahahah I wonder what he was thinking.

--- End quote ---
Spielberg is really an ignorant animal. Spielberg thinks he is black he might as well be  how he acts. How sad he was "shaken to the core" when he saw JTF's Manhattan broadcasts".  Why because he saw the truth in JTFs message and it contradicted his warped way of thinking. People should be shaken to the core with some of the garbage he puts out and avoid paying to see it.


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