I perhaps have never been as furious with the nation of Israel--both its government/military and its citizenry as I am today. By an overwhelming majority (22-3), Olmert (ys"vz)'s cabinet voted to release at least five Hezbollah Nazi soldiers, including the uniquely sadistic and demonic butcher Samir Kuntar, who bludgeoned a five-year-old girl to death in front of her father and then poked out his eyes so that would be the last thing he saw (before killing him too), and the missing soldiers' families, virtually all high rabbis of Israel, and the majority of the Israeli public
completely support this abomination.

It was bad enough that Olmert started a disastrous war with Hezbollah--with more IDF soldiers killed than Hezbollah terrorists--by sending eighteen-year-old conscripts and 45-year old reservists into battle against hardened fighters in their '30s who had been trained in modern warfare by their Iranian and Russian masters since childhood. It was bad enough that Olmert continues to hand over Jewish hilltops and communities over to Israeli Arab Nazi murderers. This is simply too evil for words. I will pray right now that this pig of a bowel movement of a cockroach of an Israeli prime minister receive the most torturous penalty imaginable for this abomination:
"L-rd Jesus, I ask that you will visit down the greatest imaginable wrath on this fiendish traitor of Your people, who has not only inflicted untold misery on your nation, but is hereby committing himself to the most wicked miscarriage of right and wrong that the world has ever foreseen. I ask that it would be your will to strike him with a cruel and unremitting terminal illness--one that will not only torment the remaining days he has on this earth, but that will result in great humiliation. Whatever you choose it to be, L-rd--genital gangrene, pancreatic cancer, a vile autoimmune disorder--I will be satisfied. And finally, not that you were not planning on doing this already, but I ask that you will reserve for him an especially brutal seat in Gehenom, barring his complete repentance--which I do not foresee. In your holy Name, Amen."Words cannot express this Gentile's rage right now. I am positively livid, to the point where I am questioning what the use is of continuing to support or care about the nation of Israel or the Jewish people at all anymore. The Bible and general divine observation tell me to; common sense tells me I am working myself up and making myself feel like hell for nothing. The level of self-hatred of the average Israeli crossed the line from nutty into pathological a long time ago; this level of self-hatred is utterly depraved and wicked.
I do not care what the caveats are in the families of the soldiers' (all brutally executed by Hezbollah after their capture [which the United Nazis has ruled to be completely lawful and the product of due process]) minds, or the rabbis who have ruled that this is "halachically necessary", or the everyday Israelis who are going along with this; nothing even remotely excuses it. It may be true that nobody is enthusiastic about this--the average Israeli is "deeply troubled" by this, but thinks there is no other choice--but that does not grant any brownie points with Adonai. The sick, degenerate bastards who feel like that would probably hand over their own mothers to Auschwitz if the Nazis told them that if they did that they would slow down the Shoah.
As to the rabbis who support this--I am a Gentile and have no idea what halacha regarding dead Jewish bodies held by Amalekites, but I will make the charge that this is yet another case of beastly hypocrisy coming from Israel's holy men. These same rabbis--who allegedly cannot violate a single letter of Torah/Talmud--had no problems with supporting various Israeli handovers of sacred land over to Amalek.
Now, all of a sudden, they decide that they cannot violate Torah rules about Jewish burial? Again, speaking as a Christian who does not understand what Jewish law really states, I pretty much think that G-d would value justice for the families of terror victims over some technicalities regarding fragments of corpses. (Not that 30 years of the good life in a country-club holding facility ever constituted "justice" for the devil Kuntar.)
These self-hating frauds, losers, and leeches even oppose the most basic equitable treatment here--i.e. shipping over the bodies of Hezbollah mass murderers with pig parts. In fact, damn few Israelis want to do anything to disrespect The Prophet and the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (Satan) who sent him.
In my rage, I am going to close with this: any Israeli who supports this fiendish travesty, whether out of real agreement, desperation, desire to see Jewish burials, fear of Hezbollah, etc. deserves to burn in Gehenom forever. At a bare minimum--I would love to see the L-rd resurrect Eichmann (ys"vz) himself so that he can personally lead all 22 Cabinet members who supported this (along with Buttholmert), and their disgusting families and friends, right to the ovens. At maximum--I think the Israeli nation deserves any punishment it receives from the Almighty for being a party to this hideous perversion of justice--and trust me, it will be a horrific one.