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presidential candidates (and Bush's true colors)


what a great selection we have here.

Barrack or Hillary?

Can't we find any good presidential choices?
Is this the best of the best politicians we can find?

Last time we had Bush or Kerry now it's Barrack or Hillary?

Obama doesn't seem like a bad guy and I actually liked the honesty from his book but there is no [censored] way I would ever vote for a candidate that looks muslim and attended a muslim school (even if he was only 5 at the time).  I think he is a muslim.  He has a muslim look. If he is elected I will probably leave the U.S.

I used to support Bush, but he has shown his true colors.  He's in it for the oil.  He is too deep in the oil game to ever be an impartial ruler where the middle-east is concerned.

I thought he was really dedicated to Israel with zeal (shame on me for believing a politician) but it seems his dedication only goes as far as oil is concerned.

What is Hillary's deal? what are her politics towards Israel?  Do we have any examples (other than what I read on this site somewhere that Bill Clinton worked to split up Israel)

Is this our only choices?

Maybee Rudy Guliani will run for the Republican ticket. 

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Please run, run, run as far and as fast as you can from the First Dyke and Barack Osama.  :o

All the candidates on the GOP ticket so far are evil... Sam Bareback (big-time illegal sympathizer), Rudy Drooliani (baby-butcher and homo advocate), Ron Paul (anti-Semite/white supremacist)...

EXCEPT for Tom Tancredo!  ;D

100% conservative, 100% Republican, 100% a friend of the Chosen... there any other choice?

I think I will probably leave the us to if the obama muslim wins


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